Doris - Discussion & Chat

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24.09.2008, 22:15

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

Now this tops everything: Doris doing a 16h shift today??? I saw her on at the 10am shift, and according to the schedule on the startpage (big thx to LiveShowMan who gives his best to update the schedule every day) she was on at 14.00 and 18.00. And who do I see now at 22.00??? Doris again. No comment.

24.09.2008, 10:27

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

A new channel - SexySat Doris - is born! An extremely boring channel! Always her statement, which may not to do it.

With some other models it was (is) possible! Why?

It would be better to exchange this model, to use it only in day shows or to permit her, to show more.

To the managers: Stopps these dull shows !!!

24.09.2008, 09:05

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

The last days she was on tv for 12 hours.  That is just too much. You can't make a good show for that long.

24.09.2008, 07:29

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

Guess who was on ss1 last night show?!?!!!! :)

21.09.2008, 14:06

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

If this continues, we can completely forget Crapsat

21.09.2008, 11:23

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

In the night show Doris again. This time it was a short time without her panties, however without showing something.

One can forget the other two SexySat channnels. It is disappointing!

20.09.2008, 22:13

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

Oh I really was missing Doris on SexySat 1 :@ ... nightshow nr. 6 in a row. I just wonder what the other models doing regular nightshows thinkabout that. But probably they are happy, as we know nightshows are no better-paid that daytime shows and no model (except Doris) seems to like staying up until the morning.

19.09.2008, 22:15

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

5th nightshow in a row on SS1 featuring SexySat's new sleeping pill nr 1. Will that ever have an end??? It's getting ridiculous.

19.09.2008, 18:17

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

The manager of Sexysat ignored the criticism

19.09.2008, 10:33

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

Incomprehensibly! !!

Again the boring model in the night show of SexSat1.Don't the manager  of SexySat read the criticism from this site?

18.09.2008, 19:03

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

yes, unbelievable!!

and she can do the afternoon show, as she does not take of her pussy to see :)
she should do more hot shows, than ss1 will have much more $$$ :)

17.09.2008, 23:25

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

Damn she's again on SSTV 1. Do we have to watch her 7 days a week now at night? SSTV managers probably see the big $$$$ in her since she can speak excellent German.

17.09.2008, 11:09

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

Hello Mauro!

Please me,that you are my opinion. The show of this model cannot become more boring.

The model on SexSat 3/4 (yesterday night show) is very pretty,may not show however apparent more too.

Do you know why the show on SexySat 1 is suddenly to a big part covered by a picture and a banner?

16.09.2008, 23:21

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

So guys, here name is confirmed to be Doris (I haven´t been watching so much so I haven´t been able to hear her say her name)?

16.09.2008, 23:03

Re: Doris - Discussion & Chat

After watching her 2nd show tonight so far there's just one conclusion: she's i the same sleeping-pill league as wannabe-diva Lory. Doris doesn't use the remote control at all, doesn't remove her pants. Yeah she's looking nice, but I can watch static models on other channels like ETV as well.