A nation sits on cash

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15.07.2011, 07:34

A nation sits on cash

As we all know , ETV is a free to air channel in two main satellite in Europe , no need to affirm that this is a huge advantage which guarantees for it a huge and wide range of viewers specially since it provides the soft erotic entertainment .

And Instead of targeting the majority of this huge base of fans and turn them to into active customers . they still waste this huge advantage by adopting the same marking polices , which essentially depend on targeting a special kind of customers who can afford to pay hundred of euro per month .

At the end of the day ...the higher prices from one side ...and the unsatisfying service from the other side …..makes everybody decided not to get involved and stay away .

Let's take a look at the new ETV gold …..the simple package in it offers …25 minutes and 5 texts …for 49 euro .

So with 49 euro only I will talk to my favorite model for just 25 minutes and send 5 message only ( for sure more than half of them won't ever be fulfilled due to the bad mood of the camera man for example )

Sorry but this is still too high and not convincing … and let's face the reality …the majority of the base are not interested in that offer…even after the recent additional advantages on it .

But what's the alternative ….and how could you turn the majority of that huge base of fans into a real active customers .

As all the big and small enterprises in the world do ….when its main product doesn't achieve the prospective results they immediately start to find another sources of income through providing a new kind of the complementary services which relate to its main product.

A new product…or say a new package …contains a lot of the motivated advantages and a new kind of the interesting services…with the lowest price.

Offer a monthly renewal package available for 10 euro ....with a lot more of the motivated advantages :

-Web show per month…...radio services for some hours in the daytime ....Voting system for.. choosing the weekly show...... choosing the model of the month .....And rating the regular daily shows.

And good forum guarantee the interaction between the models and the registered members one or two models would be available per day .

So, if you continue to improve the quality of your main product from one side …and on the other side , provide a very lucrative offer with all these motivated advantages with this very lower price …with no doubt you will find a huge response .

Still one important question must be raised ….what's the need for this new package specially after the new additional advantages on ETV gold system .

Many reasons could be found…

first of all .....more cheap and reasonable price and appeals to the demands of the majority of viewers.....The majority of the viewers still not interested to call or even to text due to the doubtable reaction towards their demands ….so they choose to stay in the safe side .

So , why not regaining the credibility once again with them through improving the main product …and find another ways for them to participate away from the main product .

On the other side ...the current ETV gold ...should be available for all of those who are really interested in calling and text with a lot more of the motivated advantages ....like the private video chat....etc

It's a matter of classification , Exactly as all the successful enterprises always try to appeal and target all levels of customers with the different kind of demands , by providing the suitable packages for every level of customers .

ETV is like ...A nation sits on a very big amount of cash ....but unfortunately it's still unable to make use of it or even to touch it , and in turn it's still unable to provide a better life for all of its people .

27.09.2011, 22:07

Re: A nation sits on cash

HvB wrote:Someone remembers 2006/7 when Georg was (in)famous for exactly this idea?
What happens if instead of the 20 requested sms only 18 or 19 show up?
Back then the whole forum was up in arms because of this 'fraud'.
Sorry, that was before my time ;)
I agree, that's real problem,
on the other hand, maybe they will accept it when the price is low enough.
In Germany nearly every TV-Station is doing phone and SMS voting about everything for about 50Cent per call or SMS, and hundredthousands or even millions of people are spending their money for a stupid vote anyway.
Of course it's also a matter of trust, and there ETV sometimes failed in the past, that makes it more difficult to introduce such a rather intransparent system.


27.09.2011, 21:49

Re: A nation sits on cash

Joker1305 wrote:
uk334 wrote:If you don't mind my input, I still think a party number would be a good idea.
eg a number for a 1 euro donation to a 5 or 10 minute dance, that would include hand camera
and a bit closer to the best bits a woman can offer. So 1,000 or whatever viewers would text to the number and 100 + euros earned. ...
Your concept sounds interesting to offer a certain show when enough SMS from a bunch of viewers arrived, not necessary limited to dancing or stripping, maybe also shower, feet, ballons, bondage or whatever.


Someone remembers 2006/7 when Georg was (in)famous for exactly this idea?
What happens if instead of the 20 requested sms only 18 or 19 show up?
Back then the whole forum was up in arms because of this 'fraud'.

27.09.2011, 21:45

Re: A nation sits on cash

uk334 wrote:If you don't mind my input, I still think a party number would be a good idea.
eg a number for a 1 euro donation to a 5 or 10 minute dance, that would include hand camera
and a bit closer to the best bits a woman can offer. So 1,000 or whatever viewers would text to the number and 100 + euros earned. ...
Your concept sounds interesting to offer a certain show when enough SMS from a bunch of viewers arrived, not necessary limited to dancing or stripping, maybe also shower, feet, ballons, bondage or whatever.


