Last night's show

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29.09.2011, 23:15

Re: Last night's show

gents, in actual fact I wanted to keep my mouth shut but I can't.

first believe the recent discussion belongs to the general discussion rather then this thread.

anyway. am reading quite a lot of messages, here and there and everywhere in the forum, with where etv fails, what viewers do not want, where etv did not live up to their promises, you name it. this is all fine, accepted, and fair enough, but I cannot quite identify what your expectations are ? where is the constructive approach with your proposals for improvement ? If you have any suggestions in this regard I'd assume that those running the show will be more then open to receive your proposals through their e-mail address which is available to the public on their web page.

I personally believe that is really a tough piece of work to run such a channel in a highly competitive environment and same time to comply with customers demands, not loosing focus on the commercial viability.

we all want see a good show, but what is a good show ? what is the recipe to satisfy all watching ? Me myself has twisted his mind, but regrettably have no clue either, nor any advice which eventually can do the trick. If you have, please comment.

Yours SF

29.09.2011, 23:04

Re: Last night's show

dago65ma wrote:I want the new models in the evening but not get naked ... for now!

Stupid comment because in the evening show no model can get nude in free TV....

29.09.2011, 22:50

Re: Last night's show

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
lucifer70 wrote:They stopped doing advertising for Gold Members and this, knowing our Molvanians friends, means that the initiative failed....

on Astra is always advertisement for ETV Gold shown and this advertisement is a big element of the afternoon shows and so also visible on HB.

Yep, the first sentence set the tone for a lot of well ... lets say uninformed post.

29.09.2011, 22:40

Re: Last night's show

lucifer70 wrote:They stopped doing advertising for Gold Members and this, knowing our Molvanians friends, means that the initiative failed....

on Astra is always advertisement for ETV Gold shown and this advertisement is a big element of the afternoon shows and so also visible on HB.

29.09.2011, 22:39

Re: Last night's show

dago65ma wrote:I want the new models in the evening but not get naked ... for now!
funnyBig Grin

29.09.2011, 22:30

Re: Last night's show

zxcv wrote:If we had every night just only four top ranked models least without scarecrows ..Thumb up I think this would be ..a big step ahead .

I also think this would be ...A big step back ...if this new format of a night will always be presented with the same boring and slow style of yesterday show .

Maybe ETV can't ever waste one chance without going back to the old ways ......the quick cut for every good scene ...the very slow and boring style... and most of all the lack of the imaginative vision for the whole show .

This new format needs a lot more actions …a lot more activity ....more than direction style ….More than one theme … not only a very boring style , with no theme or ideas for the show ...and some couch potatoes .

In general the new format of a night show is a great idea but the implementation is very bad as always ....and for that I would say that this new promising format of a night show ..won't survive too much .

They stopped doing advertising for Gold Members and this, knowing our Molvanians friends, means that the initiative failed.
The night shows are more and more boring and devoid of any content.
Customers are less and less.
The sms are very few (and those of GM are still less).
The new format is dictated, as always, by a single element "No Money".
The new format could be one step ahead if they intend to do something really interesting, but henceforth ETV has entered into a tunnel made ​of broken promises, bad shows, bored girls and useless strategies. All their efforts are meant to spend as little as possible and earn as much as possible, reasonable, but if you do not invest on the models, they don't do anything and the show becomes unwatchable.
Now, to do something new, they promise to fulfill all the desires (reasonable) of the customers and they do it as if this was a great novelty, while it should be the norm for an interactive TV as ETV.
So again and again promises and new efforts, while the shows get worse and customers become less and less.Thumb down

29.09.2011, 18:30

Re: Last night's show

I want the new models in the evening but not get naked ... for now!

29.09.2011, 16:58

Re: Last night's show

If we had every night just only four top ranked models least without scarecrows ..Thumb up I think this would be ..a big step ahead .

I also think this would be ...A big step back ...if this new format of a night will always be presented with the same boring and slow style of yesterday show .

Maybe ETV can't ever waste one chance without going back to the old ways ......the quick cut for every good scene ...the very slow and boring style... and most of all the lack of the imaginative vision for the whole show .

This new format needs a lot more actions …a lot more activity ....more than direction style ….More than one theme … not only a very boring style , with no theme or ideas for the show ...and some couch potatoes .

In general the new format of a night show is a great idea but the implementation is very bad as always ....and for that I would say that this new promising format of a night show ..won't survive too much .

29.09.2011, 16:18

Re: Last night's show

voncall wrote:Just after 11.00 hrs pm Kate started to undress, but was recalled by someone out of the scene
(She turned her head heading someone) and stopped her strip
Most probably there is a person who's duty is to check girls strip: stopped if this is becoming too hot
or is a model, according to a decision of ETV, who does not strip

again a very strange theory.
did you ever imagine that this deciding person is just one of the screens which are in the studio so that the models can see themself on the screen and that Kate looked at herself on the screen?
if she didn't look on a screen but at a person so was that person just some seconds earlier high under the ceiling of the studio at the left side of the camera and seconds later on the right side next to the camera.
so is probably Spiderman the director of the only 4 models shows. Smile

29.09.2011, 15:52

Re: Last night's show

I watched last night show till 00.30 hrs. after I realised that was better to go to sleep
The idea to put only four models in the show would it be great.
I trusted in a very nice show, but unfortunately it was not.
ETV said that was not any director, but i don't believe
Just after 11.00 hrs pm Kate started to undress, but was recalled by someone out of the scene
(She turned her head heading someone) and stopped her strip
Most probably there is a person who's duty is to check girls strip: stopped if this is becoming too hot
or is a model, according to a decision of ETV, who does not strip

29.09.2011, 13:26

Re: Last night's show

strange show awfull i think Kate had bad show shower scene with panties and Gia off form as usuall. She is pretty without makeup.
I woke up late about 5 30 cet and saw the two snoring sound asleep Its a very long show.

29.09.2011, 13:02

Re: Last night's show

....about last night?
strange show.....

29.09.2011, 12:57

Re: Last night's show

Tarl_Cabot suggested:

the upgrade to etv2.0

creamed & oiled feet while sitting & riding on a balloon.
of course the complete scene under the shower. Smile[/quote]

But please only once per week!

29.09.2011, 12:50

Re: Last night's show

Slowfox wrote:I agree with all of you that thre constant requests for cream, oil, balloon and feet shows are getting a little bit boring.

but where are the wishes for practicable alternatives ? and what can that be ? Ask me ?, I have no clue either.


the upgrade to etv2.0

creamed & oiled feet while sitting & riding on a balloon.
of course the complete scene under the shower. Smile

29.09.2011, 10:54

Re: Last night's show

The beginning was lameCry (in contrast to the show on Monday) and it continued tedious.Sad
I remember only one strip of KateThumb up and her comment about herself "I am sweet Kate" that was funny at least.Cool