A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

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31.12.2015, 18:33

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

Scottishbloke wrote:< snip >
Into April and I start the road back to full recovery as I begin a weekly course of Psychotherapy ...
< snip >

Hi 'Scottishbloke'

Now maybe the Health Service is different in Scotland than it is down here in England ...
Or maybe six years in this Forum has taken its toll ...
But you may find a course of Physiotherapy could be more beneficial to your ankle Tongue

31.12.2015, 16:09

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

Scottishbloke wrote:{snipped}

when you say you came back to this forum was it after you were kicked off the other forum?

what i mean is, their loss is our gain i suppose. Thumb up

31.12.2015, 09:55

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

As this year draws to a close this is more of a personal review of my year, back in January I have a fall on the ice (Scotland is sometimes a bit chilly) Blush which lands me up in hospital with my ankle bones smashed to fuck Big Grin which requires quite a big operation in which I have my ankle in a cast for 6 weeks whilst depending on crutches as my only mode of transport aswell as relying on the kindness of my family and friends, my brother in particular who I'd hand a list to so that he could go to tescos on my behalf. It took me 9 minutes to get my arse off the couch to put a pizza in the oven, things were rather desperate to say the least and it gave me a healthy respect for people who are permanently disabled, until you have experienced it you just don't appreciate the everyday things that we all take for granted.

So into March and I finally have the cast removed, I am however still dependant on the use of crutches as weight bearing again on my left foot is like walking on broken glass, I am however able to now give myself a proper wash, stepping into that bath for the first time since January was heaven, I steered well clear of the shower as I was in no position to be standing up without crutches as I had absolutely no muscle whatsoever.

Into April and I start the road back to full recovery as I begin a weekly course of Psychotherapy starting off with some light exercises with every week taking things a stage further, one of the first things I am taught how to do is to walk correctly once more in order to lose the limp, eventually I am strong enough just to use the one crutch to then completely abandon them altogether. So into May I am now walking independently but I'm that slow I am being overtaken in the street by the elderly Blush

Into June now and this is the month in which I really progress especially after my second operation in which the massive screw that was put in place to fuse all the bones back into place is finally removed Smile I then conclude my physiotherapy with a few running laps around the gym and I am now fit and able to go back into work.

6 months on and I am as fast on my feet again as I was before. 2015 has been a very unusual year for me and to be honest I'm glad to see the back of it Big Grin

With regards to this forum, since coming back I've made a lot of new friends and I wish everybody here a Happy New Year when it comes but I strongly suspect a lot of you will be that pissed up come tomorrow at this time you'll no doubt still be drinking or sleeping it off followed by something of a massive hangover! Big Grin

12.12.2015, 18:42

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

It's that time again where we're coming to the end of another year.

I could paste last years for lacking time on the forum but, due to respect for the forum and also the active members, I will explain why on this occasion. A few months ago I started a new job that was 12 hours work a day and sometimes over 7 days a week Angry Since then I have started a new job thats 6 days a week. I say this for in case anyone sends me a PM and wait for a reply. I am not ignoring but, more I have no access to internet while at work.

Anyway. This is about the forum and the good times and the not so good times. Sadly due to commitments. I only seem to mainly see the not so good times Sad The good things I have seen this year are that yaznee came back and i'm thankful for that as this was one of the few positives on the forum. Other positives are that when I get home from work, i see many new posters who take the time to join in and I thank those members for that Thumb up It is a shame that content is not overflowing but, the channels are responsible for the lack of putting on decent shows. I know some who argue that BS is better than S66 but, I could argue that compared to previous years, both suck now and the difference is only marginal. The lack of ofcom complaints on any will give people the hint.

We had a massive shock earlier this year with the loss of one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure to speak to on Skype. Of course I am speaking of kyke. He really was that nice a guy. I dearly miss him and repeat that I hope he is resting in peace.

The spammer we had recently made us busy for a time but, the impact was just slightly annoying and that ex member just deserves ignoring!

Well, another year as past and now we look forward to works parties and the silly season beginning for real. I can only ask all to drink wisely and be safe in these times and I look forward to chatting with everyone in 2016.