27.09.2011, 20:20

Re: A nation sits on cash

With all these wonderful ideas you should get together and set up a thriving station ...

Go on! Show eUrotic TV how it should be done.

27.09.2011, 20:07

Re: A nation sits on cash

If you don't mind my input, I still think a party number would be a good idea.
eg a number for a 1 euro donation to a 5 or 10 minute dance, that would include hand camera
and a bit closer to the best bits a woman can offer. So 1,000 or whatever viewers would text to the number and 100 + euros earned. they would have to show dance etc otherwise the 1 euro text line would soon dry up.
or show each model in a 5 or ten min turn in front of the camera and euros earned the better the dance. The model would no how the cash is going on a screen.
Models would soon have to work a bit harder to get more money, unfortunately the un popular ones would have to go but at least it offers fresh new faces every few months.
Anyways just a few ideas.

27.09.2011, 17:58

Re: A nation sits on cash

thanks joker for your great overview , I have nothing more to say ….but I just want to affirm one important point ....

In general I agree that the calls prices should be set at such high level for many reasons ...The simplest reason they can't afford to handle too much traffic on the phone , no model can talk to more than one viewer at the same time

And that's the reason for which I said before ....that there has to be anther product ( a new packages without calls or SMS ) ...depends on a different kind of services away from the main product ( live shows) ....which in the end will contain and bring all these big numbers of fans to the ring and create a very good source of income... and which for sure will support the main product

However , it seems that our friends of ETV (and that's according to their replay to me ) .....still not convinced by the main concept of this new proposal .

In other words ....they still want to put all their efforts and concentration on the main current product (the live shows ) …without finding another sources for income and create a suitable chance for everybody to participate whether by being such a caller …or to have the advantage to get access to the web and enjoy all these new interesting services .

And that's what lead us to the main center point of the whole discussion .. the new gold membership system won't change anything on the ground ..and would not save a chance for a new customers to enter the ring .....except for saving a little bit lower level of the prices for the few bunch of hundred which ETV already had before .

26.09.2011, 20:37

Re: A nation sits on cash

Let me dig out this thread Smile
Basically I agree you zxcv, it's better to earn 1 Euro from 1.000.000 people than earning 1000Euro from 10 people.
ETV Gold is a big step ahead, but IMHO not yet completely in the right direction.
For calling the girls, OK there's not much space for lower prices as every girl can only serve one caller at one time, so basically the tarrif is limited to a certain lower level, roughly calculated what it needs for the wage of the girls and the staff behind the scenes the ETV Gold fees for calls aren't excessivley high priced
But for SMS and additional content there could be different packages, also concerning additional content they could do much more.
=> Included in base fee:
-High quality internet streaming
-Show plan including name of the director
-Voting option for show themes
-Rating option for each show
=> Offer not only certain packages of call time and/ or SMS, instead a kind of voucher for a certain amount to purchase service or content for a monthly fee starting from <= 5Euro/month.
This amount then can be used for different content or services based on a price list, the bigger the package you buy the lower is the price per item
=> Additional content paid by item or package:
-Offer photos and photosets for a reasonable price to download as PDF, JPG or other file format
-Offer edited videos from the girls for download for a reasonable price
-Offer reasonable priced calendars or printed photosets, not only albums for more than 100Euro
=> Offer different SMS categories with price depending on category
e.g. lowest price for general comments which are only displayed on screen, medium price for music wishes , highest price for requests to the girls.
->For not or only poorly fulfilled wishes only the lowest category to be charged
=> Privacy: Offer more anonymus payment methods, I don't like the idea to have my name, bank account and phone number in the hands of an adult content provider


17.07.2011, 15:38

Re: A nation sits on cash

Well Satya , let me say it in another way ....

It's no matter how much I will pay , but it's really matter if what I am going to pay for it is worth or not …and it's more important ….if I will get what I am going to pay for or not .

of course , 49 euro in three months is not a big amount of money …I am ready to spend it every week not every three month …….but for what I am going to spend it .

25 minutes and 5 SMS …with a special show on the web...still not interesting for me and for majority of the viewers ...why …

No real motivated advantages have been included in it ……and it's still focus on the main product which certainly has lost the credibility with the majority of the viewers ….no need to mention the reasons .

So , Back to square number one …

You have to classify your viewers into categories and present the right package for every level of customers which suite their demands .

The majority who are not interested to interact with the live show you should offer them a new packages contains a new interesting services with the The lowest possible price .

The lowest package should be available for 30 euro ..with no minutes or SMS and valid for three month ...with all the motivated advantages which I have already suggested above .

And the minority ( or say the very small minority ) who are interested to interact with the live show should have the other package which includes the option for calling and text ...with a lot more of the special advantages will be available for them only as they considered as.....the distinguished minority

That's the way I see it , and that's the way it has to be .

15.07.2011, 19:50

Re: A nation sits on cash


I generally agree with your point but I think Quality comes with price tag.
There are lot of reasons to support ETV on this venture.

