Eurotic TV - General Discussion

3.98 (143 Bewertung(en))

(3.98 / 5, 143 Bewertungen)

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11.03.2011, 21:15

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

very often i read that some posters seem to be unhappy with etv and always complain about the shows and models... and some are acting like some models are rule their lifes. strange. you have to learn to switch of and disconnect from this channel. and i don't think any model would be so special to be allowed to rule any life. your world does not goes under if you miss any show even with your favourite.

And i don't understand ever what keeps those who dislike the shows do not switch of the channel and search what they are searching do it on another place. the www offers so much 24/7. nobody forces you to watch. since years you know day by day what you can expect from this channel. there has nothing changed. None of those models is anatomical so different from other women all over the world. It looks you have a dependence to know every piece of skin of any model (and could miss the showing) or to watch it not to miss any minute of show to be able to comment them.

Not to sound abusive but you should look for other acitvities than watch etv. I'm happy if temperatures rises again for do something outdoor.

11.03.2011, 20:47

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion


I think that you should read your posts and try to understand what you have written.

11.03.2011, 20:36

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Watcher wrote:
samakkary wrote: I didn't encourage anyone to not see etv. Here you have 500 posters for me. see it well and tell me if you saw an one poster says this. All what i want is just to say my opinion freely. And i swear to you i'm not interested in this channel at all . i have enough encrypted channels to enjoy it. But i like one girl . i'm looking forward here only for fun . But unfortunately the fun is disappearing Little by little . And no wonder if this forum is flooded by pessimists with this shows . The reason is etv itself , none else .

Liveshow expert
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]
Joined: 12.07.2010
Posts: 558 ------------------------ unbelievable!

oooh dear watcher , It seems you need an ophthalmologist as Dear Stephan. i don't know if you could read well my post . at every time you read only (I do not know) and forget (do not). Read well or don't distort what i say. And if you find my post's number is unbelievable, this is the biggest proof that i don't care for this channel , because , i share all the topics in this forum not only etv topic . And i don't know if you think that this forum is only for one channel, I think that this reducing of value this forum. So please next time think twice before you write. And I'm not surprised that your post have not deleted , of course you are one of the defenders .

11.03.2011, 13:16

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

klemi wrote:Well, Stephane you obviously need glasses because you have difficulties to read someones posts. when I will see good stuff on ETV I will praise it; ...

well, I think stephanes eyes are fine and he isn't the one with problems reading someothers posts.
that other forum members don't complain every day don't mean necessarily that they are happy about the shows at etv.
but in contrast to forum members who spend several mins or even hours a day with complaining (sorry but most of your posts are direct or indirect complains about etv or the forum) about not seen live shows these forum members accept what they get for free and watch it or decide to spend their time with other things. and when they read the forum they aren't interested in getting a even worse mood while reading your (often similar) bad mood posts about a channel you don't watch (live) and you never spend a cent to except your daily Two Cents in this forum.
they just don't understand your impulse to act this way and they probably ask theirselves if you also write such posts or give comments about the weather or e.g. car companies (if you don't like their newest car) or the prices in the supermarket or other things you cannot change or influence.

btw: your last post in [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] is nearly six month old. Smile

11.03.2011, 12:17

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Well, Stephane you obviously need glasses because you have difficulties to read someones posts. when I will see good stuff on ETV I will praise it; what I hate here are 2 things, some people constantly defending etv that is going worse and worse and secondly attacking us who dont like bad work being done every night. I am not saying anything against models, people around doing bad job I hate like hell. Last night for me actually Kia was marvellous, as always in her times of golden ETV. Problem is that in these times ETV has no competition; also because I hate channels with pornstars. But I give full credit to samakkary and some others who are disgusted with how some posters here are obsessed with etv and how great it is always and we should what, be just quiet about it. Many great posters like for example Marcus 76, got fed up and left this forum. It is not true I like only pussyshows, I just expect profesionalism in an erotic channel and I have been watching ETV since its beginnings and feel a bit nostalgic. If a leg creaming show is done ok, it can be very sexy also, but you cant do it for 5 seconds and jump elsewhere with your camera.

11.03.2011, 04:51

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

samakkary wrote:
Mauro wrote:@sam: we do not defend ETV, but we want a good mood in the forum. Sadly this forum is flooded by pessimists who officially claim to not watch ETV but still rant the day after because they could not sleep without having watched the show. Some of them even post clips 1 hour after they have gone to bed - a pretty strange special form of sleepwalking.

I didn't encourage anyone to not see etv. Here you have 500 posters for me. see it well and tell me if you saw an one poster says this. All what i want is just to say my opinion freely. And i swear to you i'm not interested in this channel at all . i have enough encrypted channels to enjoy it. But i like one girl . i'm looking forward here only for fun . But unfortunately the fun is disappearing Little by little . And no wonder if this forum is flooded by pessimists with this shows . The reason is etv itself , none else .

Liveshow expert
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]
Joined: 12.07.2010
Posts: 558 <------------------------- unbelievable!

