FORMULA 1 " TOP 3 VOTING " Season 2011 (Voting Only No Chat)

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26.03.2011, 09:56

Re: FORMULA 1 " TOP 3 VOTING " Season 2011 (Voting Only No Chat)

Now the circus begins again Cool

3. Hamilton

2. Button

1. Vettel

Safety Cars. 2

Fastest Lap. Vettel

Pitstops for Schumacher. 3

26.03.2011, 09:34

Re: FORMULA 1 " TOP 3 VOTING " Season 2011 (Voting Only No Chat)

Here is my " top 3 " and the addings for the first race

3: Webber
2: Vettel
1: Hamilton

safety car : no
fastest lap : Vettel
Pitstop Schumacher: 3 stops

26.03.2011, 08:58

Re: FORMULA 1 " TOP 3 VOTING " Season 2011 (Voting Only No Chat)

Here is my " top 3 " and the addings for the first race ( and you can see this also as a example for how you have to do it Cool Thumb up )

3: Button
2: Hamilton
1: Vettel

safety car : <2
fastest lap : Vettel
Pitstop Schumacher : 2 stops

Kind Regards

don't forget that you can write your names [b]until sunday morning 07.00u !!![/b]

For the people who don't know the drivers for this year there is a list to help you out Team + driver + the number that the driver has on his F1 car on the " Ferrari ???? " topic written at 24.03 to help you out ! Cool

24.03.2011, 22:58

Re: FORMULA 1 " TOP 3 VOTING " Season 2011 (Voting Only No Chat)

This is the very last time that i change something of the game so this will be the final adding ..and it will stay this way read it again to be sure ....Cool !

But now ....... i add this season something new in it ..namely ..the safety car ... i will ask of you if the safety car comes on the track for this you will have 3 options to answer to say < 2 times ( means less than 2 times = 1 or 2 ) ..or you say >2 (means more than 2 times = 3-4-5 etc ) ....if you say the safety car comes out <2 timesthan you will get 2 points [/b],if you say >2 than you get 4 points , if you say no will get 1 point ,so whatever you chooze you will score points with this exept when you write <2 and the result is no than for it's no points given because the saftey car did not come out and the meaning of the <2 was that the car should come atleashed out 1 time !!!

The meaning of this game for this season is to have the opertunity to score points even when you don't have the " top 3 " right you don't have to be a expert to enter this game ...everyone is invited Cool Thumb up
Maybe it sounds difficult when you see/read this but after 1 or 2 races you will see that it will be easy ( hmmm ...maybe for me it will be a bit more nervwrecking after the race to give the points ..and it will take some longer time ) but i'm sure if we give it a change you will like it (... i hope Confused )

Kind Regards

Ps: Remember that this topic is only for the game and not for giving comments or chatting !!!!!!!!!!! So please keep that in mind ..for giving comments use the topic " Ferrari ??? " [b]

[/b]This post will be removed after this weekends first race !!!!!!!

So you can give your names from now on until sunday morning 07.00u because the race starts at 08.00u !!!!!!!!!

So this means = " top 3 " + saftey car + fasted lap driver ( i only want the name of the driver ..not the team Cool )...and finaly for the pitstop i have chozen for this first race ....Michael Schumacher ..... so i want to know from you how many times will Schumi make a pitstop !..... A simple advice from me is ...wait until the qualification is done on saturday before you enter the names !!!!

22.03.2011, 22:48

Re: FORMULA 1 " TOP 3 VOTING " Season 2011 (Voting Only No Chat)

Only a few Days and finaly the Saison 2011 starts.GENTLEMAN START YOUR ENGINE!Cool

22.03.2011, 13:29

Re: FORMULA 1 " TOP 3 VOTING " Season 2011 (Voting Only No Chat)

Australian GP


safety car::<2
fastest lap::KOB