Eurotic's website & webstream

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11.07.2016, 21:42

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

A video uploader's question about the ETV clear screen stream:

ETV is now offering a clear screen stream for their viewers on their new website, with the data rate of the old exclusive shows, without any ETV logo. The rules of this forum specifically say in 2 points

Show all videos unedited. This means leave all phone numbers and logos as they are on the screen during broadcast.
Do not post any member-only exclusive shows, caps or photo session pictures from

Though the new stream doesn't show any (exclusive show) logos, phone numbers or messages, strictly speaking, it can be classed as a member-only, albeit free, show, as you have to be a member and enter the show to watch it for free.

That's why I've been so far hesitant to post videos from this clear screen stream on this forum, though I have some of them on my hard drive (2 copies, a bit idiosyncratic)

Could somebody knowledgeable, maybe an admin, clarify whether we can upload clear screen videos on this forum or not, as they have a higher picture quality? Thank you.

(Though this question will probably be moot after 1 August anyway)

11.07.2016, 21:27

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Tell me now are they going to have day shows or just one premium before the night show no after hour. how many girls in the night show and where are they hiding. Will these night shows be similar to present ones. Do people expect things to be hotter when they have taken the videos away except ones like the Muse The Name of the Rose are these not a benchmark. Have they new camera crew trained Some people say a fee or subscription what will the fee be for like the rubbish before. Will they be a place for Sandra Effy boring Isaboring and Joy Tallona Yoko Danna What about moderators if you have answers let me know with less than three weeks the models are on single figures of shows left.
All answers will be guess work.

11.07.2016, 20:00

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

tux.friend wrote:...
All what we saw in the last time was a company that reacts and like the most companys with budget problems, they try to solve it with reduce staff and services to save money. That was no plan and now that was panic Sad
Even less I understand the stunt with the new website. They might be lucky most of the customers recorded the shows they purchased and have no actual loss, anyway that costs a lot of what is hard to achieve and even harder to get back: Trust. OK, there wasn't much to lose anymore as they regularly tried to fool their customers, but when you're in financial trouble anyway you better don't mess with the rest of it.
And the other question is, how will they continue.
Cancelling the satellite broadcast extremely cuts down the cost, so they'd better concentrate on what made them last for more than 10 years, that's free shows with hot perfonaces on request of callers and SMS writers.
Of course I don't know if the FTA shows will work as a web only show, otherwise I'd operate such a website myself Tongue , but for sure that won't work with a monthly fee (even less I doubt they will do it for a moderate fee), and the concept of the last 6 months with lame shows for free and hot shows for a fee may even work on the short term but will make it difficult to replace existing customers which they put off.


11.07.2016, 10:30

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

GeorgeSK wrote:
TazDevil wrote:I suspect a monthly or annual subscription will be required. Which leaves credits for one to one interaction with the available models.

Could it be the January subscription service was a test for this new project? Though I can't imagine them strategically thinking 6 months ahead.Big Grin

I think also no. Because since 1 1/2 year they try to switch to internet and to make more money. After 1 year trial and error, in january they definitivly need to make money. If not, this what we now see should be planned over more than 1 1/2 year incl. the sky desaster, all this try and error, the backroll to the free tv, the new website (could this website be more than a night hack? No) and the drop of the tv? That was something I cant believe.

All what we saw in the last time was a company that reacts and like the most companys with budget problems, they try to solve it with reduce staff and services to save money. That was no plan and now that was panic Sad

10.07.2016, 21:48

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

TazDevil wrote:I suspect a monthly or annual subscription will be required. Which leaves credits for one to one interaction with the available models.

Could it be the January subscription service was a test for this new project? Though I can't imagine them strategically thinking 6 months ahead.Big Grin

10.07.2016, 20:05

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

In my opinion the ETV website from 1st August will follow their other online project website design and layout:

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Using the above as a template, I would expect to see a new animated landing page, with clear branding and indications of their content. Then due to the adult nature of their shows, I predict it will be necessary to register for free, which may include some age verification process. Once registered, I would anticipate having the ability to watch trailers for all available shows, read the discussions and other promotional content. But to watch the shows in full, post in the discussion etc. then I suspect a monthly or annual subscription will be required. Which leaves credits for one to one interaction with the available models.

The above is entirely based on their existing Erotic Art Theatre site. I do not have any inside knowledge.

08.07.2016, 19:51

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Hugh Hefner must be a worried man when he sees the competitive content being posted by ETV (not) Big Grin

07.07.2016, 21:55

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

It was just an example of just what may be coming for those who pay !!

