Off-Topic Discussion

4.31 (13 rating(s))

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23.05.2016, 20:56

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Listen up people, unless you've all been living in a cave or something perhaps I may take this opportunity to bring you all out from your self induced coma of tits, arse and pussy Tongue for one brief moment to contemplate the idea that the UK could be leaving the European Union come next month which could become complicated if we decide to leave as I am intending to visit Germany this July for a few weeks and passport control could become an overnight problem. I am still undecided, some days I'm voting to stay in and other days I'm set to vote to leave. Anybody here have any thoughts on the subject....

22.05.2016, 14:19

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Joker1305 wrote:So in the end it will depend on the popularity how long a video will be available.

Yes, that's correct, some videos might be available for a longer time, but it's impossible to make a prediction. I can only guarantee the availability of all my videos hosted on 1fichier till the 13. September 2016, therefore that's the "deadline".

22.05.2016, 12:46

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Dackel0401 wrote:A short note/info: My premium-account expires on the 15. Juli 2016 and I'm not going to extend my subscription. That means my videos will be available till the 15.07. + 60 days = 13. September 2016.
Actually 60 days after the last download.
So in the end it will depend on the popularity how long a video will be available.
In my Depositfiles account where I never had a premium subscription there still are some videos available which I uploaded in 2012.


21.05.2016, 12:08

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

A short note/info: My premium-account expires on the 15. Juli 2016 and I'm not going to extend my subscription. That means my videos will be available till the 15.07. + 60 days = 13. September 2016. Therefore: If you're interested in one of my videos, please make sure that you'll download it before the 13.09.2016. Downloads at or after this date may not be possible, because the file has already been deleted from then and there will be no re-uploads from my side.

04.05.2016, 02:02

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:
saoirse wrote:Mong
Derogatory verb commonly used to describe the state of one's lack of common sense.
1) You are such a fucking mong.

Yes mong also has another definition, however the main definition is this one.

Lacking in physical and cerebal ability. General retardation. Generally: a total spastic

Hence the reason nobody should ever use this if intending on trading insults. You'd do well to shut your piehole as I dare not think you'd use this to me if I were to meet you face to face as you'd be eating your dinner through a straw. You on the other hand is what is commonly known as an internet troll. Anybody only needs to take one look through your posts. You are a disgrace to this forum.

alright, calm down, i take it back. please don't get on a ferry and travel the whole way over here just to beat me up. lol! Smile

04.05.2016, 00:27

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

saoirse wrote:Mong
Derogatory verb commonly used to describe the state of one's lack of common sense.
1) You are such a fucking mong.

Yes mong also has another definition, however the main definition is this one.

Lacking in physical and cerebal ability. General retardation. Generally: a total spastic

Hence the reason nobody should ever use this if intending on trading insults. You'd do well to shut your piehole as I dare not think you'd use this to me if I were to meet you face to face as you'd be eating your dinner through a straw. You on the other hand is what is commonly known as an internet troll. Anybody only needs to take one look through your posts. You are a disgrace to this forum.

03.05.2016, 23:16

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:
saoirse wrote:fuckin mong!

I know dazaman requested that this feud be left alone, however this last comment has left me raging for over a week now, so much so that I have a back catalogue of videos that I still have to post but my motivation isn't exactly there at the moment in light of this comment being deemed ok still to remain on the board.

I feel the need to educate those of you who are not familiar with the word mong, mong is a slang word for somebody who is mentally handicapped, a rare and unfortunate disposition for anybody to be afflicted with. I'll happily take to be called any names under the sun from bastard to an out and out cunt but what I won't accept is words which discriminate against those in the minority who are born that way through no fault other than the cruel hand fate has dealt them.

To give you all an insight as to why I also find this phrase so wholly offensive and unacceptable is that my dear mother who sadly passed away with cancer in 2004 devoted her life into working with those people firstly as a volunteer and then as a paid member of staff. She helped mould these individuals by breeding confidence and sense of self worth into them. She believed in treating them as equals in society and that they should never be made to feel small or inferior in way shape or form.

