Eurotic TV - General Discussion

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27.02.2015, 19:25

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

15102004 wrote:I'm a bit curious, they wrote that TV is doomed, not many people watch TV now, we have a lot of customers on our site, so... i wonder why they still are on TV? Why they still are paying satellites' fees, license, and so on.
Why they don't run away from Astra and HB like they done from Sky-UK? (great marketing strategy Big Grin, they only forget to ask if they could broadcast commercials for their web-site).
What kind of advertising return can they have remaining on a "dead" and not watched platform?

Obviously, as their custom, they're lying. They don't want to admit, in front of their customers, that their initiative is just a big failure.
You're looking for a proof of this failure?
You remember how many sms received Kiera in the recent past?
How many requests she receives now?Cry
Meanwhile, even the phone calls are in sharp decline and, I wonder, what is the function of the moderators?Cool

SmileBig GrinSmileBig GrinCoolCool

27.02.2015, 15:07

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I'm a bit curious, they wrote that TV is doomed, not many people watch TV now, we have a lot of customers on our site, so... i wonder why they still are on TV? Why they still are paying satellites' fees, license, and so on.
Why they don't run away from Astra and HB like they done from Sky-UK? (great marketing strategy Big Grin, they only forget to ask if they could broadcast commercials for their web-site).
What kind of advertising return can they have remaining on a "dead" and not watched platform?

27.02.2015, 12:59

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Carissimo signor Vappiano,
penso che lei sia italiano come me, proprio questa mattina mi è stato censurato un messaggio sul forum di ETV, era soltanto una risposta al signor Jonas, il quale parla a nome di tutti i telespettatori per reclamizzare la sua prediletta. Un messaggio cortese, senza insulti, una preghiera a parlare al singolare, poiché io sono un nostalgico e quindi mi danno fastidio gli show esclusivi. Ho risposto a una certa signora Proserbina pregando la direzione di non fare figli e figliastri, il palinsesto lo deve organizzare la direzione e non il signor Jonas.
Spero che al secondo scritto mi diano una risposta, se ETV ha un forum questo deve agire democraticamente.
Cordiali saluti. JohnBirracchio

Dearest Mr. Vapiano, I think you are Italian like me, just this morning was censored a message from me on the forum of ETV, was merely a response to Mr. Jonas, who spoke on behalf of all viewers to warn that Friday, 2/27. there was the spectacle of his favorite. A message courteous, no insults, with the prayer to speak in the singular, because I'm a nostalgic and then bother me the exclusive show. I responded to a Mrs. Proserbina praying the direction of not having children and stepchildren, the organization of the schedule belongs only to the direction and not Mr. Jonas. I hope they give me a second written response, if ETV has a forum it should be conducted democratically. Kind regards. JohnBirracchio

27.02.2015, 11:01

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

nighthawk wrote:
Hilbert wrote:A summary, in terms of VIPs, of the Show of the Newbies


Thanks Hilbert and it tells all.

"I have a dream" once upon a time Dr. Martin Luther King said.

These days I have another dream that no requests for e's would come in.
But this is just a dream because it means to put down the egoism(senders) and the greed(etv)
On the other hand without e-requests and just normal ones it would be have been stopped pretty soon...
They still would get their income from VIP's and calls but probably that's not enough....
The website was launched as a little additional to the TV and to can make hot shows during a time it isn't possible. The daytime.
Now it's quite the opposite.

So my recommendation is to send them e-mails or wall posts against this "FEM"
Sure they will not publish it on their "Pravda" but at least just reading and maybe they are drawing their conclusions....

Just to post it here is a road to nowhere.

Good Night and Greetings

Hi Nighthawk!
I think that some of them read this forum almost every day.

