Kia - Discussion & Chat

3.5 (12 rating(s))

(3.5 / 5, 12 ratings)

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18.02.2013, 16:57

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

Kia appeared again as an etvshow model at this weekend, but not scheduled as a regular one...

27.01.2013, 18:29

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

Anything new about Kia?
Wasn't she originally scheduled for a webshow on 24th? did she take part?
Somehow strange one of the longest-serving gilrs disappears for several weeks without further notice Confused
I hope she's fine and only has some other obligations at the moment.


15.01.2013, 01:25

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

shaky-schumi wrote:Confused Maybe this beautifull young woman had only some vacation / time off Cool
Try to stay positif .....if you don't see a model ( or the model ) for a couple of shows does not always mean that she left Etv ....there could be different kind of reasons ,namely vacation,study,sick,private stuff ,etc.
Maybe next time you/we will be overwelmd again in the shows with this beautifull young woman named Kia Cool Thumb up

Kind Regards

I sincerely hope you're right, but unfortunately I doubt it... Confused

Anyway that would be another terrible loss. Current girls are gentle. Kia is gentle AND really hot In love

14.01.2013, 21:06

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

Confused Maybe this beautifull young woman had only some vacation / time off Cool
Try to stay positif .....if you don't see a model ( or the model ) for a couple of shows does not always mean that she left Etv ....there could be different kind of reasons ,namely vacation,study,sick,private stuff ,etc.
Maybe next time you/we will be overwelmd again in the shows with this beautifull young woman named Kia Cool Thumb up

Kind Regards

14.01.2013, 01:15

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

About the former models page Kia Arrived:: 01.02.2006 and Left: 24.12.2012. However today appeared as an etvshow modell...

31.12.2012, 20:38

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

Kia hopefully does not turn still ETV the back.
It would be really a pity, with her one can still talk from eroticism model.Tongue

25.12.2012, 13:01

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

She is simply a dad's darling.Heart

22.12.2012, 17:56

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

alex wrote:
outside wrote:Kia is young but she's from old school.
Thumb up

like you Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Kia can keep only so long successfully in this business because fulfils you also the customer wishes.
In addition it is a natural radiation you so engagingly makes. I think permanently of pushing itself in the foreground, also does not fit to her character.In love

22.12.2012, 17:39

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

I do not know why, but I have always liked you very well.
She has made also with Jerry, Tia, Jaya, Megita and Tyra really hot broadcastings.
I wished ETV would be more tolerant and we could see again from her.TongueThumb up
kenniawy wrote:she is one of the most active models , but unfortunatlly she doesn't have much fans

25.11.2012, 23:59

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

Unusual presence in a show on Sunday night for the miracle of nature Kia. Like a very delicious cherry on a cake, she has arrived to make still brighter a show already very, very well attended. Kia, I cannot ever to thank enough your parents to have created you so perfect, simple, nice and exciting.

20.11.2012, 17:01

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

If one yesterday Kia and Natasha saw in the night show, then he noticed the difference.
That was erotic love between two women who apparently .
There are just models who like your work and then meet the needs of their viewers .

19.11.2012, 23:44

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

Dear, very wonderful Kia, what is the secret of creation that has made you so perfect and irresistable?
To see you in every show is really a privilege. Also if this show isn't the same of some years ago, you find always the way to make it very special. You have (and are) a gift in this sense. Be very happy as I am always to see you.

14.11.2012, 19:26

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

Kia is a very (very for other millions times) deliciuos creature. I become really mad when she has actions but also when she dances, and I see that she likes to dance a lot.
Always very kind, a voice of a sweet bird, speaks a good Italian. Kia, give many thanks and congratulations to the voice that, in you, have insisted to say "Come back in Etv". Very intelligent and sexy voice. Like yours.
Every morning I'd like to see your smile and the day becomes magic. Stop Cris Cris, otherwise her boyfriend, that could be also a boxer, leave of your nose (and of the rest of your body) only a remember.
Good evening everybody.

06.11.2012, 13:41

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

you are very sexy and every time i saw you i fell vigourous a splendid body

01.09.2012, 05:46

Re: Kia - Discussion & Chat

Sincerity for sincerity ... I am not and I don't think I will become a fan of Kia, even if I said the same about Tia! Big GrinHeartBig Grin But more so I think it's fair to say that the success, or otherwise non-boredom, of the last NS is mostly due to her that was participatory and protagonist in most intriguing situations and in the most engaging strip Tongue ... There are those who, having perhaps more loveliness, should learn a lot from her in the attitudes and predisposition towards those who follow the show ... In every sense ... Regardless of undress or not ... Really good Thumb upThumb up