Kim - Discussion & Chat

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23.09.2007, 22:53

Re: Fears for Kim.

For me, Kim is  one of the most erotic beautiful model.

I hope she will be back in the next days. I am waiting her in the next schedule. 

23.09.2007, 22:35

Re: Fears for Kim.

Who needs her ??

23.09.2007, 02:55

Re: Fears for Kim.

I hope she hasn't.

22.09.2007, 23:41

Fears for Kim.

She may have quit.

Just viewed my recordings over the last few days and last night 210907, Kim was on ETV2 until halfway through the program, she appeared to be in upset state (body language) and in a discussion with someone off screen when she suddenly upped and left. She had worked for four shifts in the previous 30 hrs, not scheduled to do so.

14.09.2007, 12:53

Re: Kim - Discussion & Chat

I think she is a pantyhose farm owner, she always wears, also in August.
Anyway she looks very pretty and sexy, in particular her ETV+ clip, when she ripped her pantyhose off (I think this clip would be in archive section, posted by very good Elmo).