No models, no show - an open letter to ETV

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22.10.2007, 10:59

No models, no show - an open letter to ETV

Dear ETV

Congratulations on reaching the end of a difficult year, with the sudden loss of so many of your best girls and the failed soft show concept where they played silly games and Kaleya talked a lot. Even in a university city  it cannot be easy to keep finding new girls who have all the qualities you need: looks, languages, the personality to keep callers on the line, willingness to undress, and the commitment to stay with the channel. Continuity is vital in any business.

With the exception of the short-lived Samira, you have not really managed to replace any of the hottest of your personnel. Some of the newer models have left with indecent haste. Some have lasted only one or two days. Why? There must be discussion before they appear, and the word “Eurotic” is a bit of a hint.

The departures have recently increased alarmingly again - Selena, Linda, Larissa, Tamara, Elisa, Kim, Alice, Paula, Rebecca, Svetlana, Kiara, Madlen, Morgana, Helen, Dorian - so you must be recruiting as fast as you can and trying desperately to keep the ones you have. As Lola said a week ago: “ohne Models, keine Show”. Her point was that the texters/callers should be nice to the (new) girls, make them feel good in what is a fairly daunting experience. So my wishlist for the 4th year is:

1. That regie/mods and girls make every effort to make promising new girls welcome, involve them, encourage them to be part of a team, and not leave them looking isolated and miserable. Cliques, I wonder?

2. That the girl doing the introductions checks the names of the other models in advance. It’s not very nice if your new colleagues don’t know your name.

3. Recruit like your life depended on it. It does. You need around 30 models per day. You have only 50 on your current books and some only do once or twice a week.

4. Try even harder to do things you are do already:
- to get some of the former models to return even if only for short stints.
- to replace the departed hot models by equally hot new ones, to get some of the soft ones to become hotter and to get any of the very softest, the “barbies”, to become less Barbie-ish. Presumably the ones who strip are paid more - always a good incentive. I’m prepared to contribute myself in one or two cases…..

4. Direct the girls to be positive. Some are wonderful – look for example at Lana, always somehow on the move, smiling, interactive – but some new ones are allowed to sit or lie around together for most of the time doing not very much. One or two are just plain lazy, and it’s contagious. Taking all your clothes off isn’t everything. Being sexy is.

5. Do something drastic to ETV2 to keep the models active and motivated. Even the best ones often look bored – and you can’t afford to upset them. Schedule three girls who can have fun together.

6. As soon as possible drop the two new models who are always completely covered from neck to toe, neither show nor do anything and therefore have no reason to be in front of the camera They look out of place and uncomfortable.

7. Correct your website as to who’s hot and who’s soft? Just refer to the excellent girls’ page on this website.

With the irreplaceable loss of so many of your hottest models we hope you are not forced to change your concept, so here’s wishing for renewal and a resurgence of fortune in a successful year four. As DB says, you’re unique and we love you for what you try to do, even though we don’t always understand where some of the ideas are coming from and maybe we get less than constructively critical. A forum like this proves how much you mean to us, and I for one would miss you very much.


06.01.2008, 13:18

Re: No models, no show - an open letter to ETV

@ HvB: yes,of course not every ex.model would like to come back.

But i`m sure,that etv will find one or two girls who want to do this.


06.01.2008, 00:59

Re: No models, no show - an open letter to ETV

gota say, ive only just tuned in to etv, to be honest, its pretty damn lame... the majority of girls look bored stiff, the first night i saw the show 1 girl was just putting on and taking off stockings, yeah i can appreciate that but for a full hour?...

i downloaded a few of the sites videos and there nothing like the show, some of the vids are explicit, but the show is so tame it could be shown on uk tv, not that any1 would watch it after a few days...

hmmm then again it may not be the models fault, as its syndicated to turkey(i think that was the flag i saw) maybe the shows producers had to tone it down somwhat to sell it to em?

but i am surprised it makes enough money to keep going...

seriously guys it could be so much better...

if u find a spelling mistake, don't worry about it, i don't...

05.01.2008, 18:44

Re: No models, no show - an open letter to ETV

@bellerophon. very good post

@iveco. I don't think that the former models would be interested in that. Most propably they do something completely different now and have no intention to risk that by working occasionaly in a job they allways disliked.

05.01.2008, 16:47

Re: No models, no show - an open letter to ETV

Your`re right.

I would say,maybe etv can convince some of the ex-models to come back for one show in one or two months.

For example: one saturday night show in march,the next one in may and so on....

Maybe some others here agree.


05.01.2008, 15:01

Re: No models, no show - an open letter to ETV

I must agree even with erik and also with stevie. Stevie I think has a point and I must agree with him also because this stuff in the regie speaks such bad German and English, that it gets very disturbing. For example VIKI, I think that she should be more quiet, because speaking as she does, makes only her more stupid. I don"t know if you will all agree but, I also think that we get too much talking and too little action. I also think these screens with sms live shown are very bad idea, because girls just look at them and are loughing when watching these screens....all in all whole these scene about etv became one big mess. and until all of you callers will not be united on strike, well it will just get worse. and models are leaving almost evry week. Where are Leti, Jasmin, Cayla, Carolina, Roxie, Bionce, Jaya,...all gone in last few weeks. I think especially a lot about what happened with jaya and carolina. I miss this two lately the most. Some others should leave. 

05.01.2008, 13:43

Re: No models, no show - an open letter to ETV


Hi, you're right but look at their lips when they talk to each other without mic.

It's not English, even in E1 you can watch it

05.01.2008, 13:24

Re: No models, no show - an open letter to ETV

@Erik: But I think you know that it is forbidden for the models to speak in their mother tongue? Yes, in reality they do it quite often, especialli on ETV2, but can be punished for that.

05.01.2008, 11:07

Re: No models, no show - an open letter to ETV

@ Stevie: You won't understand anything what the models talk to each other because they speak in their mother tongue and that's not English...;-)

05.01.2008, 10:55

Re: No models, no show - an open letter to ETV

Intressting Points. I would like to add something about the hosts. they shouldn't talk so much and if it should not be so much unintressting bla bla like now. i also prefer to hear only female hosters and i would like to hear live sound from studio often. i want to hear what the girls say to each other or on phone. but then without that we can hear the callers too. only the models.

22.10.2007, 21:58

Re: No models, no show - an open letter to ETV

Excellent post mate! You definitely spoke for a lot of viewers. Let's hope THEY read it too and take it serious.

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