PS. One added note about all video makers as due to them, we have content to enjoy. I mentioned my work hours and due to this, the video makers are my only source of viewing the channels. For this reason, I ask all members to press the like button who have the same problem with time. This shows respect and could guarantee you will continue being able to view content they have edited and uploaded. Just remember this next time you download a video.

Anyway, another year as past and good luck to all members for 2016.


daz Smile

10.12.2014, 14:31

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

Well another year almost done and i think vehemencia covered the outside world very well Smile [hidden link - please register] Thumb up

Anyway while i have time i thought i'd get this thread up and running again Smile It will be brief as again other things have taken my time up all of this year.

The start of the forum year was i think a get over hangover time as no Mods were needed Big Grin But it could also be viewed as we have great members who know how to self moderate Thumb up We saw new members join and again some older members vanish in the night (good luck to those in their future plans Smile ) We had a great F1 season thanks to shaky's dedication to that game Cool (thank you for your time) we've had great content posted in which ever part of the forum and this is thanks to some of the best video makers around Cool We are spoilt for quality in this respect Blush Sadly due to me taking almost half of this year away from LSTV i can't really add much more apart from it's good to be back while i have time Smile I can mention the newer Moderators and thank them for there hard work on site and in the background Cool

Just a Big Thank You to everyone who as added to the forum in their own way. Best wishes to everyone and feel free to add your own thoughts Smile

10.12.2013, 10:37

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

dazaman wrote:This year i'll keep it brief as i have had less time on the forum than i would've liked Sad PS. i'm not forgetting the stalkers and some only know of one but some know of more Confused



This is how i ended last years review and i suppose i can only start with it by quoting Tarl in the Gia discussion thread Sad

Tarl_Cabot wrote:I'm sure that she has no words, too.
but not about removing the Gia V&C (especially as she has asked for it) but about what some idiots do/ did to her with videos stolen from this forum.
I'm sure she's much more sad than in your cap about what these stupid arseholes do to her!!!

Some of course think our rules are in place just for them to bend and play games with, this in turn can ruin it for more than just that person, this is one reason we keep to the forum rules, not just to make Mods lives easy but for the comfort of others and of models and there private lives, your a male and go after a female and attack, i'm sure there mother would be proud of how they treat women (your the man Cool clap) i'm lucky in my real life that i've never met anyone with that kind of thought and to be honest so are they for not ever meeting me!

Now to quote and reply to vehemencia's post in off topic Smile

vehemencia wrote:Hi Guys, this is my 400th post here...

Here is the time for me to reduce one entire year, inside and outside the forum, in few sentences.
Well, what are according to me, the highlights of this ending year...?

Violence from Economy, a large and heavy subject...
In Europe, we know the crisis for almost six years now...personally, i'm a lucky man, i work in a domain which will never know the crisis and i have more work i need/want but i will not complain...
But lot of European citizens are impacted, in Greece, Spain,Portugal...soon Italy or France?
This never-ending crisis creates a two speed society, the middle class is near to disappear, there is now two kind of citizens, the ones who can live a normal/nice Life and the ones who fight to survive and finish the day/month.
And it's worth outside Europe, the number of African people who die in ocean because they want to reach the European Eldorado, fucking Eldorado yes...poverty, prostitution, humiliation, that's the future they will find...but ok...this situation is not really recent...

To use your words mate, it as been a torrid year in the UK too and not a good torrid Cry most don't know about it as its hidden from the real news of a panda being born, basically the real news does not exist :thumb down: and sadly this feeling of frustration can come out on the forum regardless of what country you come from as we all have the same issue of money and lying politicians AngryAngryAngryAngry

Anyway too a lighter note or at least i hope i can find one Confused ok i'll give myself time to think of one before the end Blush

Sadly it seems we have lost at least one Mod and someone i consider as a friend in aceman65, and no i do not have any information of him and i do hope he is well.

The forum at the start of the year was almost running itself Thumb up and some days it still does as i think all mods have needed time away for private reasons, which was a bit tricky when i think at one point we all had to be away the same week Blush the lack of forum awards this year is due to this year we tried finding him i even put a police tracker on him after last year but, it turned out he found a way to get it off and so i was chasing a dog for 2 weeks thinking it was him AngryAngryThumb downThumb down:thumb down: so if i ever find him he will go in my dudgeon for next time around Cool

We've had some great members come and go, but no loss of top content of course and i thank each and everyone of you for your contributions Thumb up and not forgetting brudgon finding out how to record streams Cool i had faith in you getting there in the end Smile

Regards the forum as an whole sadly again due to problems out of my control, i have had less time than in the previous years to be online Cry so can not comment on too many events that have been happening.