It is with great sadness whenever I have to read such shameful comments. I'm logging out now as right now I have no care to post anything. BTW - Leciester City a small club in England won the Premier League last night and not one single forum member has so much as battered an eyelid........Blush

Derogatory verb commonly used to describe the state of one's lack of common sense.
1) You are such a fucking mong.

p.s. you forgot to mention Dundee relegating Dundee utd. lol. i would suggest this is where your indignation is coming from more than me calling you a name. :rolleyes:

03.05.2016, 22:06

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

saoirse wrote:fuckin mong!

I know dazaman requested that this feud be left alone, however this last comment has left me raging for over a week now, so much so that I have a back catalogue of videos that I still have to post but my motivation isn't exactly there at the moment in light of this comment being deemed ok still to remain on the board.

I feel the need to educate those of you who are not familiar with the word mong, mong is a slang word for somebody who is mentally handicapped, a rare and unfortunate disposition for anybody to be afflicted with. I'll happily take to be called any names under the sun from bastard to an out and out cunt but what I won't accept is words which discriminate against those in the minority who are born that way through no fault other than the cruel hand fate has dealt them.

To give you all an insight as to why I also find this phrase so wholly offensive and unacceptable is that my dear mother who sadly passed away with cancer in 2004 devoted her life into working with those people firstly as a volunteer and then as a paid member of staff. She helped mould these individuals by breeding confidence and sense of self worth into them. She believed in treating them as equals in society and that they should never be made to feel small or inferior in way shape or form.

It is with great sadness whenever I have to read such shameful comments. I'm logging out now as right now I have no care to post anything. BTW - Leciester City a small club in England won the Premier League last night and not one single forum member has so much as battered an eyelid........Blush

30.04.2016, 17:04

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Your all invited to join the game Blush Thumb up

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Kind Regards

28.04.2016, 19:44

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Check it out and enter if you like Blush

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Kind Regards

27.04.2016, 22:43

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Sorry for the delay in responding to what is being said but, i'm a little busy away from the forum Sad

Now, we see that someone likes slightly more risky content (SB) Thumb up and as found that you won't see it on S66! AngryAngryAngry OK. Now on the other hand we see that some like what is actually showing on S66 SmileSmileSmile now the last part of the puzzle, quiquems Smile I very much doubt that SB was trying to attack as this would screw up forum rules :/ and not forgetting about quiquems long history of posting content from every channel that as been on since 2009. The channels also include Bluebird and quiquems boycotted them through their own reason at the time. What i'm saying is that quiquems is not just an S66 poster and I can't imagine him not just recording just one channel. We post what we enjoy personally. I have myself bitched about all channels at some point but recorded that channel the following day Big Grin

Now the last part Smile I ask that all members involved in this "troll" session to leave it as is. I'm not picking sides and don't want to see in the morning when I get up for work that I have to give warnings out.

The forum is quiet and I don't want to have to warn good contributed, whether it be video makers or talking members. Please keep it friendly Smile

27.04.2016, 20:44

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:Hey dazaman have you seen the mess over on the other forum which we both used to post on, no wonder I closed my account down over there, this member was actually voted capper of the year on that forum, more like crapper of the year, no wonder I closed my account down over there Lol Big Grin

[hidden link - please register]

This forum may not have the same volume of traffic that that other one does but thank fuck all the uploads here are of quality standard compared to the junk standard posted over there Smile

Oh and before anybody is wondering, yes I did PM each and everyone of the mods over there when my account was active only to be told to mind my own business and that they didn't have a problem with oversized nasty cap flooding. May this forum go from strength to strength whilst we laugh at the self righteous amateurs over there...........Big Grin

Scottishbloke wrote:I find it quite sad that you made your post yesterday jamjon yet not one member has said welcome back so let me be the first. Welcome back. The lack of interaction on this forum is quite frankly embarrassing! Blush

Plenty of uploads and pretty pictures posted with the sole interactions taking place on the ETV Threads. Fuck me I've tried to spark some life into this forum such as some of the previous posts I've made on this Thread but I've come to the conclusion that its all been in vain. What a pity as it seems that you lot seem to have forgotten that a good old fashioned debate or even discussion is the lifeblood of any forum hence the reason I'm visiting this forum less and less as sadly its predictable and boring!.

make your mind up. which is it? is this place predictable and boring or going from 'strength to strength?

fuckin mong!