1. These satellites cover Europe, Africa & Asia..

2, There is no point in giving the stuff free as the whole world watches with few really taking part..

3. This is still cheap 49 Euros for 3 months which 0.5 per day... No one can give below this..
We can buy the lowest package and it is valid for 3 months..

4. At some stage, we need to support ETV financially as the end result of anything is money..

5. You have much better bargaining when you pay for anything.. you can raise your voice..Make demand
You cannot find fault with the one which has come as Gift..

But I agree with your main point that how ETV could promote both... If the main ETV programs continue to run like today,
you will have no callers..

On the other hand, if ETV gold is not going offer something special, No one will renew after 3 months..

The first answer will be known on 23-July-2011 when we actually see what is special in the ETV gold site..

As usual, your arguments are excellent and if ETV reads your post, they have a consultant working for them free of cost..

You deserve to be given free "ETV gold membership" for your contribution.. GREAT work..

Keep it up gentleman

15.07.2011, 18:56

Re: A nation sits on cash

Don't forget the law of supply and demand

I think the main point is that ETV has to find the right price to get the 'optimum' response from the viewers.
If they make it too expensive they will loose callers and sms and the models will get even more bored than now.
If they make it too cheap (the prices, not the show) there will be much too much traffic on the phones and they will be swept away by sms - in consequence the 'residents' will get dissatisfied and leave (..and all the wishes ETV gets by sms will not be fulfilled because of the huge amount)

Maybe they levelled it out not so badly ...

15.07.2011, 18:22

Re: A nation sits on cash


You should be having this discussion with eUrotic TV.

15.07.2011, 18:06

Re: A nation sits on cash

well , you diffidently still missing the main point ....maybe you couldn't take more deep look at what is between lines .

The idea is to make my product appealing to all levels of customers...and not to make it limited to a very small number of customers . because I guess it's not too intelligent at least from the commercial side to make your product just exclusive for a very small group of people

The point is not if you have the money or not ......the point is ...what you are intending to pay for it is really worth or not

because if you do offer a higher quality product with a very high prices ....I suppose that this could be an acceptable formula for many levels of customers

However when you do offer ....very lower quality product.... along with very high prices .....nobody will care for you ...even if you have succeeded in hunting a punch of hundred who can afford to take this lower quality product .

And that's simply ETV most prominent problem ...lower quality product with high prices .. exclusive for just a few hundred of customers .

what I am calling for is to change this business philosophy ...which by all standard has limited to the maximum your base of customers ....through raising the quality of the main product ...and lower the prices to a reasonable level in order to bring new kind of customers .

This a new economical perspective and need more deep look in it , So I hope in the next time to have more deep look and see what is beyound the written words Smile

15.07.2011, 17:26

Re: A nation sits on cash

Why should they invest time and resources for people from whome they get almost no return in investment?

If you want to interact with the models you can always call them and share your ideas with them. Or you can call the directors, moderators etc.

It's already possible as a viewer to parcipate in this channel and the shows... by grabbing your phone.

Everyone has the choice if he wants to be part of this tv or not, if he wants to be just a viewer or someone who is part of the "family".

If someone doesn't have the money to call regulary, I'm sorry it's his own problem. Many also would like to drive a BMW instead of a FIAT but they simply cant and have to live with that. So anyone who is not able or willing to spent money for ETV should stop crying.

15.07.2011, 17:12

Re: A nation sits on cash

Legxpert wrote:200€ = 150 minutes of talking
Here it would cost at least 300€ to call by normal phone or up to 450€ to call by cellphone.

99€ = 62 sms = 20 VIP
Their gold prizes are more than fair for the customer. Also on top it seems you get some exclusive content at the website etc.

I think you miss the point of the whole discussion ….

This proposition essentially depends on targeting all of those who choose to stay at the background , and decide not to interact with the main product due to many reasons....so , Why not targeting them Through providing a new kind of the complementary services with the lowest price

The idea is that everybody should participate …..and we should save a real and suitable chance for everybody to participate .

the ones who are interested in talking and text ETV gold system should be available for them ..they even may renew their package every week .

but the other group who are interested only in watching a good and satiefied show ( for sure the majority ) ….why not offering them a new kind of services with the lowest possible price …which in the end will support the main product ( the live shows )

I am not taking it for granted …….but for sure this new approach will appeal to the majority of the base ...

because If I am a viewer who will find a real and satisfying shows on the channel …and on the other side find all these very interesting services on ETV site ( special show on the web , interactive forum with the models , radio service ) with this very lucrative price...with no question I will get involve .

Let's face the reality …The whole of Europe is watching …however they still want to stay on the far background ... and not to get involved with the main product ( the live shows ) .

So why not making the case once again with them …through improving to the maximum the main product …and find another alternative and suitable ways to bring them all to your direction .