The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

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18.07.2014, 19:03

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

Hendrick Terbrugghen,- Dutch painter (1588 - Nov 1, 1629).

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Boy Lighting a Pipe 1623

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig] The Concert

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig] Mars Asleep

14.07.2014, 20:51

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

How is it possible that nobody has put one of the most famous paintings in history? Big Grin
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Possible Self-Portrait
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La Gioconda
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13.07.2014, 20:19

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

Lucas Cranach the Elder

'Drei Grazien'

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30.06.2014, 17:33

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

Mikhail Ivanenko.
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22.06.2014, 19:53

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

Albrecht Dürer,the most important painter of Germany.

a 'Selfie' Smile

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21.06.2014, 14:22

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

Guernica is a painting by Pablo Picasso. It was created in response to the bombing of Guernica, a Basque Country village in northern Spain, by German and Italian warplanes at the behest of the Spanish Nationalist forces on 26 April 1937 during the Spanish Civil War.

Guernica shows the tragedies of war and the suffering it inflicts upon individuals, particularly innocent civilians. This work has gained a monumental status, becoming a perpetual reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace. Upon completion, Guernica was displayed around the world in a brief tour, becoming famous and widely acclaimed. This tour helped bring the Spanish Civil War to the world's attention.

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14.06.2014, 18:56

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

Dear Modest...I love this painter too but maybe my prefer´s picture about him is: The Milkmaid

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12.06.2014, 22:38

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675)-'Girl with a Pearl Earring'

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10.06.2014, 18:16

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

Other of the great ones
Doménikos Theotokópoulos, known as "El Greco" (The Greek)
Portrait of a Man (presumed self-portrait of El Greco)

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El entierro del Conde de Orgaz (The Burial of the Count of Orgaz)

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10.06.2014, 15:48

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

Joseph Mallord William Turner, RA (baptised 14 May 1775[a] – 19 December 1851) was a British Romantic landscape painter, water-colourist, and printmaker.

Fishermen at Sea:

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09.06.2014, 16:15

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

Edvard Munch (1863-1944) Norway
In his pictures, his tortured interior life is seen clearly.
The Scream
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The Sick Child
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22.05.2014, 22:03

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

I also am not expert in painting, only I know what I like or I do not like.
Of that it tries this thread, to say what class or style of painting, we like.
For example, I like this style of painting.

Carolyn Anderson. USA

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22.05.2014, 21:38

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

I'm not really an expert for paintings,but this is one I really like.

William Adolphe Bouguereau-'The Birth of Venus'

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21.05.2014, 17:58

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

Roberto Volta (1946) Argentina
A special way of seeing the Tango.
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21.05.2014, 17:31

Re: The best paintings ever. Favorite Painters

Franz Marc - Kämpfende Formen
as an example for the artists of Der Blaue Reiter

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of course nobody likes all pics of an artist or likes single pics of various artists. so it's difficult to give one or a few names of artists. it's the same as e.g. music or movies, mostly it depends on the mood of the moment.