Gia - Discussion & Chat

3.93 (178 rating(s))

(3.93 / 5, 178 ratings)

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03.04.2012, 01:36

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Long live the Queen Heart

02.04.2012, 22:49

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Maybe it's just because Gia splits her audience into two main groups: the absolutely devoted admirers of her artful ways not to be nude mainstream and the 'pure nudity addicts' ...
The interesting aspect is that you never know what you will get from her - you just know what you will not get.
According to her mood she plays her version of Dr. Jekyll and sister Hyde - and some of us may rediscover the long forgotten feeling of suspense during nightshows Thumb up

02.04.2012, 22:38

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Hi guys! A few words about our dear Gia. I said she was was improving, and today i am sure again of that. It was a good show from Gia Thumb upThumb upThumb up Thanks Gia!!! Thumb up. She was more active, she did a very good show with Michelle (thanks both, i am one of that guys who thinks Michelle is underestimated) and she did a good show talking about all along the show. Sometimes i had the same impression as some people told here today, that she was relaxed, but most of the time i feel her smile is a little forced, like she was not too comfortable. I thought her return was because the problems that caused her left was solved, but i am not so sure she feels so happy and so comfortable. I doubt it, and seing how the back staff is making her performance, my doubts are growing. I thought her return would be very happy for her, because the solution to her problems in ETV, but i don´t perceive that, althought i can be wrong, of course. Michelle gives Gia a very good partner and they did the best of the show until the explosive appearance of the goddess of ebony, who stole (as i´ve read here today) in her little time the show for her.

And now, friendly.
One thing i want to say here. I´ve notice here, in the line as Slow had written, there a few people who seem to be intelorate to the discussion. It seems all has to be praises for Gia, praises and recomforting words, even if they don´t want to say that. All of us may be unconditional FANS, the rest are disrespectful guys. No, guys, it is not so. Even i readed here something as people who tries to criminalize all of the people who wants to see Gia naked here. As i know, the day have 24 hours, and the night show lasts 4/5 hours, a little proportion. Don´t blame the people who want to see a little bit of naked beautiful girls int he night show, please, because there are 19 hours to see just the opposite, and that girls are doing this job in a erotic channel in the nudity hour. I see a lot of hypocrisy here when people defend what they think it´s the honour of Gia telling she is a human being and she has not to be naked in the hot show and the people who want that are bad people without heart. I am sure they enjoy Gia´s topless shows like the most, and if not, the solution is simple: daytime shows, no nudity then. If a model is in the hot show, as hot model too, don´t blame the people for expecting some nudity. If Gia doesn´t want to show her body, she knows what she has to do, if you don´t want people expect nudity from Gia, try to convince her to get out of night shows.

And please, i don´t think there should be people here giving lessons of what is beauty or what is not, because beauty is a subjetive concept, and there is nothing wrong in consider a pretty girl nude as something beautiful. Here is people pretending criminalize people who see the models as models, almost of all because the viewers don´t know the models as person, they are not their friends, not their family, they are just trying to enjoy the show. It is their job, please, don´t try to make people feel like a shit without heart and feelings all because they want to see a model doing her job. I understand there are people who talks to Gia often, and that people maybe knows her better, naturally, but it doesn´t gives them the right to be intolerant with different opinions or to become them the custodians of the lady in the castle. The lady doesn´t need to be saved. Don´t try to divide the people in good and bad, we all have different opinions, this is good. This thread should not be the Crosses against the people who say they don´t like Gia´s performance or something like that. Coexistence is wealth. Tolerance is necessary.

02.04.2012, 22:25

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat


Come on now, surrender is the cowards way out ... be a man, keep fighting ... Tongue .

In all honesty, as I have said here in the past, this tends to be a very strange place, as you have well described.
Discussion and Chat about Gia is eclipsed by the mutual admiration clubs formed here.
It has been stated elsewhere that the moderators give contributors to this thread more leeway in their content ...
Perhaps this should not be so.

02.04.2012, 21:51

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

No need for comments from me anymore of the show(s) Cool...just respect and support to Gia that's all Cool

Kind Regards

02.04.2012, 21:38

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Well guys, let me start with some positive observations first.

It is good to see, that the attitude is about to change. I saw quite a bunch of messages, with some really kind words for Gia. But it is up to her to honor this and to say thanks for that and not me.

Now the bad part.

This thread is supposed to be a discussion & chat. But some, I believe, see this in the meantime as their field of honor in defense of someone they do not really know, but claiming to have all the knowledge about the thinking and feelings and attitude of the person in subject.

Fairness, respect and acceptance for and amongst those actively participating here, has gone lost in a dump of love swears, confessions and admiration for a person they do not have the faintest idea of who she really is. Ok, admittedly, there are a few to be excluded from this, and I ask those for their apologies.

A very good indication is our lovely thanks button. Say something popular and you’ll get hit with thanks faster then you are writing your message. Say something more critical and you get busted by the ‘Gia Knights’.

This thread tends to develop into a platform for those in need of attention, commendation and to get their ego petted by making use of the person in subject. Fine with me, but that is misusing this thread for selfish reasons, as it should be dedicated to only one person.

So am striking the white flag and surrender to those with the bigger knowledge, as mine is only minor and humble. I will forget about the inquiries via PM, for more back ground on her. And I will forget about your attacks born out of frustration and jealousy when not getting the reply expected. Sorry for that.

And I will certainly not forget those being fair and kind enough to revert with some kind words.