Anyway enough said and stop reading this and go enjoy the forum Smile

12.12.2012, 13:31

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

Well were back to another end of year and i suppose time for thoughts about the forum Smile

In general its been one of the worst in the past 3 years as i considered leaving a number of times and started writing my goodbyes Blush and not all due to the forum but personal life also (not a topic for discussion thanks Smile ) but why would i consider leaving the forum due to forum reasons? this is part due to posts saying just being friendly then said members going to another site and freely insulting members here who have no voice on the other site, the forum as an whole as been great but some who posted only to attack other members spoilt it for others and why, because they could, but when approached about there attacks Moderators where accused of being storm troopers and only looking after members who phone the girls on ETV, this was incorrect as they was contacted through there insults to those members, of course leading to a discussion on another site again Thumb down but strange as it seems this actually made me change my mind about leaving and made me more determined to do what Moderators do and thats be fair and honest, because some shout louder it does not make them right but sadly some decided to listen to others rather than ask, one thing thats even stranger to me is, some members where asking for better shows from ETV Thumb up and others trying to close it down Confused and what i don't understand is those wanting better shows decided to join those wanting it closed? i don't understand the idea behind that Blush

Normally i would talk more about general or UK, but ETV seems to have taken most of my attention up this year and i've not even watched one of there shows in over 2 years, but i know the time to stop watching is when i have no interest in it Smile

Anyway now for the ups Smile and in the past year the Moderating team as been strengthened and after there learning curve have become great Moderators and helped the others immensely, the word team now means team on LSTV Smile the site update we had earlier this year was a great one and still looks great to me, the addition of ignore list was another update that i think was needed so people can come on the site and not be bothered by trolls or people they just don't like Smile

This year i'll keep it brief as i have had less time on the forum than i would've liked Sad PS. i'm not forgetting the stalkers and some only know of one but some know of more Confused



23.06.2012, 22:57

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

Buccaneer wrote:Today I am exactly one year member of this forum.
brudgon would say this is my first forum birthday... Big Grin

Six months ago I said that I would be curious to wait for the next half year to see what it brings.
This half year is over now,and what can I say?
That what I wrote [hidden link - please register] six month ago is still valid. Smile

I still like it to spend my time in this forum,but something has changed...
... Admin and the Moderators were of the opinion that I could be a help to them because the forum continues to grow and is getting bigger,so they asked me if I wanted to help as a moderator.
Now I also have a Coloured name, even though I am just a small, unimportant member... Blush

Of course, I try to continue to help the forum as best I can to help. Big Grin
And I would again like to thank Admin and the Mods for their confidence!

I look forward to the next days, weeks, months in the forum and I am excited about what the time will bring. Smile
Btw,I know now that the Mods are just normal members like all of us! Big Grin


i know today is your forum birthday and excuse me for no celebrations by me cause works commitmentsCry
anyway wowThumb up one year logged....became moderator and friendly with all members (now 113484 members registered)
after this what can i say?Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin
[hidden image - please register]

23.06.2012, 20:49

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

Today I am exactly one year member of this forum.
brudgon would say this is my first forum birthday... Big Grin

Six months ago I said that I would be curious to wait for the next half year to see what it brings.
This half year is over now,and what can I say?
That what I wrote [hidden link - please register] six month ago is still valid. Smile

I still like it to spend my time in this forum,but something has changed...
... Admin and the Moderators were of the opinion that I could be a help to them because the forum continues to grow and is getting bigger,so they asked me if I wanted to help as a moderator.
Now I also have a Coloured name, even though I am just a small, unimportant member... Blush

Of course, I try to continue to help the forum as best I can to help. Big Grin
And I would again like to thank Admin and the Mods for their confidence!

