Off-Topic Discussion

4.31 (13 rating(s))

(4.31 / 5, 13 ratings)

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07.11.2017, 11:08

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

No offence brudgon but your forum just isn't user friendly. Also have you got any idea just how many pop up adds and links you have, not to mention the fact that my norton360 just had to block an attack there! Before drumming up support for new members you need to get it sorted from top to bottom. Also its all in Italian, all fine and well if this is your native language Blush Just had to say something here as I thought somebody had to warn about potential issues. Sorry but that's just how I roll.

29.10.2017, 09:18

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Please tell me bigalathome that when your laptop comes back repaired that its running on something a bit more up to date than Windows XP as you're just looking for trouble unless you update your windows. XP no longer receives updates and as such irrespective of which anti virus programme you are running an attack on your system is still highly likely. With regards to anti virus you really don't want to rely on on the free ones. I use Norton360 and in my opinion is the best currently out there Smile

28.10.2017, 15:23

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

guys, my laptop keyboard is broken...
it is going to the doctors,,, i shall be without it
until at least tuesday,,,
cheers for now, alan,,,,,

02.10.2017, 13:22

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Many, Many thanks guys! Now everything is fine Smile

That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
"Friedrich Nietzsche"

02.10.2017, 13:18

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Good to see you, man. Glad you are around again.

02.10.2017, 13:10

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Welcome back,Shnaps7. I hope you have fully recovered from your injuryThumb upSmile

02.10.2017, 12:34

Re: Off-Topic Discussion


Hi guys! After a little injury, I'm glad to return to you, friends...

16.08.2017, 20:32

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

saoirse wrote:
andyxm715 wrote:well last time I checked my account was closed not banned... do some research first... as it makes you look like an amateur.

i'm sorry, who are you again?

out of my last post... thats all you can come back with... well I think you need to get your carer to put you back in your padded room

16.08.2017, 20:24

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

andyxm715 wrote:well last time I checked my account was closed not banned... do some research first... as it makes you look like an amateur.

i'm sorry, who are you again?

dazaman has assured you i'm not skully 100%. do you think he is lying?

so for the last time, i'm not skully or indeed anyone who posts on that forum. i think i might have joined rampant at 1 point but thats it.

16.08.2017, 20:19

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

saoirse wrote:all the big men bullying the 'lesser, weaker' people on the other forum. does it make you feel brave and powerful? what did they ever do on you? i think you're all a disgrace. any wonder the lot of you are banned.

why don't you give yourselves a big pat on the back. cunts.

well last time I checked my account was closed not banned... do some research first... as it makes you look like an amateur.

you think the members of the other forum that have been talked about here are 'lesser, weaker' people.... why..... are they not fondling your ballsack to keep you happy... and do you know them on a personal level to know that they are lesser and weaker... and how would you define a lesser and weaker person ?????

and are you skully..... I had you down as admiral decker after my last comment.... either way... go back to the other forum...

and you need to look up the term bullying... because taking the piss and stating facts is NOT bullying....

.... also I find it funny that you thanked dazaman's post..... Thumb up

16.08.2017, 19:26

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

WTF are you two up to. I told you both to ignore and of course you help promote another site.

Are you both playing this site?

I'm trying to keep my comments polite Smile

Pretty much all OT Sad

16.08.2017, 18:47

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

saoirse wrote:all the big men bullying the 'lesser, weaker' people on the other forum. does it make you feel brave and powerful? what did they ever do on you? i think you're all a disgrace. any wonder the lot of you are banned.

why don't you give yourselves a big pat on the back. cunts.

Have you seen the amount of inane bile that gets posted there that now goes unchallenged, what a great forum Thumb up So good why don't you take your sorry arse back there as we wouldn't want you to miss out on all the fun Smile

16.08.2017, 17:53

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

really? look at the time of your post mate you're making this too easy

[hidden link - please register]

you are skully. the game's over mate.

16.08.2017, 17:49

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

TATE to the PO to the TATE to the TATE, the PO TATE TATE potates are great!

16.08.2017, 17:38

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

eddiemonsoon wrote:looks like even their mods prefer this forum couldn't stay there for twenty minutes

[hidden link - please register]

knowing what terrence and james look like i can see how we are more attractive.

you'll be ok mate. try breathing deeply into a paper bag. it might help with the paranoid delusions you appear to be suffering from.
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