contacting from the UK

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16.08.2011, 20:03

contacting from the UK

Hi all, I am new to this so please do not all shout at me if I am posting in the wrong place.

I have tried to find the answer but cannot see it anywhere - where and how can I contact the show from here in the UK? Can I text from here? ok ringing will be soooo expensive I am aware of that, but the odd text may be possible.

Any help from anyone would be most appreciated.

Thanks guys...

22.08.2011, 22:37

Re: contacting from the UK

Hi jwiggum good evening

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]


22.08.2011, 22:11

Re: contacting from the UK

ok, thanks

22.08.2011, 18:09

Re: contacting from the UK

Go through the menus at the bottom of [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]:-
Click on "Send your VIP message from more than 200 countries. Check here."
"I agree"
it should display the cost under the "Please call" number.
Don't worry, you don't get charged at this point.

22.08.2011, 14:04

Re: contacting from the UK

What will be cost VIP text using Pay900 from Poland?

16.08.2011, 20:20

Re: contacting from the UK

Okay ... as a fellow UK viewer, here's where to find some info:-

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] ... Costs about £1.50 per minute.
You'll see a Javascript link to send a VIP text using Pay900 (instructions are in the link) ... Costs about £10 a shot Sad .

or ... become a Gold member ... Smile .
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