I look forward to the next days, weeks, months in the forum and I am excited about what the time will bring. Smile
Btw,I know now that the Mods are just normal members like all of us! Big Grin


10.01.2012, 22:42

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

two years i have notebook.....no facebook account like my friend........no twitter account like my friends but yes etv forum account like all of youThumb up
excuse me but tonight i don't know what's happen in meBig Grin

29.12.2011, 11:46

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

What was the year of ETV and a forum for me?

After 4 years as a viewer only. I became a small part of these shows.
As previously did not see beautiful girls which was undoubtedly Brianna. I sent my first text message to the studio. Then there were more. Until the coincidence of various circumstances, was a member of Gold. Every meeting, every contact with her was an amazing experience for me. Each of its kind word, her every smile. Unfortunately, as it happens in real life. All good things come to an end! During my vacation she left the channel. I could not even say goodbye and thank you!
Then he was still in contact with a very nice Michelle and the other girls: Jolie, Simona, Connie and Carrie. Each of them was always nice to me.
What generally to Etv.
I think it was a good year. I know some will say that it was not hot. But as for me it was about, this channel offers what I prefer. And what is most important. With the collapse of others, it still exists!
Made some cool ideas. One of them was to photo session show.
I have a very large collection of beautiful photos of these shows.
On the occasion of being a member of the gold can also be seen what will certainly never see on the screen!
Unfortunately, as there were a few bad ideas. Such as Studio Berlin and Liveshow.me which destroyed the evening shows.
As for the girls. A lot has gone but at the same time there is a lot of new ones. That became my favorite. However, none of them can not replace me this unique and exceptional Brianna!
And finally of course the most important on the forum.
This was another my years here. When I registered the first time I did not think that I'll spend as much time here. I hope that my contribution to many and could someone liked my work happy.
Maybe my job as someone did not like. Maybe someone more or less upset. For what I'm sorry!
Forum in the last year is very developed. Lots of new features. Certainly facilitate the movement after it.
Attracted many new members. Who contributed a great deal here. His personality and views.
Unfortunately, many old and prominent members. Gone or no longer participate in forums!
In summary.
It was not bad. But it can always be better!
And what about next year? Do I still here? Time will tell!
Nice moments last days of the year!

Greetings to all!

28.12.2011, 21:27

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

brudgon wrote:and my english?Sad

No worries, brudgon. It's not perfect but we all are able to understand you. Everybody makes mistakes, even our British mates here. Tongue
It was a great first year for me too. See you in 2012 brudgon. Smile

28.12.2011, 21:20

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

......another year is almost ending and for me was a great year with all members/mods/adminsThumb up i learn a bit of english here i learn to post(i think) fairy comments about models and members i learn to respect all members and not less important to press the thanks button to all videomakers even if i don't download all video because i know how much work deserves every videos about modelsBig Grin
anyway thanks guy for your friendship and i hope next year is the sameBig Grin
opsBig Grin and my english?Sad

23.12.2011, 03:54

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

I am now exactly since a half year a member of this forum.I was planning to draw a small balance and like to use this topic for. Smile

First I want to tell something about me:
As I've joined this forum I wanted to just not participate at all.I just wanted to download some videos...
But I could not resist the attraction that comes from this forum for long.And so I began to involve myself. Smile
vehemencia called me sometimes "the Golden Rookie", and yes, I am a rookie,and indeed in every respect! I have only about since one year a computer,and on the internet I'm about as long as in this forum... Confused
I like to call myselves as a small and insignificant member on this forum,that is what I am!
My technical possibilities and experience are still so low,that approximately 98% of members are me superior.Added is that my english is very bad.Therefore I have problems sometimes to understand the posts at once. ( That's one reason why I usually holding back with comments on any issues. Blush ) But I still give the best and try to give you nice guys something back! Big Grin
I have lots of questions and I have to learn much more. The moderators does get it again and again to feel, and I want to thank you for your help and patience! Thumb upThumb upThumb up

