Eurotic's website & webstream

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21.11.2015, 19:45

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Thank liveshow that confirmed to me that I wasted that paid for the show /Premium live/because of poor technical support does not watch without interruption.
I think it repeatedly did not. I prefer to wait, if you not lose interest, the video although it sometimes takes even six weeks.

21.11.2015, 18:34

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

TazDevil wrote:
kennyboy2012 wrote:well spotted. I hope its because they just haven't finalised the girls or maybe a new type of show?

I have asked them to confirm if we have lost the Monday exclusive mix show. xmxs80 pointed out other issues with the schedule too, including are Leona and Leslie on Wednesday and Danna and Linda on Thursday really doing double shifts? Plus I thought it was announced that Tara and Marla are leaving tomorrow, but they are scheduled for Thursday. Xmxs80 suggests this is a cut and paste error from the schedule this week. Either way, it helps them to be aware the schedule doesn't look right.

I don't know what kind of show it will be but the girls for Monday are already scheduled : [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Marla and Tara will definitely leave ETV after tomorrow's evening show, I also think it's a copy and paste mistake.

21.11.2015, 18:13

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

kennyboy2012 wrote:well spotted. I hope its because they just haven't finalised the girls or maybe a new type of show?

I have asked them to confirm if we have lost the Monday exclusive mix show. xmxs80 pointed out other issues with the schedule too, including are Leona and Leslie on Wednesday and Danna and Linda on Thursday really doing double shifts? Plus I thought it was announced that Tara and Marla are leaving tomorrow, but they are scheduled for Thursday. Xmxs80 suggests this is a cut and paste error from the schedule this week. Either way, it helps them to be aware the schedule doesn't look right.

21.11.2015, 17:52

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

well spotted. I hope its because they just haven't finalised the girls or maybe a new type of show?

21.11.2015, 17:49

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Have we lost an Exclusive Energy Mix show on Monday night? Strange if we have because ETV don't need extra models that night because they are already in the TV show, unless there is a camera operator shortage.

21.11.2015, 17:46

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

I'd really like for you to be right Smile

just wish Danna would stop kissing her all over with that lipstick, Isa looks like she's covered in bruises Smile

21.11.2015, 17:42

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

kennyboy2012 wrote:Danna and Isadora part 1, in the web studio, Isadora is still naked but still stays with her back to the camera or overs herself with a sheet.
she could set the new record for the most time with her back to the camera lol Nice arse but that's all she showing so far Smile I think Danna is trying to help her loosen up, bloody hope so, although we know by now, what we get with Isadora

Isadora is giving you the tease you so enjoy, just a bit longer than you wish for! But tonight I have a good feeling that she will break free from being held back.

21.11.2015, 17:34

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Danna and Isadora part 1, in the web studio, Isadora is still naked but still stays with her back to the camera or overs herself with a sheet.
she could set the new record for the most time with her back to the camera lol Nice arse but that's all she showing so far Smile I think Danna is trying to help her loosen up, bloody hope so, although we know by now, what we get with Isadora

21.11.2015, 14:50

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

totally agree about respecting their customers, they do sometimes say and do such daft things, their PR skills, on occasions, are quite bad.
but I'd aim your feelings at ETV, the directors and the team, not at the girls, who seem to have to face the brunt of it on behalf of ETV, who let them take the flack when its the team that should be answering any criticism.
and yes, I do know how bloody frustrating ETV can be in occasions Smile

21.11.2015, 14:40

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

kennyboy2012 wrote:Maybe I was a bit harsh in my reply, but the messages towards the end do affect the girls, they see it as criticism of them , which we both agree would not be what you meant. The problem is, the messages are sent to the girls and they see them as messages for requests and about how they have performed in the show, hence they take them to heart and feel the need to reply and defend themselves.
the issues with the show direction should be sent to the director Ellie, but during the show, I cant see any other way of doing this except using the messages. Maybe a message could be : 'The girls are great but for the director, please provide more light' or 'Message for director: more lighting please'

I do understand your sentiment and thoughts, and you do make some valid points, but the messages displayed, we only see some of them, and probably not the polite ones early in the show, so the ones we see, they come across as negative and unfair.

