Goodbye E+

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31.10.2007, 16:49

Goodbye E+

from 03.00 on ETV Astra, E + the final show, 25 minutes with Shamus at the controls.
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
mp4 320*240 H264 25:21 mins 95 MB

the end of the new service
the end of E+ as I know it
the end of the transponder lease ???

31.10.2007, 23:08

Re: Goodbye E+

Understanding german didn't help.

She seemed to be uncertain what was really ending, the lifeshow on e+ or e+ itself.   

31.10.2007, 21:55

Re: Goodbye E+

Wonder what it really you write elmo, end of what, the channel (my german isn´t that good)?...anyway, that clip was the best I´ve seen of ETV+ in a looong time...ironic, isn´t it!?

Anyway, ETV+ has had it´s share of bad concepts....counting the last one of course! ETV+ used to be slightly interesting when they were showing the miniclips of sellected models...because back then there were actually INTERESTING models still working on ETV with lots of charisma and personality! That´s why these clips could often be interesting. Almost each model was a concept/protoche, now they come and go so fast you can´t even keep up!

The 'information shows'  they have had on ETV+ with actual models have never worked, the viewers have always been confused....and the models often had to spend half their time trying to explain that it was not a stripshow. These shows do not make much sense really!

31.10.2007, 21:14

Re: Goodbye E+

I'm not sorry. Most of it's lifetime this channel was just crap.

@paradise: what do you expect?? There are only very few models left that can carry a show on their own. And with this overkill of people telling them what to do, they can't improove their skills (if there are any) or develope this skill. 

Lets look back: once the models could read the SMS and if the liked one they reacted to it. Otherwise they made their own show.

Now we have VIP-SMS to tell them what to do, a moderator telling them to do something different, a vision-mixer who constantly shows the unoccupied models while he is desperately trying to figure out what all this buttons are for and a director who gets angry if they do anything at all.

Do you think they dare doing anything, even if they are left alone on e2???

31.10.2007, 20:53

Re: Goodbye E+

As i already said, Etv managers repeat the same last year with the beginning of Etv+.

New boring services for viewers and for models. Etv must try to be a viewer one time and try to understand 

what  is good for the show and your business.

For instance, the new studio of ETV2 was interssing one week with good games of camera but it hasn't lasted. Why?

This afternoon it's a pity to see Fanny and Sessil make nothing during the most part of the show. 

No erotic show   = less calls or no calls,  just logical.  

31.10.2007, 20:36

Re: Goodbye E+

Unfortunately ETV2 is in the last month copycut of E+ or sorry the other way around but you understand what I mean... I hope ETV2 will one day retun and offer as shows as it once used to be because today its like a graveyard

31.10.2007, 18:17

Re: Goodbye E+

Try using your left foot whilst holding your right ear with left hand

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