11.03.2011, 02:33

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Dear Klemi, dear Samakkary, I understand you. But if you don't like pussies then you can switch off tv, go to bed and paint some easter eggs tomorrow.Big Grin

Yours sincerely, pussybull.Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

11.03.2011, 00:25

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Mauro wrote:@sam: we do not defend ETV, but we want a good mood in the forum. Sadly this forum is flooded by pessimists who officially claim to not watch ETV but still rant the day after because they could not sleep without having watched the show. Some of them even post clips 1 hour after they have gone to bed - a pretty strange special form of sleepwalking.

I didn't encourage anyone to not see etv. Here you have 500 posters for me. see it well and tell me if you saw an one poster says this. All what i want is just to say my opinion freely. And i swear to you i'm not interested in this channel at all . i have enough encrypted channels to enjoy it. But i like one girl . i'm looking forward here only for fun . But unfortunately the fun is disappearing Little by little . And no wonder if this forum is flooded by pessimists with this shows . The reason is etv itself , none else .

11.03.2011, 00:12

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

A short summery: a little bit more creativity, fantasy, (inter)action, cream, wax, legs and last but not least a little more pussy cats and all members, viewers and customers are totally satisfied.Thumb up Too bad, we don`t live in a perfect world.Cry

10.03.2011, 23:38

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

klemi wrote:Well, I read all answers to my post ...
... these noshows?

You are right in all what you wrote and I'm sorry if you feel "attacked", but I'm a little bit annoyed of this extreme form you complain again and again. I repeat: principle you are right, but not every scene is bad, not every camera-move or direction is bad. ETV is a business and first they want to make money. Compared with other channels like sexysat they do a lot for the viewers I think. And yes, it's not the best time for us "mu***i-lovers" Big Grin but we have to live with that. I watch ETV for years and have learned to handle it. Maybe you should also change you view at ETV a little bit. ;-)

klemi wrote:...Or last thought...Why in Gods name Calomira was alloved to be so spectacular while others that left do nowadays these noshows?

I would call it one of the mysterium of ETV and I'm interested in an answer too! Smile

10.03.2011, 23:25

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Right, no single member here is forced to watch ETV, and we have told you 1000 times: there are tons of FTA channels on

Astra - [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
Hotbird - [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

or get a moveable dish like I did and watch

UK TV [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

@sam: we do not defend ETV, but we want a good mood in the forum. Sadly this forum is flooded by pessimists who officially claim to not watch ETV but still rant the day after because they could not sleep without having watched the show. Some of them even post clips 1 hour after they have gone to bed - a pretty strange special form of sleepwalking.

10.03.2011, 23:18

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Just go to bed guys. (and Klemi please nobody wants messages this long, I fear for your fingerhealth)

10.03.2011, 23:08

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

klemi wrote:If you again say I am wrong then I ask you one thing: Why some models can do crazy nightshows, and some never? All my critics dont concern Gia, who is fabulous lately...Or last thought...Why in Gods name Calomira was alloved to be so spectacular while others that left do nowadays these noshows?

and i want to know from moderators here . As long as they defend those who defend etv. What need to upload the videos here if there was no hot shows . Do you think that members will like to see the cream on the legs only. i guess you will not even get the touch of thank button .

10.03.2011, 21:59

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Well, I read all answers to my post and to some others and I am simply stunned how some dont see the obvious, yet some others read our posts maybe just one or two lines. First of all this is a general discussion topic. This for sure we all agree. Or will I get attacked even here? So it is not written on top for a topic Eurotic tv enthusiasts, no matter how bad it is. Lexexpert you say 9 busy lines are better then 6. True. But please not in a studio with one bed and girls need to stand on their feet all the be in your skin for a moment I would say most of the time impossible to do great footshows...I like nice legs also, when nicely creamed and when it ends with a good muschishow...But if you are right and I am wrong about number of callers, meaning they have almost all the time busy lines with guys asking about weather...then we real erotica lovers aka female nudity from girls next door lovers,...we are in deep trouble. One of you says how I am all wrong and despite critics I still watch it...Well in past this was the way for me to relax after work. Gorgeous girls, NOT pornstars ( I hate them with silicons on top ), girls like Larissa, Veronica or well, Maria to put only three here...Lately the make a strategy. Sorry but this is a fact. Daytime shows are pure zero shows...but with gorgeous models every day. Like right now with Brona and Evah...I have a theory here...I read what people send,...ok those girls are girls to fall in love with. Without stripping. Spending money and get nothing for it. Except a nice little chat. Every day. On and on. If they put 10 beautiful girls in a studio, maybe they will all be busy. But this is then not erotic channel anymore. And because girls do nothing but talk on the phone with someone who indeed maybe has some problems in life and this lady does good advice to him...this should go of the screen and get some privacy...Like this it is for me cheating people nothing else. And to answer one of fellow posters here...I dont watch ETV at normal speed for a long time. Just record it and check if in any case I missed something. Nostalgia? Every day. Because they used to be so good.
If you again say I am wrong then I ask you one thing: Why some models can do crazy nightshows, and some never? All my critics dont concern Gia, who is fabulous lately...Or last thought...Why in Gods name Calomira was alloved to be so spectacular while others that left do nowadays these noshows?

10.03.2011, 21:20

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I agree with Goodwie
Already time ago i said that 8/9 models in the night shows are too much,
Staff thinks that more models more phone call
ETV must also take more care of the clothes of the models, sometimes wearing as normal women in streets
Must remember this is a Erotic Tv not fashion Tv