I think the only option is to make the polite request via messages but address them to the director so the girls know its not them.

I'm tired of nice messages to ETV.They take no interest in our messages.I'm nice for a while, but after many months I am exasperated.It's useless. Etv is deaf to all criticism, even constructive.They despise their customers, those who pay their wages, holidays and social insurance

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

21.11.2015, 14:14

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Maybe I was a bit harsh in my reply, but the messages towards the end do affect the girls, they see it as criticism of them , which we both agree would not be what you meant. The problem is, the messages are sent to the girls and they see them as messages for requests and about how they have performed in the show, hence they take them to heart and feel the need to reply and defend themselves.
the issues with the show direction should be sent to the director Ellie, but during the show, I cant see any other way of doing this except using the messages. Maybe a message could be : 'The girls are great but for the director, please provide more light' or 'Message for director: more lighting please'

I do understand your sentiment and thoughts, and you do make some valid points, but the messages displayed, we only see some of them, and probably not the polite ones early in the show, so the ones we see, they come across as negative and unfair.

I think the only option is to make the polite request via messages but address them to the director so the girls know its not them.

21.11.2015, 14:12

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

rudv wrote:
imaginator55 wrote:
kennyboy2012 wrote:the only good thing so far is that Saiqa hasn't shaved below for a few days, we so need a few girls with a nice level of growth below, like Tallona Smile
I wonder how many other viewers like girls with a big bush down below. I personally prefer a clean shave. My problem with pubic hair is that it is so permanent. It is not just there for the duration of a 5-10 minute show but it will be there all the time. Wishing girls not to shave is, therefore, something like a permanent wish, like wanting a girl to wear stockings in every show and for the entire duration of them. I think you need some backing by a fair proportion of the viewers to be able to justify wishing that girls do not shave. The only occasion where I saw hair lovers win a poll was on another site, but there each vote cost the voter about one euro. Then you only need a few determined hair lovers with a big purse to tip the balance. How about a poll here?

I think it adds a lot of erotic if some girls have a NICE LEVEL of bush. taking into account the many scenes where the camera goes down the body and down and down but of course stops just above the pussy or showing only 2 mm of it , With a bush we have some erotic bush view.
Even it makes no difference in the spread legs and macro view scenes in the last two friday night exclusives. In fact due to the bad lighting everything is black so you don't see if there is a bush or not.
Perhaps this is a suggestion to be made to ETV : the customers may send a message for free during the show after spread legs or macro views to answer the question : is there a bush or not?

I'm fan, a bit of hair is erotic.I'm not fan of the full shaved.This is a personal opinion, of course.
For example, I find Tallona is very erotic.This is different from the usual girls.

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

21.11.2015, 12:10

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

imaginator55 wrote:
kennyboy2012 wrote:the only good thing so far is that Saiqa hasn't shaved below for a few days, we so need a few girls with a nice level of growth below, like Tallona Smile
I wonder how many other viewers like girls with a big bush down below. I personally prefer a clean shave. My problem with pubic hair is that it is so permanent. It is not just there for the duration of a 5-10 minute show but it will be there all the time. Wishing girls not to shave is, therefore, something like a permanent wish, like wanting a girl to wear stockings in every show and for the entire duration of them. I think you need some backing by a fair proportion of the viewers to be able to justify wishing that girls do not shave. The only occasion where I saw hair lovers win a poll was on another site, but there each vote cost the voter about one euro. Then you only need a few determined hair lovers with a big purse to tip the balance. How about a poll here?

I think it adds a lot of erotic if some girls have a NICE LEVEL of bush. taking into account the many scenes where the camera goes down the body and down and down but of course stops just above the pussy or showing only 2 mm of it , With a bush we have some erotic bush view.
Even it makes no difference in the spread legs and macro view scenes in the last two friday night exclusives. In fact due to the bad lighting everything is black so you don't see if there is a bush or not.
Perhaps this is a suggestion to be made to ETV : the customers may send a message for free during the show after spread legs or macro views to answer the question : is there a bush or not?

