Suzy - Discussion & Chat

4.25 (12 Bewertung(en))

(4.25 / 5, 12 Bewertungen)

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09.01.2013, 23:02

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

Tarl_Cabot wrote:tonight is her last night show before she'll leave for one or two month holidays.

Regie said it's her last night show without more detail. Who is right please ?

09.01.2013, 22:12

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

tonight is her last night show before she'll leave for one or two month holidays.

31.12.2012, 22:37

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

Happy Birthday Dear Suzy!!In loveHeart
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

31.12.2012, 21:15

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

Happy Birthday Suzy! Glad to see u 2night,beautiful as always!

31.12.2012, 06:59

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

Happy birthday

all the best

30.12.2012, 23:18

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

Happy birthday my dear!

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

20.12.2012, 07:42

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

I've take a look in the statistics and I can't believe it,but it's again a whole year passed so that Suzy is celebrating today her 1st anniversary in ETV (she joined the channel on 20th December 2011).

09.12.2012, 20:36

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

Last night again a bad point for Suzy Thumb down

Her customer petja asked again a full strip from Suzy: like the past week (he was ignored then, so he tried again):
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

then she promised to do it:

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[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

but there was not full strip again. Bad done, Suzy Thumb down, we know you have a customer blocking your shows, but anyway it´s very ugly to making a promise for unfulfilling it. Even worse to the same (a very nice with you) guy.

Dear petja, maybe there is a lesson to learn with Suzy: asking her that means very likely a waste of money (at least for you) and a false promise from her. Don´t get fool again, and reserve your money for the web shows: there she does full strips without any problem.Tongue

17.11.2012, 19:02

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

I´ve been very critical with Suzy in the past, but i always try to be fair, and today I would like to congratulate Suzy for her job.. Lately she has done very good and hot ELS, and her last NS was really good. Now she is doing a very good ELS again. Maybe she is more confortable in the shows now, i don´t know, but what it´s for sure is she is more smiling, and her often vinager face is gone. I am happy for it, for her, and at the end, the shows are better if she is in this way. Congratulations, Suzy!Thumb up Keep this way!

15.11.2012, 20:34

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

chrispocz wrote:It is a pity some only a good word about the girl when she shows much more! Where were they before?
Suzy has been with us 11 months! Do you like it only for what it has under the dress?

I understand you Chris and ride on the same wave with you. I like my favorite and all others for what they are:

Nice Ladies with intelligence and no porn robots.

Charm and Esprit are two so nice things even if they are dressed.....
Don't worry, you aren't alone. Smile

Best Regards

15.11.2012, 20:22

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

It is a pity some only a good word about the girl when she shows much more! Where were they before?
Suzy has been with us 11 months! Do you like it only for what it has under the dress?

15.11.2012, 20:08

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

CommanderData wrote:Maybe it is only me, but I think she is smiling more and is more charming than ever these days. Good to see, ..... and I really think Suzy does.


Blush Hmmm ...maybe some of us did not see it before Confused Blush ....but allready from her 1st appearance ( 1st time ) in the show Suzy was allready charming ,friendly and smiling Blush Thumb up . And til the day of today she stil is a charming young woman those who like this young woman ( callers, sms senders and just some of the plain viewers ) should feel themselfs lucky to have such a model as favorit Cool Thumb up
Ofcourse there can be a day that it can be a total different Suzy that you see /watch ( look at ) Confused , but these days wil not overwhelmed ( dominated ) the good times that you see otherwise of this nice young woman: cool: Thumb up ( fantastic times )

( I was more than lucky with mine Blush ....i always feld in seventh heaven with my favorit "L " ," G " & " K" , ofcourse there where some up & downs Confused but they where my fauld Sad )
My advice fo 1€ cent Blush....just enjoy the time that you ( can ) have with Suzy ( see of Suzy ) Cool Thumb up
( I never ever regret my times with my favorit Blush )

Kind Regards

04.11.2012, 23:07

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

Tonight finally also Suzy has reached the mark of 50 participations on a Night Show Smile

13.10.2012, 18:33

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

If this decision Etv. So why blame the girl? Somewhere that shows more and elsewhere show less. They do what tells them director

13.10.2012, 13:30

Re: Suzy - Discussion & Chat

Why do not thank you for a beautiful show (the best in its performance) only as always criticize?
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