Camera angles

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01.10.2013, 07:04

Camera angles

Obviously the various channels on Liveshow TV have too few cameramen. Very often the banner with the telephone number at the center bottom of the picture covers the relevant parts of te girl one would like to see. If these banner were moved to the top of the picture, best into the right or left top, this problem could be avoided.

01.10.2013, 08:24

Re: Camera angles

The banner issue as been talked to death and in a lot of cases the channel decides to make them bigger than they where Confused The numbers get larger for those with impaired vision and end result is a loss of 40% of the screen Sad

I doubt it matters which channel you mean as all on TV now look the same, Studio 66 and Red Light now have banners in the top left saying which channel your watching but, does little to pretty the picture or the girls, of course the phone numbers are still as big as ever in the bottom centre of the screen.

01.10.2013, 07:49

Re: Camera angles

well, to be serious ... I have no idea what to answer to this. Confused
maybe you should send me a PM to get all your answer or explanations that are needed. Smile
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