What has brought me the forum so far?
The first thing I have noticed are the many, many great videos they've uploaded by the members here. So I just wanna be a leecher...
I fell but quickly that the posts have often very interesting information and so I started to read them.That was the beginning! Smile
( In fact, I first noticed that the forum is designed optical very appealing. Thumb up )
I've met here live shows of which I've never heard before,and I've also to know many new models. Big Grin Also, I am pleased to found videos and pictures sets of models, which I already knew for years, but did not know that it even harder stuff for some of them are matters. Tongue
I have in this forum possibilities that I never thought before.
And now I can chat privately with two models,something I had not even dreamed about! Big Grin
( Sorry guys,privately stays private... Cool )
I think that this forum has a very high level, the colloquial with the other members and with the models is always respectful,helpful and courteous. We can often reads "The girl is so sweet!",but only rarely "That`s a horny bitch!". That`s what I like. Smile
But there is a disadvantage: Since I am a member here I sleep much too slightly. I look even like a zombie... Confused

When I changed my nickname from Bierbauch2011 to Buccaneer, it has caused different reactions among some members.I was very surprised... Confused
And when I was sick for a few days and therefore was less active in the forum,members have inquired about my health. Big Grin
These and other events to show me that we have also a big interest to the individual members and not just on their contributions.
I was very happy about it and carries greatly to feel good at this forum!
It is like a big family! In loveIn loveIn love

I think this forum is a profit and it is up to us what we make of it.

Of course I would like to thank to admin and the moderators for their great work! Thumb upThumb upThumb up
And I thank all of the others also contribute their part too! I have used the posts for many valuable members are perhaps somewhat unknown or have still a brown name.
Also you carry your proportion to the success in! Big Grin

I look forward to the next half year and I am sure that we will have a lot of fun together! Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin


17.12.2011, 13:19

Re: A Year in The Life of The Forum Reviewed

dazaman wrote:The forum as mainly been fun not just as a Mod but also as a member with some great surprises and greater laughs, i have managed to realise there are humans that are writing there thoughts and not some anonymous person hiding behind a keyboard, so i'm grateful for that as it opens the door to learning more about how others view things so not closing my mind to my own views, so i thank those members for that. dazaman

That's the magic of any open forum in general and the live forum in specific…..as it used to be not only a place for the shows and the vids ...but it's also the place where everybody could expresses his thoughts and offers his own ideas in such a clean and respectful way . hence it gives you a great chance to look deep inside the masses of mankind and understand it correctly.

I see the biggest achievement for the management team is lie in keeping the good mood all over the forum by stopping any kind of fights or unclean discussions between the members .

Moreover , the new updates which make the forum more and more interesting like viewing the posts and the reputation system and the new recent nomination which was one of the most exciting ideas ever existed in our forum .

But most of all , the best thing I have found out in this forum is that it gives you the sense of .." how to be such a positive person " ...and try to find the other good sides in life …..in other words and to be more clear :

The general mood in this forum is against the " all time complainers " and honestly I do agree on that because it makes no sense to spend the time complaining all over the forum....if you still not satisfied and can't find what you really like...it's certainly your fault not anybody else fault .

Because it's one of two things ...whether you are searching about a specific thing in the wrong place ....or you really are not able to see the other good side of the coin .

For me the biggest event in the year …was writing the post ..."back to fetish …back to vulgarity"…which addressed the "famous fetish show " with Lace , Gia , Angelina and Julia as director ….which was a harshly critical post directed specifically towards lace . and I thanked the mods team for understanding what's the aim beyond this very harsh language aginst lace .

Honestly, I don't want to overestimate it but It was such " a strong objection " from our side on that vulgar level of these kind of shows …..and I affirm using the word " WE " ....because it's not such an issue of tastes ….since everybody of us has a different taste and different criteria of evaluting issues .

As it considered an issue of a common sense ..everybody knows very well how a vulgar show could be . what's the difference between a real sensual interaction and other unsuitable and vulgar one .

The next day comes with a big surprise and unusual reaction from lace herself who brought the post and reacted to it point by point live in the afternoon show trying to explain her views in detail and affirmed that a show like this one will never be repeated . and that's exactly what has happened . since then we have never watch a show with that level of vulgarity .

Sadly this was the only " round " which we have won with ETV in this year …..the rest were such a big losses . but no regret at all , at least we tried to be positive and give them an idea .

But who care about ETV and its shows specially in this year ….only now have I realized that I stand ETV and its horrible shows in 2011 because of the live forum and the other good fellows ….and for sure the opposite is not right Smile .