TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

(3.79 / 5, 29 Bewertungen)

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11.09.2011, 20:43

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

chrispocz wrote:
chrispocz wrote:Carrie show: Carrie, Brona, Evah, Joanna, Kate and attention Jessica! Smile

And: Nicol, Cleopatra, Simona

An error has occured: Kate is too hot for this shift. They should resurrect Ultra Violet.

11.09.2011, 20:20

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

next weeks schedule is complete. Smile

PS: the change the style of the friday & saturday night show. now 9 models from 22.00 - 04.00 cet.

11.09.2011, 20:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

tomorrow are just soft-models or something. let's see what goes from there

11.09.2011, 19:05

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:I'd also suggest Minnie Mouse and Snow White for the show on Monday.
Perfect for the Disney Channel.Cool

The would have been in, but they only work on Saturdays and Sundays ...

11.09.2011, 19:04

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Franky11 wrote:It is 7 nights a week. If one of them will only softmodels it will not be the end of the world. Perhaps the night will be more interesting than the show with Lilian, Aria, Marayah etc.

- if i can count right we already have 7 days a week softmodel during the day Thumb down
- and now 1 extra softmodel show in the night Thumb down

damn what should i do now with my whole offtime ???

11.09.2011, 18:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

It is 7 nights a week. If one of them will only softmodels it will not be the end of the world. Perhaps the night will be more interesting than the show with Lilian, Aria, Marayah etc.

11.09.2011, 18:56

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I'd also suggest Minnie Mouse and Snow White for the show on Monday.
Perfect for the Disney Channel.Cool

11.09.2011, 18:34

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

poseidon69 wrote:Nooooooooooooooo Angry
This is show for afternoon, no for night

Sorry, i don't agree with all this pessimism.
First, it will be an unusual show and for that very interesting.
Second, there will be beautiful girls including my favourite, Brona and Nicole.
Third, i'm sure Carrie will give us some moments of pure eroticism, since it will be her own show.
Fourth, recently some of these models has already rewarded with unexpected emotions (Nicole, Simona, Kate).
Fifth, it will be the first nightshow of delicious Jessica.

So, don't despair too much until you have seen what will be.
In friendly.

11.09.2011, 18:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

vicvega wrote:Cool etv must give xray glasses

buy a golden package and you will get one. Cool

11.09.2011, 17:52

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Cool etv must give xray glasses

11.09.2011, 17:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Nooooooooooooooo Angry
This is show for afternoon, no for night
nothing naked or topless or ass or legs but only face and face Thumb down
kleo, jessica, brona, evah, nicoll and karry show nothing of nothing
kate wow and simona maybe show
pls change with kate, anna, gia, angelina, bebe and karry Tongue

11.09.2011, 17:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

yes, guys, the end is near. Now we see what we can expect for 2012.

But on the other hand i can watch sport or other programs and don´t have to zapp to ETV. Cool

Good night ETV. Cool

11.09.2011, 17:15

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

chrispocz wrote:
JuFan wrote:Joanna will not be on etv 'til Friday. Cry

Once again, we learn that at the start of the show Confused

Evah said that she'll not be in tomorrow's night show and will be missing from Monday to Friday. Sad

11.09.2011, 17:13

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

chrispocz wrote:
chrispocz wrote:Carrie show: Carrie, Brona, Evah, Joanna, Kate and attention Jessica! Smile

And: Nicol, Cleopatra, Simona

thanks chrispocz for the updateThumb up
well well well so first soft models show during the nightConfused(except kate) what say? i can't disappoint before to see the show but? i'm curiousSmile

11.09.2011, 17:08

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

chrispocz wrote:Carrie show: Carrie, Brona, Evah, Joanna, Kate and attention Jessica! Smile

And: Nicol, Cleopatra, Simona