So guys, the field is all yours, have fun.


02.04.2012, 19:07

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

kyke50 wrote:I have liked the show that Gia did yesterday night, but, really, what more I liked was to see the expression of her face and her attitude during the whole show.
She was relaxed, seemed in a cheerful mood and her interaction with Michelle was big.
Perhaps someone does not agree with me, but, for me, her looking at the eyes, I saw a big advance in her frame of mind and that makes me happy.
Apart from this, for me, Julia's direction spoilt to a great extent the good performance of Gia, cutting her continuously.
Unfortunately, it seems that they continue the bogeys against Gia, behind the camera.
Thank you, Gia, for being again with us and for your attitude yesterday night.

hi my dear you are perfectly rigth.Thumb upThumb up

you know how they are the women , wonderfull in one sideIn loveIn love ,but also the worst hating machine on the otherAngryAngry
is this the big difference from men?SadSadSadSad
do you think it is Julia the problem ?
we know how she is poor . without love and without Gia fortunatelyThumb up
the problem is the direction over Julia , her boss, there is one i hope! that is not strong enough for cut her
as she need,
yes cutted awayEnvy:envy:for ever Thumb up

02.04.2012, 17:38

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

I have liked the show that Gia did yesterday night, but, really, what more I liked was to see the expression of her face and her attitude during the whole show.
She was relaxed, seemed in a cheerful mood and her interaction with Michelle was big.
Perhaps someone does not agree with me, but, for me, her looking at the eyes, I saw a big advance in her frame of mind and that makes me happy.
Apart from this, for me, Julia's direction spoilt to a great extent the good performance of Gia, cutting her continuously.
Unfortunately, it seems that they continue the bogeys against Gia, behind the camera.
Thank you, Gia, for being again with us and for your attitude yesterday night.

02.04.2012, 17:10

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Hallo Rune70,
I hope for Gia, she will never became more and more VIPS.Cool

02.04.2012, 16:52

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

well done!!! Thumb up the last two shows with Gia, she became more and more Vips from the viewers! Thumb up more and more support! Thumb up and i guessed thats the only way to see again better and better shows from her! Smile what i sayed: happy Gia = great shows!! Big Grin two days ago, i ask her with my Vip to make a dance like in old times (for Gia it was a great disaster that Etv stop suddenly play good music and especialy Gia need so much good music for a great performance and dance!) and it works! she make a great dance for me and she show me what i missed so much for a so long time! thx Gia! In love yesterday i wrote a Vip to her, only to say: "Gia, you are beautyfull" and after she read the message, she make a little strip and was topless! thx again Gia (and thx to Maryna1234, she say the same to me)! In love its so easy! Cool make Gia compliments and mayby she make a nice show for us! but dont force her like: "Gia do a strip! NOW!". if we know, she dont like that and for sure she do nothing for that kind of Vips! and it was interesting that she answered to negative Vips! Thumb up now we can understand a little bit better, what she is thinking and what she like and what she dont like! Thumb up
with best regards: Rune!

02.04.2012, 14:30

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

uk334 wrote:Gia and
Very good show from Gia, especially after interacting with Michelle. Sexy as usual but a bit more than the last two shows.
Bloody directors again, get the problem sorted etv be it personal, jealousy or whatever !
If you do not like the girl, she should not have come back.

you say bloody director ,, hmmm!!Thumb down
it is the first thing that is coming if we see the immediate cuts Envy at least 2 in a Gia strip
after the meeting..TongueTongue: with MichelleHeartHeart

that means that when she ( the sub director) realized that Gia was returned really ok , she was forced to
restart the same dirty play ,
but ...after... was not so again ...,so may be that the director has taken her for the neck AngryAngry
we will see for the futureSmile

02.04.2012, 14:16

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

In my opinion,

Gia yesterday was fantastic, as always...
and the direction of the show was disastrous, as always.

But, what can I say?, if for me Gia has always been, is, and will be the best.

02.04.2012, 12:30

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Gia and
Very good show from Gia, especially after interacting with Michelle. Sexy as usual but a bit more than the last two shows.
Bloody directors again, get the problem sorted etv be it personal, jealousy or whatever !
If you do not like the girl, she should not have come back.

02.04.2012, 09:13

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

albertus100 wrote:Ah ah ah! Another superb show from Gia.
Less is more.
Nothing is better than a lady in love, playing with desire, and wonderful as her is.
Another lesson to all blinds who needs square cm of skin and can't see beauty.
PS great unscheduled Naomi! Good show ETV Thumb up

Gia was luky to find a girl that understood her exactly, and played llke Lace,
a fantastic girlfriend , let me say, tks a lot also to herThumb upThumb upThumb up

Gia then was still crying and this was the best gift for allHeartHeartHeartHeart
finally she overcome her doubt and no way for some camera mistakes , for reduce her wonderfull return.Thumb upThumb upThumb up
i'm very happy now, she finally is free hoping that nobody with esplicit messages will bring her to close again
her wonderfull imageTongueTongueTongue
it is a dream and now it is becoming again realIn loveIn loveIn love
we follow a woman that is completely open and we have to respect absolutely her feelings and time
tks Gia HeartHeartHeart

02.04.2012, 08:31

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Ah ah ah! Another superb show from Gia.
Less is more.
Nothing is better than a lady in love, playing with desire, and wonderful as her is.
Another lesson to all blinds who needs square cm of skin and can't see beauty.
PS great unscheduled Naomi! Good show ETV Thumb up