who's lesbian???

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20.12.2008, 14:03

Re: who's lesbian???

- removed -

Poster: Use that 's' word once more and you will be banned.

05.10.2008, 15:31

Re: who's lesbian???

I don't understand why some of you react so strongly. It's not like someone is accusing the girls of having AIDS or being serial killers in their free time. So what if they are lesbians? No big deal!

My guess is Alex and Cam-Vicky. Have thought so since the first time I saw them. A bit surprised that some suggested Kaleya cause I've never gotten that vibe from her. And after watching her doing guys on "another channel" I'd say that she's possibly bi but absolutely not gay.

05.10.2008, 14:48

Re: who's lesbian???


18.05.2008, 14:41

Re: who's lesbian???

geeeeez why in da world you guys are talking about their private lifes, so what!!! lesbo or no lesbo or bio or stright. what????? you wanna marry them???? so beat it let them be what they are and what they want and like,, non of our god damn business, just dial and call and talk and have fun and enjoy.

18.05.2008, 11:13

Re: who's lesbian???

As Brucie would say "Good game. Good game" :)

Better get this in quickly then before my cousin wakes up.

Other than speculation, there is only one 'couple' on the tv at the moment. But you should all know who they are.

18.05.2008, 07:26

Re: who's lesbian???

I want only add that this is a joke , i don't want to invade private life of models...only I ask "in your opinion" who of the girl is ( or better looks like to be ) lesbian. sure that nobody knows if they don't make a outing..and this is the reason for my question that I don't know who....i suppose ones of them...but my aim wasn't offend or invade private life of models.

if the moderator thinks this is a offensive topic he can close it. i have no problem. it was only a game ...nothing more

thanks all


18.05.2008, 01:03

Re: who's lesbian???

Wrooooooooonnnnnnnggg !!!!!!!!! I did !!!!!!!!!!!! but i give no comment on that !!!!! well maybe just a thing   and that is ,i like her just the way she is and how she is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if it was the truth ,i don't care !! it won't change a thing !!!!!!!!!!!!! what a speculations  jeeeeeeeeesssuuuuuss !! and also about Alex and Gia andsome of he others i don't believe it !! (@Rockabye don't believe these things !) and if it was the truth ,it's there lives and not ours !!! Are some of you experts or what ? Have respect for what they are or who they are !

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers- the red/white shark)

18.05.2008, 00:53

Re: who's lesbian???

I was not going to mention Kaleya but since it was already mentioned...

She's probably had half the cast and had hopes for the other half.

Hope that Shaky does not read this.

18.05.2008, 00:36

Re: who's lesbian???

Sorry Rockabye, but there is a high probability that Mustafa is right.
Hint 1: the former mod. Georg told so once in a show.
Hint 2: she always tried to 'turn around' my 'special connection' (no name - sorry!)

Further (but with the usual disclaimer of liability): Cam-Vicky (Liaison with Kaleya)

17.05.2008, 20:46

Re: who's lesbian???

Am I sure ?

As one of my colleages once said. "You know when how they touch you"

17.05.2008, 18:56

Re: who's lesbian???

My favourite (ex)-model?

Come on... please... tell me that's not true. I called her several times @ etv and she didn't appear to be so.

Are u sure?

17.05.2008, 18:34

Re: who's lesbian???

Lesbo ! Who shall I start with ?

Ale*? Most definately

Gi*? Probably. Was outed by Ale*?

Want some more ? :)

17.05.2008, 17:06

Re: who's lesbian???

<<< if one is they don't really say it because it is their own private decision. >>>

exactly. the models would never tell the callers such personal things.

17.05.2008, 14:59

Re: who's lesbian???

I think none of the models or ex-models is lesbian and they all prefer men.

But what do you think? Do you think any of them likes women too?

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