26.02.2015, 22:01

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hilbert wrote:A summary, in terms of VIPs, of the Show of the Newbies

21th January 2015: 71 VIPs (6 mädels / 5-hour show => 14.2 VIPs/h and 2.37 VIPs/model/h

28th January 2015: 56 VIPs (6 mädels / 5-hour show => 11.2 VIPs/h and 1.87 VIPs/model/h

4th February 2015: 48 VIPs (5 mädels / 5-hour show => 9.6 VIPs/h and 1.92 VIPs/model/h

11th February 2015: 47 VIPs (6 mädels / 4-hour show => 11.75 VIPs/h and 1.96 VIPs/model/h

18th February 2015: 34 VIPs (5 mädels / 4-hour show => 8.5 VIPs/h and 1.7 VIPs/model/h

25th February 2015: 35 VIPs (6 mädels / 4-hour show => 8.75 VIPs/h and 1.46 VIPs/model/h

Errors and omissions excepted.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - -

As a consequence of the latest edict:

"We will no longer show on the plasma screens negative messages, nor we will tell our staff and models to reply to such posts.
This is not a court of justice where our models have to defend and explain themselves.
The messages will be shown 3 times in yellow on screen as promised and nothing else

some messages haven't reached the "plasma" screens.

Particularly texts from "haters" of the exclusive shows in the Nightshows, obviously,

[hidden link - please register] . . . .[hidden link - please register]
"Too many exclusive shows in the nightshow. . . . . . . . . . . . . "You're so right, more than 40%. The worst is the interruption
mean no fun for the normal viewers." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the TV show with that fucking black square"

[hidden link - please register] . . . . [hidden link - please register]
"Watching the show exclusively on the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "ETV, nothing but exclusive shows?"
is without fun. The picture quality sucks!"

[hidden link - please register]
"Hi, what happened to your hot nightshow?
You can hardly watch it now!

but also texters questioning about their wishes such as plato and even jonas on last Sunday, 22th February,

[hidden link - please register] . . . . [hidden link - please register]
"Roshy, I'm waiting since two hours. I'm going to bed now! . . . . "Karolina, I wanted a solo show of Lauren, not a very
Very bad style! Thx for nothing! Plato" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . short lesbian show with Saya. Goodnight! Jonas"

Jonas said goodnight, meaning to suggest he would have stopped sending messages.
Sure enough, soon afterwards he started to send messages again.

[hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register]

Thanks Hilbert and it tells all.

"I have a dream" once upon a time Dr. Martin Luther King said.

These days I have another dream that no requests for e's would come in.
But this is just a dream because it means to put down the egoism(senders) and the greed(etv)
On the other hand without e-requests and just normal ones it would be have been stopped pretty soon...
They still would get their income from VIP's and calls but probably that's not enough....
The website was launched as a little additional to the TV and to can make hot shows during a time it isn't possible. The daytime.
Now it's quite the opposite.

So my recommendation is to send them e-mails or wall posts against this "FEM"
Sure they will not publish it on their "Pravda" but at least just reading and maybe they are drawing their conclusions....

Just to post it here is a road to nowhere.

Good Night and Greetings

26.02.2015, 21:28

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

[hidden link - please register]

nothing downloads waste of time

26.02.2015, 19:47

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

There are more and more Messages during the expensive eehh exclusive shows like:
"xxx is so hot", "xxx and yyy are doing so well" and so on. All without the name of a sender.....

If they fake a sms why can´t they fake a name too?
One reason could be the total absence of phantasy....


24.02.2015, 16:23

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Just few words to give you some other points of view about "DIY".

1) DIY ethic refers to the ethic of self-sufficiency through completing tasks without the aid of a paid expert.
The DIY ethic promotes the idea that anyone is capable of performing a variety of tasks rather than relying
on paid specialists.

This is the main ETV's philosophy:
the same person is a model today, will be a moderator tomorrow, will be a director the day after tomorrow, and so on...

This "philosophy" is one of the reasons of the evident inconsistence of their work.
If I take a look at my Country, I see that this philosophy seems to have been applied only by our politicians, since the end of the 2nd world war. The result? A disaster ...

2) The DIY ethic is strictly connected to the punk culture.
Aria, ETV's model, moderator and so on, seems to be a follower of the "punk culture":
[hidden link - please register]

It wouldn't be a surprise to know that the "DIY" is one of her "ideas".

3) The "other side of the DIY" Big Grin :

[hidden link - please register]

Our fellow Jonas has solved this problem Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin!
His left arm has been developed very quickly as muscolar as the right arm, thanks to the frenetic activity:
to send vipsms, to call at the phone, to switch frenetically from the fta to the exclusive section , ....

24.02.2015, 08:45

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I checked into rehab to rid myself from ETV.Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin Believe me, it was very easy. So I was released the day after.Blush


24.02.2015, 00:54

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Joker1305 wrote:
nighthawk wrote:...
Who should feel to be addressed Big Grin

Everyone who agrees, or also disagrees Smile
Just added my thoughts.


meaning what exactly??