25.04.2016, 00:39

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

I find it quite sad that you made your post yesterday jamjon yet not one member has said welcome back so let me be the first. Welcome back. The lack of interaction on this forum is quite frankly embarrassing! Blush

Plenty of uploads and pretty pictures posted with the sole interactions taking place on the ETV Threads. Fuck me I've tried to spark some life into this forum such as some of the previous posts I've made on this Thread but I've come to the conclusion that its all been in vain. What a pity as it seems that you lot seem to have forgotten that a good old fashioned debate or even discussion is the lifeblood of any forum hence the reason I'm visiting this forum less and less as sadly its predictable and boring.

23.04.2016, 15:38

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Hi everybody, it's been a long time since my last post but I am trying to get back to being involved in this community. Good to see everyone is still here and to speak to you all Smile

18.04.2016, 20:48

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

I've only just logged in as I had a fairly big hangover yesterday after a marathon drinking session with my mates on Saturday when we drunk fuck knows how much but it all ended up with all of us bar one taken down to the local police station for questioning early on Sunday morning.

My opinion on how the police operate is very tarnished now. We all ended up in a nightclub on Saturday night after a very heavy drinking session allday which started off as pints of beer to eventual shots of very toxic alcoholic measures such as sambucas, cactus jacks, aftershocks, vodka, you fucking name it as we drank the bar dry. So towards the end of the club closing we happened to notice that one of our friends had disappeared. As it turned out he's decided to head back to his girlfriends place where he was waiting for us as we resumed more heavy drinking.

Without going into details one of us just so happened to notice that he had a wound on the side of his stomach so we immediately phoned for an ambulance as it looked like a suspected stabbing had taken place. My mate didn't even know he was injured until one of us seen the injury as he was so intoxicated. This is where it all got a bit messy, No sooner had the medics turned up a loud knock on the door happened next and about 4 or 5 police officers attended the scene, whilst my mate was taken to the hospital we all got taken down in police cars to the local police station where we had to provide witness statements. His girlfriend was going off her head as she and nobody for that matter was allowed to go up to the hospital with him. The police also searched us all outside the house with a pat down where they checked our pockets in order to eliminate us in which we all co-operated in the case that any one of us happened to carry a weapon of some sort which none of us ofcourse would have as we were all innocent and concerned for the health of our friend.

We arrive at the police station and we're all told to take a seat awaiting interviews but ofcourse the police wouldn't take a statement off any of us until we'd all sobered up as we were all still very very drunk so 4 hours passed before they finally took us away individually for our version of the events of the day. I spent over an hour recounting the events such as which pubs I was drinking in and how many drinks I'd had to which I responded to I've no idea other than a shit load as I'd had about 10 shots in just one of the bars.

Once the interview was over the police officer then said to me that he would be requiring some of the clothing I was wearing in order for the CID to check for blood on any of them. He needed my jacket, jeans, jersey and boots but the only way he could get them was by driving me back to my property. We got back to my house and he asked me for them so that he could put them in brown paper bags. I said to the officers I'm going to another room to change my jeans in privacy to which he responded fair enough but I need to see the ones which you are changing into so that I know its not the same pair you're putting back on.

I find out yesterday that the wound that my mate sustained was self inflicted as he was that drunk he'd managed to fall down a flight of stairs after the CCTV was played back. I went back to the station earlier today to collect my belongings but I'm far from happy, we report a crime only to be treated as potential suspects. My mate is fine now as the hospital gave him stitches for the wound with the case now dismissed.

These events have made me angry and I have to question the motives of the police for mistaking a drunken accident as something more serious. Us Scottish have a bad (or proud) Big Grin reputation for heavy drinking as opposed to our continental cousins so I'm happy to report I never let my nation down. I have next weekend off, I might have another drink but I think I'll stick to just a few beers instead as Saturdays drunken antics could have landed me in hot water.

So whilst you lot on this forum have been pondering over the demise of ETV I've had more important issues to deal with Lol Blush