Gia - Discussion & Chat

3.93 (178 rating(s))

(3.93 / 5, 178 ratings)

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01.04.2012, 12:47

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

The reason for Gia's recent disappearance has been revealed to me, and some of you are going to be very surprised ...
She got married! ...
to a German! ...
and honeymooned in Dubai ... Envy

Pictures are on their way ...
... okay, I have them here:-
[hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register]

01.04.2012, 12:41

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Gia was very hot and sexy again,last night.In love
But in 5 hours of show, she only give to us no more than 20 minutes of pleasure??!!!Confused
Let´s hope today we see more??Cool

01.04.2012, 11:51

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

The blind can not see. How many square centimeters of skin can measure the eroticism? look at other models, darling.

01.04.2012, 11:41

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

albertus100 wrote:Brother
the Queen is back
amazing show
Thumb up

Did I miss something, all I saw was her turning her back on the camera all the time.
And all the time lying down at the back, fully clothed !

01.04.2012, 11:34

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

As i already wrote, the important thing, in this delicate phase of reintegration, is not, at least for me, to see Gia naked but to see her comfortable (with herself and her collegues).
From this perspective, the show yesterday seemed less encouraging than the first two Confused.
Gia showed more of her gorgeous body Smile, of course, but her movements seemed mechanical and almost involute.
The interaction with the other models was minimal and always prompted by requests. Surprisingly, no interaction with Kate, one of her traditional partners.
Obviously i hope i'm wrong, but i fear will be a long time to see Gia, again, completely at ease Sad.
She needs (and deserves) to feel confidence and affection, she needs (and deserves) to be the center of attention, she needs ideal working conditions to offer the best.
On the other hand, the show yesterday also had positive aspects. First of all, great support of customers (marked increase of sms and flood of calls) Thumb up.

So, that's my idea (i hope molvanian ineffable bosses read here Big Grin):
ensuring to Gia a weekly show dedicated, as happens to Scarlet and Karry, leaving her free to deciding cast and treat the artistic side Thumb up.

This would guarantee her a confidence boost and made us the chance to see her excellent creative ability Tongue.
Sorry for the lenght of this post, contrary to my habits.
And of course i want emphasize i just expressed my opinion and feelings, no speculations and no pre-established truths.


01.04.2012, 11:33

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

albertus100 wrote:Brother
the Queen is back
amazing show
Thumb up

I never doubt, Gia is Gia, the Queen, with all we know from herHeartHeart

01.04.2012, 11:24

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

the Queen is back
amazing show
Thumb up

01.04.2012, 09:57

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

I'm aback for the last night not belive,very nice TongueTongueThumb upThumb upThumb up

01.04.2012, 03:42

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Slowfox wrote:well said, guys.

can hardly wait to see all your messages on the plasma screens in the studio in appreciation of, and support for her.

but have my doubts if there are as many as the 'welcome back' messages seen last week.


apparently etv has established a new firewall for Gia related messages to prevent themselves from the sms flood. only very few survived.

during the main show Gia received 18 sms, of which 2 were only in appreciation of her presence with some kind words, and 16 further sms with requests. 2 to show her feet and 14 to get naked.

not really representative, however, that is 11% of admirers, and 89% participating and contributing.

the rest of her huge fan base remained in gentle silence.

speaking of silence, will I read again tons of messages with complaints of those, who didn't dare to send some words to their beloved one ?


01.04.2012, 00:20

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

tackle wrote:Welcome back Gia's tits!!!

should put such a message on the plasmas in the studio. bet she loves to see that


01.04.2012, 00:12

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Welcome back Gia's tits!!!

31.03.2012, 23:45

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Please kill the director she was doing something and........Kia...... But what a f...k!!!

31.03.2012, 23:33

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Come on Gia do something!!!!!!!!!!!!!

31.03.2012, 22:07

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Tonight a really great casting, a really good chance to see Gia better. I hope so. Enjoy the show!!Thumb up

31.03.2012, 21:39

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

I like how Gia speak
Giiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaa forever with us

yes i agreeThumb upThumb up
and this is the real new thing that we can appreciate from herHeartHeartHeart
a big difference from others,alsoHeart ,it is like a kiss from herIn loveIn love

it is also very strange that we look also to this aspect!
but it is like to be deeper involved with her
yes it is strangeSmileSmile
but which model gives us so big emotions??TongueTongueTongueTongueTongue
what's happpenig to all us??
personally i hope that Gia will not feel too much the pressureConfusedConfusedConfused
good luck to everibody!Thumb upThumb upThumb up