Nature - Discussion & Chat

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23.05.2015, 15:58

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, some more views of Tasmania!!SmileSmile

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23.05.2015, 15:40

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, some more Australian views!!SmileSmile

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23.05.2015, 10:23

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some more unusual Dwellings!!SmileSmile

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23.05.2015, 07:26

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

HI Guys, some more views of East Africa!!SmileSmile

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23.05.2015, 06:40

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some Caribbean Views!!SmileSmile

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23.05.2015, 01:15

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some views of the River Tyne, Newcastle NE,UK!!SmileSmile

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23.05.2015, 00:54

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

quiquems wrote:
bigalathome wrote:Hey Guys,Nice to see you all again!!! Some beaches in Spain!!SmileSmile

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One of the beaches of my city Big Grin

&here is ..........

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Rhein Herne Kanal


23.05.2015, 00:53

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

HI Guys, Some views of Loch Ness!!SmileSmile

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23.05.2015, 00:37

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Caledonian Canal Scotland!!SmileSmile

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23.05.2015, 00:15

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Just some photos of The River Thames!!SmileSmile

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22.05.2015, 21:12

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some more of the Outer Hebrides!!SmileSmile

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22.05.2015, 19:58

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Smile Smile
Top 10 most poisonous animals of the world!
№ 10. Fish-stone
Not only dangerous, but also in a sense, it is ugly. However, and the appearance and dangerous poison used for self-defense, because on the surface, in the dorsal fin fish stone. The victim of this does not become easier, because the poison causes severe pain (the strongest known to man), then paralysis and eventually death of tissue
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№ 9. cone snail (marble)
Another seemingly harmless little animal. On the one hand the usual snail, the other being a drop of poison which is capable of killing 20 people! Pain and swelling of the bite is not the most unpleasant consequences, paralysis of the respiratory much worse. Antidote is not displayed, because the snail is still poorly understood.
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№ 8. Fugue (fish bowl)
The famous delicacy not only in Asia but around the world. Is it really so tasty fish or the taste and the popularity it brings extreme sensations that accompany eating? Cooking fugu chef can only vysokoobuchenny since you must remove all the toxic parts of the body, not hurting others. It ate the wrong person cooked fish will break the paralysis, and later refused to respiratory system.
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№ 7. Banana Spider
Do not be mislead its innocuous gray legs, this monster entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the biggest killers of people - it bites killed the greatest number of people on Earth. If only the poison was the main danger, you will easily be able to avoid meeting him, just not to come to some bushes, for example. But the problem is that he does not have a single habitat. He did not weave the web, luring flies, no. He lodges in the house, car, shoes and clothing. So the meeting with him is always unexpected
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№ 6. Australian octopus
Another kid - size no larger than a tennis ball. And it put a poison that can kill 26 people? Blue ringed octopus - another name. If he is angry, the body darkens, and spots fill with light. Antidotes unfortunately, but there are a number of measures that can neutralize the poison. Therefore, in order to prevent vision loss and subsequent suffocation recommend that you contact the hospital in Avtralii or Japan, it is in the coastal waters of these countries are floating blue cuties.
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№ 5. frog poison dart frogs
No, it is not going to the disco. It's a constant her outfit that tells others that better not to mess with the beauty. Otherwise, and 10 people can not cope and are poisoned. 5 cm and so much trouble. We sympathize with the residents of South America
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№ 4. Taipan (inland taipan)
You're lucky if you meet Taipan, she immediately tries to escape. The poison she used to hunt for rodents, though it is feared, because it is 300 times more toxic than cobra venom. I am glad that there is an antidote, but it needs to enter the hour. A snake venom is enough for 250,000 mice, people prefer not to be considered.
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№ 3. Scorpio Leyrus
It is strange, but not all the scorpions really poisonous to humans, but Leyrus just one of them. Neurotoxins cause his venom is not the most pleasant sensations: pain, fever, coma, paralysis and death. In that order. We hope the people of the north of Africa and the Middle East have learned to avoid him.
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№ 2. King Cobra
It is dangerous not only for people but also for relatives, because she does not avoid eating and sebepodobnyh. The length of the body - 5-6 meters, the amount of venom is virtually unlimited - at a time it is able to allocate a portion of that could kill the Asian elephant. It hunts in South Asia.
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№ 1. jellyfish
dangerous inhabitants live in Australia, after all, the most poisonous animal in the world lives there. On account of this jelly life of more than 6 000 people in 60 years. Moreover, the poison itself is considered the most dangerous on the ground, and many more tentacles cover the body of the victim, and through hundreds of stings injects it. People who accidentally touches these jellyfish or drowned, or died from heart failure - so strong was the pain. If this does not happen, the body remained burns that extend for weeks. First aid is standard - to process the burn vinegar.
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Smile Smile
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22.05.2015, 19:45

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, Some more Views of North Cornwall Coast!!SmileSmile

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22.05.2015, 19:36

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Hey Guys, A few of our Highest Mountains!!SmileSmile

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mount Mc-Kinley

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22.05.2015, 19:11

Re: Nature - Discussion & Chat

Plitvice Lakes National Park is one of the oldest national parks in Southeast Europe and the largest national park in Croatia.

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