Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

3.81 (21 rating(s))

(3.81 / 5, 21 ratings)

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29.09.2009, 21:13

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

Nobody want her. So, she stays at ETV ...

29.09.2009, 17:15

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

dear friends be happy ....Franke is just returned. He (sorry she) is on screen now

28.09.2009, 16:08

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

It would be a very good news!
Unfortunately the worst girls never leave this channel, so...

28.09.2009, 16:05

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

Good news ! I wouldn't mind having her sister back on the show but now days I don't think this will make any difference

28.09.2009, 15:59

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

one more time, jennifer disappear ... bad or good news?

03.09.2009, 12:04

Re: jennifer

I agree with you, let's say that I think we'll never have a total strip from her (given the recent censorship rules)

I wonder if she ever got naked in the early eurotic days...

anyway, I still love here small body... well... not everywhere :-p

03.09.2009, 11:59

Re: jennifer

I am still waiting for the private message to send to you (if you like to know it)

I remember her the first times she went to the studio: so shy and embarassed at some callers requests.. now she learned to do something.. but still she is not a proffessional sex model like sabrina and the others..

and also after all those years she again restless to go to the limits, she didn't yet learned to let her self go and do some total strips (well this is our wish, probably she don't know that heheh=).

and about the girls of eurotics in general:

i don't understand this politic of Eurotic Tv to catch girls without any kind of know-how about television and shows.. it' s pity.

03.09.2009, 10:47

Re: jennifer

piggy... any hint about your thoughts about Jennifer? :-)

01.09.2009, 19:52

Re: jennifer

thanks ghost... i wrote some words on that 3ad ^_^

01.09.2009, 19:38

Re: jennifer

there should be a thing about jennifer that i would like to discuss.. but i would prefeer to do it in a private way...

and so (with surpise) i begun wondering why in this forum there is not a Private messages system.


01.09.2009, 18:34

Re: jennifer

I just watched the - only - Priscilla video... oh my gosh... great sister indeed!!!

I wonder if they ever performed both naked... heheeheh

01.09.2009, 14:13

Re: jennifer


Yes, for the "old watchers of ETV, the sister (blond at the begening and after braun) was Priscilla.

Anyone don't remember her ?

01.09.2009, 09:38

Re: jennifer

wow... I didn't know about "old shows"... damn...

she had a blonde sister!??

31.08.2009, 22:00

Re: jennifer


For the "old" wievers ot eurotic tv, remember that Jennifer was not shy at all, she was, if I thing well , totally naked in the the shows one or two years ago after the departure of her blond sister (I don't remember her name).

She looks now shy, but isn't.

31.08.2009, 18:52

Re: jennifer

Hey guys,

I dont want to say something wrong, but I'd heard a dialogue with her - shes not really a woman, or?!?!?!?
