Ahat - Discussion & Chat

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05.01.2008, 19:39

Ahat - Discussion & Chat

Hey guys,

I know she became like mod or something for the italian viewers... anybody knows if she's to return IN FRONT of the camera again someday?

I think that's pretty much a waste having her doing that... am not that of a hardcore viewer, y'know... but  because of her  I started  watching that channel in the first place... nice body, nice face... and she really seemed like a fun person... not as boring as some other girls...

Well, maybe that's why she is moderating now...

I never called her, sent messages or somethin... yeah am a bad viewer am I? ha ha ...nah, I'lI leave that to others... but I enjoyed watching her anyway....

So anybody knows somethin?



14.01.2008, 23:35

Re: Ahat - Discussion & Chat

Man, it's a pity she left... when she stopped modelling I was already unhappy... I was kinda hopin she would return on stage sometime again though... :(

09.01.2008, 16:00

Re: Ahat - Discussion & Chat

Nice... the woman this topic is devoted to actually responed herself...  didn't think that would happen... sure I wouldn't have minded you telling the opposite of what you said... but what can you do... so farewell, Ahat...

I used to watch that sunday morning show either... actually the only time I watch eutv at all... cuz this is the time I usually come home... slighlty wasted... and need some quiet program to chill out  before I go to sleep...

...yeah, good times... but as they always say you shouldn't give up hope. Maybe she'll start her own channel someday... who knows... and I'd be there every sunday morning watching it... ;)


07.01.2008, 22:05

Re: Ahat - Discussion & Chat

Memories: every sunday, early morning, with Safo, your fantastic sexy shows for many weeks.

Your italian is so nice!!

Ciao Ahat, saluti e buona fortuna!!!

07.01.2008, 21:53

Re: Ahat - Discussion & Chat

@outside: Thanks for confirming
@BoardMod: I agree with the privacy thing and I didn’t expect a forensic investigation. Nevertheless outsides answer was more convincing ;-)

07.01.2008, 19:45

Re: Ahat - Discussion & Chat

Ahat will probably be the model I will miss more among all the ETV staff. I watched the afternoon show hoping I could hear her voice speaking my language :)

Ciao Ahat, ci mancherai tanto.

07.01.2008, 19:36

Re: Ahat - Discussion & Chat

And even ex-models deserve their privacy.

So we shall leave it like that.

07.01.2008, 18:56

Re: Ahat - Discussion & Chat

Firstofall I can help HvB and everyone has some doubt, I remember it was the first time I joined this site chatroom and there was qsczse and some usual users as brokingbull, and Mauro too, and quite Mauro said qsczse he tracked her IP address and it  came from "where we expect" (to use HvB's words without being censored with some *****).

@ qsczse/Ahat, best wishes and luck, I hope you still remember some sms sent by me, I will remember your Hot Chocolate's You Sexy Thing dedication from you and of course your ETV+ clip, where you prove you are very sensual.

Continue reading this board and don't forget your italian.

A big kiss and a flower.


07.01.2008, 18:05

Re: Ahat - Discussion & Chat

If you are Ahat, I wish you well for the future, but that user has an interesting history. Maybe some bored Mod can check if the IP is from where we would expect it to be ...

07.01.2008, 17:14

Re: Ahat - Discussion & Chat

Dear Ahat >>>>> qsczse

It's always a shame when a good model leaves the tv but, as for the reasons you state, I wish you well for the future

07.01.2008, 16:46

Re: Ahat - Discussion & Chat

Hi Guys, Thanks you for the compliments "Greenheaded "and Of course "Outside" too.

To answer your question. No I woun't be coming back to Eurotic TV,as Outside stated:My other job can not be mixed with pleasure.Thanks "Greenheaded" for starting to watch the Chanell becouse of me. Im really flattered.

Well Guys.

Per me il Show e finito, ma per voi va ancora avanti , quindi Vi auguro buoni momenti Con Eurotic TV

Caio un Bacio per tutti Voi


06.01.2008, 17:37

Re: Ahat - Discussion & Chat

thx for the info.. didn't know she left completely... that's too bad man!

Well... good thing is... I can stop wondering if she was ever to come back on the screen... :)

then again... damn!



06.01.2008, 01:29

Re: Ahat - Discussion & Chat

Agree with you about Ahat, and add she was the best at speaking italian at ETV (n.2 is Aria, followed by Margo), I have written "was" because she isn't anymore at ETV neither as model, nor as moderator, I think because she has her principal job and she hasn't enough time.

At the moment the one and only mod in italian is Simone.

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