Nature - Discussion & Chat

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14.07.2014, 00:24

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Good Morning Guys,The area of Kent in SE UK in which I Live
is called Romney Marsh the area is approx 190 sq km the whole
area used to be "under the sea" so the landscape is very flat!!
I first came here in the 60's, on vacation with my parents .As we
used to live in London then, I had never encountered Nature or
wildlife these times got me interested in both!! without them we
would not exist! we must train people to respect Mother Nature
good or bad she is a force not to argue with!!! with best regards
to all thank you!!SmileSmile
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13.07.2014, 08:35

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

good morning guys, The Ancient Town of Rye Se UK. is a town
actually created by Nature mysterious being It was built by the
Normans around 1150 a hotel and Inn still survive from1156 !!
Rye is perched on a hill well above sea level . it is a walled town
with 4 beautiful Norman towers at each corner!! in 1247 the
English moved in. The sea came right up the walls. In 1375
Nature changed that for ever!! A huge storm changed the
course of the river completely .and the sea receded appox
6km south leaving Rye as it is today high and dry! Nature
again working her magic! It is a mainly a tourist Town today
thanks to the power of Nature creating this unique and
beautiful place!! kind regardsSmileSmile

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12.07.2014, 07:05

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

good morning guys,the Nuclear power station at Dungeness Very
near my home,was built in the 1950's when nature conservation
did not really exist every thing was turned upside down!! but of
course these days they can't even put a fence up without conservationists
permission there are actually 2 stations here A and B the first is now shut
down They wanted to build C station but were declined permission due to
the fact of plants and birds already here Nature at work!! Also the pipes which
suck the sea in to cool the reactors was banned because it would have to extend
too far out to sea thus being a threat to seals and other marine life well done
Nature!! it is a very powerful entity!! people now take notice!!! with very best
to all
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11.07.2014, 19:48

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

good evening guys i am going to take you back to October15th
1987 the night I had visions of my little World ending!! We were in the
middle of a Hurricane ,not that unusual, but yes in the Uk!! the winds
reached 180km an hour destroying every thing it touched, light aircraft
turned over, buses blown over 2 ships beached 1 of them a Ferry not to
mention my roof .my shed and most other peoples property as well we were
without power for 2 weeks as all the poles were destroyed!! this my friends
frightened me This was Nature at it's very very worse a night I shall never
ever forget!!........... best regards :SadSad
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11.07.2014, 19:07

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

hi guys Camber Sands is as it sounds all sand only 2 km from
all the stoney reclaimed land!! the amazing thing nature has once
again taken over!! every tide and every breeze changes the
complete view of the Coast line 2 different places in 2 days
maybe not nature as you would think,but nature working in
a very different way!! best regards to all! SmileSmile

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11.07.2014, 08:25

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Good Morning Guys. The Area around where I live is all "reclaimed"
from the sea, approx 5km sq is all shingle beach. even the houses
are built on "floating foundations" because the stones do move!!!
In the area are a number of Stone Quarries supplying stone mainly
for the building trade or road making usually around 5 years before
they move on!! They leave behind beautiful large lakes,they landscape
the area making it look "natural" and of course a pure haven for wildlife
the birds, geese and various animals soon take over making it look like
a natural habitat , Eels also travel overground to make their home in the "new"
lakes!! Nature at it's very very best!! with kind regards to all!!.SmileSmileThumb up
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10.07.2014, 10:05

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hi guys, as i have already said,I live in a very rural area of SE UK on the Coast
we have nearby a large military firing range, the power of nature even upsets
the running of this facility!! it is classed as a site of"scientific interest" quite a few
occasions firing has been stopped because a particular bird or animal has decided
to take up residence on the ranges The power of nature!! nothing beats it!!
we also have the usual country residents! foxes badgers,stoats, and many others
as we keep ducks and rabbits we have to make sure no uninvited visitors pay us
a visit, nature again at work!! best regards to all SmileSmile
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09.07.2014, 08:58

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hi guys, Just a little bit more information on the "Ears" radar system
they were installed primary as an experiment not really expected to
work,but the opposite happened!! they picked up sound of outgoing
and incoming aircraft from around 6 km away, not very far but enough
time for the "operators" to use their field telephone to their Command
It was said they could identify which type of aircraft was incoming or
outgoing quite advanced for a distant time in our past!!thank you
with kind regardsSmileSmile
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08.07.2014, 17:15

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

bigalathome wrote:Hi Guys Great photos, thank you. the half circle cement structure is
called the "Ears" it was the "first" radar system to detect sound of aircraft
going both ways over The Channel, an early sound system they are now
a tourist attraction!! they are also visible from my house!!! Thank you
kind regards to all!! SmileSmileThumb upThumb up

Thanks didymos who opened this tread you can see and learn a lot here. Thanks for the information, bigalathome. I'm impressed. Smile

08.07.2014, 17:00

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hi Guys Great photos, thank you. the half circle cement structure is
called the "Ears" it was the "first" radar system to detect sound of aircraft
going both ways over The Channel, an early sound system they are now
a tourist attraction!! they are also visible from my house!!! Thank you
kind regards to all!! SmileSmileThumb upThumb up

08.07.2014, 16:51

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hi, bigalathome, I have found this, it is really beautiful.
Dungeness National Nature Reserve
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08.07.2014, 16:23

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

bigalathome wrote:Hi guys, I live in Dungeness a piece of reclaimed land on edge of the
English Channel it is the largest of stoney beach anywhere. we have a
large bird reserve,fantastic sea fishing from the beach mainly Dover sole
and cod with quite a few "shacks" selling their catches Dungeness is a collection
of mainly wood single story dwellings, some of which are old railway stock some
extended over the years some not, some purpose built there is also the steam
railway the smallest public railway!! one third normal size. we have plants that only
grow here including the yellow and blue poppy native only to here! and of course
there is a breed of butterfly only found here.... the downside is a nuclear power
station and a few stone quarries!! otherwise a place that fits in with nature very well
best wishes and regards to allSmileSmile

Hi, bigalathome, would be good that you were sending to us some photo of the surroundings of your city: the stone beach, the bird reserve, the railroad, the poppies, the butterflies ... in short, everything what does of your city a special place.
I assure you that we would like to see it.

08.07.2014, 15:47

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hi guys, I live in Dungeness a piece of reclaimed land on edge of the
English Channel it is the largest of stoney beach anywhere. we have a
large bird reserve,fantastic sea fishing from the beach mainly Dover sole
and cod with quite a few "shacks" selling their catches Dungeness is a collection
of mainly wood single story dwellings, some of which are old railway stock some
extended over the years some not, some purpose built there is also the steam
railway the smallest public railway!! one third normal size. we have plants that only
grow here including the yellow and blue poppy native only to here! and of course
there is a breed of butterfly only found here.... the downside is a nuclear power
station and a few stone quarries!! otherwise a place that fits in with nature very well

best wishes and regards to allSmileSmile

05.07.2014, 13:05

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hi Guys What a fantastic set of "real" photos much appreciated!!
I actually live on a very bland landscape! very flat, yes It Is by the
English Channel but our best features are sheep.power station
and lighthouse!! not very inspiring a nice place to live very peaceful
but featureless Its nice to see lakes and mountains thank you!!
with best regards to all!SmileSmileThumb up

05.07.2014, 12:45

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

A nice vid: A timelapse compilation of the skies over South-Holland.