21.11.2015, 11:50

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

kennyboy2012 wrote:I agree in part and disagree in part.

Firstly, I assume you were sending a number of the negative messages last night, and based on that assumption:

The censorship was similar to last week, not quite the same but close, and certainly more revealing than normal shows, and I do think that last week was more revealing that normal Friday shows even. Zoe sitting on the bed with legs wide open and the camera staring straight at her pink palace, she couldn't have been more revealing Smile
I thought the lighting was good, certainly much better than some exclusives this week
Yes, in some ways, the show is losing the sparkle it started with, I have already said this both here and on the wall. the show needs a boost, something to add a new flavour, hence all the suggestions by myself and others. They may not be great ideas to some, but they are ideas to think about.
The problem with the FFW show is that its pretty much done everything they can think of to do, the requests have all been done before, they are all variations on previous ideas, and most of the girls have done the shows an awful lot too. It used to be a great show, but its now starting to become not good, and its time to give it a makeover.

But the one thing that really doesn't help anyone, and indeed makes it worse, is the constant negative messages. Yes, |I can understand and appreciate if someone doesn't see what they want, but to send in the messages that we saw last night, is just going to dampen the atmosphere and make the shows worse. Imagine your at work and you boss is standing over your shoulder, constantly telling you you're rubbish and no good. Its bound to get to you sooner or later and make you less good,
You say the girls were superb as always last night (I agree) and yet you send them messages saying how bad the show is and its no good etc. The girls are going to read them and its bound to affect them and make them feel like they are doing a bad job, regardless of where you put the blame.

and as for the number of negative messages: of the ones I saw, a few had a name but a lot did not, and so may all be from the same person, and if they cant or don't put their name, then they shouldn't be displayed.

If a show is that bad, then watch for the first hour, and if you don't like it, leave and ask for a refund. you cant stay and watch the whole show and then ask for a refund, that's daft. If this was a meal in a restaurant, you wouldn't eat the whole meal and then complain that it was inedible and awful, you'd stop eating as soon as you knew it was awful.
I do think that if you log out of the show after a short period and then go and complain, then potentially you can argue for a refund.

but whinging all the way through a show just puts a dampener on it for everyone, for the other viewers and especially the girls, and that's not going to improve it and will certainly make it worse.

As I've said, I think the negative messages of the type last night, should be vetted out, and all messages should have a username automatically added. Messages that point out errors or ask for something that hasn't been done, are fine, for example: ' Can the lights be brighter' but just negative messages like 'the lighting is crap, its rubbish' is not helpful at all.

I do agree that they need more substance to the show. and I've made suggestions, one was that every hour or 90mins, the girls change the theme and change costumes. that might help. Currently, they get naked almost straight away and pretty much stay naked. theres no tease, and that would help the show a lot.

but please, of you are just going to post negative messages on a show, please think twice, and if you don't like the show, which may be understandable, then leave and ask for a refund, or at least message with positive ideas: more ' can we have more lighting' and less ' the lighting is crap' positivity breeds more chance of agreement, than negativity which breeds conflict.

A lot of what you say is fair comment, but its overshadowed by the displayed negative messages that just throw water on any sparkle of hope in the show.

and for me, I think ETV should vet the messages better, rather than throwing the girls to their mercy like they do. ETV are wrong for doing that..

For my part, I never have ask of refund.During two hours I have ask with kindness.Please more light,please more hotter,please less censorship,please...Nothing to make, any change.I am sorry if the girls feel offended, but they are not faulty.How to express my discontent then?Since of long month we are subjected to this toothed job, it is the only means to express itself.Unfortunately the girls feel affected, they should complain at their employer's.He is the only culprit.I repeat it, I am sorry for the girls. In love

21.11.2015, 11:41

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

good idea re having a poll
and the hair isn't permanent, they can shave any time, even in the showSmile I just think it makes a nice change, but maybe that's just me Smile