07.07.2016, 21:19

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

tunturi wrote:If someone wants to see eurotic TV art area "Ivo palmov" for the year 2007.You Tube and search "ivo Palmov".

i dont understand this kind of show, I never would spend the ticket money to see this crap.

07.07.2016, 19:46

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

If someone wants to see eurotic TV art area "Ivo palmov" for the year 2007.You Tube and search "ivo Palmov".

07.07.2016, 12:46

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

TazDevil wrote:This post is specifically about the new website in the context of the recent announcement from ETV to go online only from next month.

I think there is something more significant going on than just moving everything online. Have you noticed there is no LANDING page and absolutely no BRANDING on the new website? Also, many of the missing features are still unavailable and with the distraction of ending the free to air TV service, few are talking about where are my previously watched videos, purchased photos, the increased cost of Premium Shows, etc.

To me, the signs are, there is already a "Real" website to wrap around the elements we have access to right now, which will be enabled next month. It may be part of a major launch with new branding, previews and site tours to entice new members to join, or it may even be part of another existing site with a significant web presence and complementary offerings to merge the ETV live shows with their own, I don't know. But the website we can see now appears to just be the parts closely resembling the old site as part of a transition to something else.

So this time next month you might be an active member of the worlds largest internet erotic website (for example: [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] with access to over 60 million daily users), or have a dormant account on an artistic website lost in the vast selection of other related content. Who knows?

connell wrote:And you wanted to know what happens to the old videos

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
selling old videos as new at other customers

I noticed the Erotic Art Theatre has a LANDING page and a BRAND.

Assuming this is a separate parallel project, aimed at the US and other potential markets, rather than how ETV will evolve on 1st August. This demonstrates clearly that the existing website is just a skeleton to wrap around the new real new look website next month complete with LANDING page and BRANDING. It may also indicate the "FEE" from next month is actually a monthly or annual subscription, and how much this might be: [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

07.07.2016, 00:46

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Scottishbloke wrote:I also just wish to clarify something here, nobody is blaming Kenny for the show going web only and for him to even suggest the very notion just goes to show the level of his paranoia. ETV made the decision. What we are saying to Kenny is that he supported the exclusives and point blank refused to listen to any of the other members when we said that this would be the death of ETV if they persisted in their experiment.

All we ask of Kenny is to admit that his opinions were wrong and that what the majority of us predicted on this forum came true. I fully expect Kenny to live in denial about all of this and no doubt given time he'll come up with yet another half baked conclusion that the exclusives had nothing to do with the demise when its clear for all to see the blinding obvious!

well said no sense piling on

06.07.2016, 23:51

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

I also just wish to clarify something here, nobody is blaming Kenny for the show going web only and for him to even suggest the very notion just goes to show the level of his paranoia. ETV made the decision. What we are saying to Kenny is that he supported the exclusives and point blank refused to listen to any of the other members when we said that this would be the death of ETV if they persisted in their experiment.

All we ask of Kenny is to admit that his opinions were wrong and that what the majority of us predicted on this forum came true. I fully expect Kenny to live in denial about all of this and no doubt given time he'll come up with yet another half baked conclusion that the exclusives had nothing to do with the demise when its clear for all to see the blinding obvious!

06.07.2016, 22:46

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

kennyboy2012 wrote:
Scottishbloke wrote:...

BUT guess what, etv have stopped the exclusives, which is what you all wanted, and look at the result, its downhill faster that a jet propelled rolling stone, that's in a hurry to hit the bottom of the hill !


Sorry Kenny the fast downhill was the experiment with the exclusives and the big fault from etv was, to stay too long with the exclusives, until they had no money and no staff to produce two shows in parallel, To stop this and go back to free tv shows was too late and couldnt stop the death of etv. Since 1 year we see that in turns of some month etv must save money and now the last chance to save a big peace is to stop satellite transmission. But this will make the downhill faster. Sad

With the stop of tv, they will lost direct all the 24/7 search wishes and that is over the month some 10k of income and the most of them came from handy. I dont no if this is more or less the save from tv.

06.07.2016, 21:33

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Well the bottom line is that for ETV to have any hope in hell of surviving as a web only channel not only will they have to make their stream available for everybody they'll also have to negotiate there way onto the Rampant TV site and when and if they do this then there shows will have to be competitive when stacked up against the likes of BS Unleashed, RLC and Foxx Babes.

Just like the UK left the European Union, ETV have effectively left the satellite union and that's a lot of customers left out on the cold now. The web is a very competitive market and they'll have to sell the product to a whole new audience with completely different expectation levels than went previous and if they remain churning out the present softcore eurotrash then they'll be lucky to see the year out.