Want R18 on UK TV ?

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16.08.2010, 02:39

Want R18 on UK TV ?

If any UK based members think UK TV should be able to show R18 (hardcore) material on UK TV it wouldn't hurt to register a vote at the Government's Freedom consultation website. Registration is easy and anonymous - there isn't even email verification - and takes just 10 seconds.

If enough people vote for this to Government will take notice.

If not many vote they'll decide it's safe to leave the rules as they are and keep the censorship brigade happy.

One good proposal can be found at [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] ~ it's fairly uncontroversail, suggesting R18 strength live shows should be allowed on encrypted (pay or subscription) channels.

So far the proposal has 66 votes - not enough to excite an MP.

The site is searchable by keyword - Ofcom, R18 and Censorship turn up some interesting results.

Thanks for putting up with this plug - it's in your interests.

17.02.2011, 18:44

Re: Want R18 on UK TV ?

morph01 wrote:It's never going to happen! If anything, the broadcasts have got tamer. The last government was led by a religious nutter that took us into 3 wars and took away half of the civil rights and freedoms we fought two world wars to get. The Broadcasting Act is very clear on this and I doubt it will be changed anytime soon. Firstly because to change the law costs money and there isn't any, secondly because very few MPs will see a good reason to do so. Cable TV shows none of this type of material at all. If it ain't in films, it ain't on! Phone sex only appears on SKY and freeview.

it isnt a case of changing the law as the law already states that r18 material is legal and has been for the past 11 years, it is only ofcom that prevents it from being shown on encrypted tv channels not the goverment.

17.02.2011, 10:50

Re: Want R18 on UK TV ?

It's never going to happen! If anything, the broadcasts have got tamer. The last government was led by a religious nutter that took us into 3 wars and took away half of the civil rights and freedoms we fought two world wars to get. The Broadcasting Act is very clear on this and I doubt it will be changed anytime soon. Firstly because to change the law costs money and there isn't any, secondly because very few MPs will see a good reason to do so. Cable TV shows none of this type of material at all. If it ain't in films, it ain't on! Phone sex only appears on SKY and freeview.

13.12.2010, 08:32

Re: Want R18 on UK TV ?

Can't see it happeneing to be honest however many pople vote.

12.12.2010, 03:36

Re: Want R18 on UK TV ?

The UK has the most Liberal laws in the world for everything with one exception PORNOGRAPHY sadly the UK is so far behind all other Western countries and some Eastern countries that I do believe we are a joke.

19.09.2010, 17:27

Re: Want R18 on UK TV ?

I just hope that someone takes note of the objections to Ofcom and censorship

19.09.2010, 02:09

Re: Want R18 on UK TV ?

Thanks to everyone who voted. The Government "Freedom" website shut last weekend and they say they are looking at all the ideas. The response was a bit disappointing at 104 votes, but thats quite high for that website. The official line is that 46,000 people posted 14,000 ideas. Don't quite understand how that adds up, unless loads of people only voted on other peoples ideas. Thats less than 1/1000 of the population who heard of the website and actually commented or voted. Still, 104 votes is way ahead of many other ideas and I didn't see a single proposal on that site or the "Savings" one saying tighten up censorship, increase fines or encourage fines by giving the money to Ofcom. There were other threads on similar lines to mine and several calls for Ofcom to be broken up, abolished, replaced or given an elected board. One idea I hope takes off is that in this day and age in a free society it is absurd to spend tens of millions of pounds on a morality censor. Thanks again to everyone who gave support.

18.09.2010, 20:24

Re: Want R18 on UK TV ?

Well the voting as now ended and they will now go through all the topics and see which ones they choose, at the last count i saw 74 votes Sad

As this vote could effect us all i was hoping for more, as hundreds if not thousands complain about not been treat like a adult, the vote was "ANON" so if it fails you only have yourselves to blame.

So stop moaning about crap on TV and actually do something about it.


21.08.2010, 23:57

Re: Want R18 on UK TV ?

thats my vote

16.08.2010, 21:54

Re: Want R18 on UK TV ?

I'm not english, but it's right to fight against the censorship.
An help from Italy with the 69th vote.

16.08.2010, 21:29

Re: Want R18 on UK TV ?

That's my vote added as well

16.08.2010, 03:15

Re: Want R18 on UK TV ?

just voted mate easy enough so hope others follow.

so call me 67.
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