Michelle - Videos,Caps & Discussion

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12.10.2008, 22:09

Re: Michelle - Videos, Caps & Discussion

Try this: [hidden link - please register]

Btw excellent post and video, Michelle was one of the most amazing DF models I've ever seen.

12.10.2008, 21:57

Re: Michelle - Videos, Caps & Discussion

the link doesn't work. can you re-up this video?

12.10.2008, 12:54

Re: Michelle - Videos, Caps & Discussion

she is so beautyfull Michelle.. but i thought she left italy and went to Romania.. is she back ? or is another old recorded transmission of the past ??

12.10.2008, 12:54

Re: Michelle - Videos, Caps & Discussion

she is so beautyfull Michelle.. but i thought she left italy and went to Romania.. is she back ? or is another old recorded transmission of the past ??

12.10.2008, 05:30

Michelle - Videos, Caps & Discussion

She is HOT!!!!!!

[hidden link - please register]

05.11.2007, 23:41

Re: Michelle - Videos,Caps & Discussion

Actually, 90% of the DF girls are from eastern Europe, mainly Romania.

04.11.2007, 16:38

Re: Michelle - Videos,Caps & Discussion

Yes, I know that some things should be kept secret :). What I meant is I would like to know how many full-time movies she's been in (if any) and how many shows has had on DivaFutura so far. Will we see her again? Has  there been any new show with her in 2007? The clips in the multimedia all date back to 2005.

It good to know she's Romanian though, I guess most of the girls on the Italian channels are not italian. I think I once heard Shakira say "No sono italiana" which I think is Italian for "I'm not Italian" :] But I hardly speak the language so I may be wrong.

Thanks for the info!

04.11.2007, 15:46

Re: Michelle - Videos,Caps & Discussion

A lot of people would like to know more about her, but should be a sort secret agent who do this job as a cover... :)

The only things I know is she's from Romania and lives in Rome (and she speaks perfect Italian with a Roman, not Romanian, accent :)

04.11.2007, 12:23

Re: Michelle - Videos,Caps & Discussion

Cheers! I've downloaded all of them.

There's also a Michelle from the FullX4Free channel, but she doesn't even come close to the divafutura Michelle, in case someone is wondering. I remember a few shows broadcast later than the ones in the multimedia, but I was careless enough not to record them.

04.11.2007, 11:59

Re: Michelle - Videos,Caps & Discussion

Hi SatUser, right, she's a stunner. I have 3 Michelle vids available in the multimedia, but unfortunately that's al I got:

[hidden link - please register]

04.11.2007, 04:34

Re: Michelle - Videos,Caps & Discussion

I don't have any access to DivaFutura, so anything of her would be greatly appreciated. If you could find one of the newer shows. I mean the ones that have the big red space at the top and bottom of the screen. I think all of them do now, but I have no way of telling :].

Cheers, mate!

04.11.2007, 03:14

Re: Michelle - Videos,Caps & Discussion

She is a lovely girl. There  is no full name of her and nothing to be found online. I have some vids on Divafutura from her. What exactly you are searching for? I maybe could upload.