23.02.2015, 23:19

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

nighthawk wrote:...
Who should feel to be addressed Big Grin

Everyone who agrees, or also disagrees Smile
Just added my thoughts.


23.02.2015, 23:02

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

dick0 wrote:
all that will be left: the hands-, feet-, balloon-, 'Bruestewippen' (breastshaking)-, icecubes- etc shows (incredible that the girls are able to do this with a straight face). Big Grin

I was once visited.
People didn't know ETV.
Believe me, I've got a red head.

23.02.2015, 22:36

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Joker1305 wrote:
nighthawk wrote:...This doesn't mean that we will not perform viewers requests,
but if there aren't any we will do the things we want and make our ideas reality. We hope you'll enjoy it!

So , another step towards the complete destruction of the nightshow.
"We do as we want , whether you like it or not"...that's the bottom line.
Well, has this ever been different? In the end it was always up to the girls to make the best of it.
But considering their U-turns in the last weeks at least they seem to understand the language of money, so anyway the way they go depends on what the viewers pay for.
OK, there a good idea may be extending the payment options, as long as they only offer Credit Card and direct banking they successfully prevent me from becoming customer.
Anyway, for the night show exclusives it won't work with me, besides I don't want to support the interruption of the shows and I simply want to relax while watching TV and not switch around with the web stream, not even considering how to record other than leaving the PC run all night.
But if the shows between the exclusives are too lame I watch something different or go to bed.
How they could get a bit of my money? For example with Photosession shows. Unfortunately there were less than a handfull FTA in the past years, and the last one was total chaos so I didn't see an opportunity to get the pictures I'd like to have.


Hi Joker

make your choice who you would like to quote Big Grin
Who should feel to be addressed Big Grin


23.02.2015, 22:18

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

nighthawk wrote:...This doesn't mean that we will not perform viewers requests,
but if there aren't any we will do the things we want and make our ideas reality. We hope you'll enjoy it!

So , another step towards the complete destruction of the nightshow.
"We do as we want , whether you like it or not"...that's the bottom line.
Well, has this ever been different? In the end it was always up to the girls to make the best of it.
But considering their U-turns in the last weeks at least they seem to understand the language of money, so anyway the way they go depends on what the viewers pay for.
OK, there a good idea may be extending the payment options, as long as they only offer Credit Card and direct banking they successfully prevent me from becoming customer.
Anyway, for the night show exclusives it won't work with me, besides I don't want to support the interruption of the shows and I simply want to relax while watching TV and not switch around with the web stream, not even considering how to record other than leaving the PC run all night.
But if the shows between the exclusives are too lame I watch something different or go to bed.
How they could get a bit of my money? For example with Photosession shows. Unfortunately there were less than a handfull FTA in the past years, and the last one was total chaos so I didn't see an opportunity to get the pictures I'd like to have.


23.02.2015, 21:25

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

BornExtreme wrote:Etv wrote this, about the nightshow of tonight:

DIY stands for "Do It Yourself"! The idea is that Monday is not the strongest day for exclusive requests, so we decided
to experiment with our own ideas on this particular evening. This doesn't mean that we will not perform viewers requests,
but if there aren't any we will do the things we want and make our ideas reality. We hope you'll enjoy it!

So , another step towards the complete destruction of the nightshow.
"We do as we want , whether you like it or not"...that's the bottom line.

Ouch, somebody didn't know what DIY means?

Hi Born Extreme,

so right what you said. R.I.P. TV-Nightshow.
Their new policy is "We know all, You nothing." That takes me back in history and the question how could the British Empire (Minority)
control millions of Indian people (majority) during the 19th century and the answer was given by an officer of the Empire troops concerning machine guns.

We have one they have none Big Grin

That's the way how ETV is acting with people they save their income....and unfortunately there are a lot of them and even praise them. Just look at the wall-posts of that "WK" Angry
Don't worry, tonight a lot of .... will ask for exclusives and again they are going to bring down TV-Nighshow to a standstill all some seconds Angry
Critical but for sure polite comments aren't welcomed anymore. Looks like an alien has taken over the control Cry
I'm not against improvements but I really hate that the Nighshow is putted down on the same level like an ordinary Premium now.

But the cast for tonight is very good.

Best Regards