Bluebird TV - General Discussion

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31.07.2010, 13:09

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

ladies and gentlemen, i announce the first the first of hopefully many of the girls to walk away from the bluebird .... miss denni tayla,(babeworld) announced her resignation yesterday...
she was considered by many to be only there for the money but some how has ended up taking a moral stance.

good for her.

31.07.2010, 05:24

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

there are two launch dates "6th august" as Hexit says that is for something they are calling BLUEZONE, the other date is "13th august" for BIGBLUE.

so by the 13th all the channels and web streams should be working?

31.07.2010, 00:32

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

AJ2010 wrote:Denni has already had enough of them. Big Grin Big Grin

i know denni recently had a child, so i would of thought she might just want to spend more time at home now?

also has she left them or is she just fed up with them?

31.07.2010, 00:03

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Denni has already had enough of them. Big Grin Big Grin

30.07.2010, 23:40

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

blue bird or whatever they are called areAngry crap they need to be put out of this business for good, would love to see the back of all sky babe channels they are all cheap and nasty and about as erotic as a brick

30.07.2010, 00:17

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

6th of aug is the scheduled new launch date...

a Friday, i dont like there chances if danica is on elite.

29.07.2010, 20:19

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

They are still the most interesting channels at the moment. At least in a few shows some interesting stuff has happened, Rio and Avalon for example the other day/last week, unlike all the other stations where you know there is no chance of anything ever happening.

Still, there are too many girls and the set is crap.

29.07.2010, 16:51

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

dazaman wrote:well they had Ani James scheduled to be on tonight, and still waiting to see her again Angry

not sure how many times they have had her on there schedule, but not looking like she even works for them ?
they have done this with a lot of girls.
claimed they are working for them when in fact no contracts or agreements have been made. i was also pm'd of 1 of there girls who says she is telling any new girl thats prepared to listen to "make sure she gets legal advice on or b4 signing, after the way hers turned out".
this is partly the reason why some girls have not been on, even though they are listed to appear.

29.07.2010, 16:46

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

a little tidbit of news. Bluebird has put back its hard launch, the current format being the soft launch. till after the 30th, there is no set time frame for when the relaunch and move to new studios will take place as yet, and still no firm confirmation on which girls actually have contracts..

it looks to me BBI are actually holding off contracting girls till they see if there worth the effort. (some girls are holding off signing for the same reason, seeing if BBI are worth the effort).
this after all the promises of contracts, short working weeks, good work conditions.
i cant knock there day shows as they are no better or worse than any other channel, but there night show is poor by any standard.
add in the fact they hired? to many girls to the amount of hours per week they have to fill, things are starting to look rather shakey to my eye.

29.07.2010, 12:21

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

still boring and still crap not apatch on the othersSad

29.07.2010, 03:22

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

well they had Ani James scheduled to be on tonight, and still waiting to see her again Angry

not sure how many times they have had her on there schedule, but not looking like she even works for them ?

22.07.2010, 22:06

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

amanda and reede are on the old live 960 together Tongue

so descent web stream.

21.07.2010, 12:13

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

problem is removing 960 screwed over freeview viewers get 40+ babes now Envy

21.07.2010, 06:48

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

well its happened live 960 has gone and it is now called freeblue 6,very inventive.
the funny part is they are using the 960 web stream which is better than there normal streams Big Grin

also they had ani down for the 2am shift as dreamlander pointed out,but she never showed up,so far as i know?

21.07.2010, 00:26

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

dazaman wrote:bluebird have announced that thursday 22nd july there will be a special show on channel 908 [babeworld]

which will be amanda rendall and reede fox together and solo.

i think they have had that many complaints at the lack of amanda and reede, so now they are giving there customers what they want.

lets see if it happens.

Amanda and, more importantly, Reede solo? Hooray...oh hang on, I'm moving the next day and can't have Sky or Sky+ anymore so switching to cable.

Boo. Thumb down

PS. Vids of this momentous event would be appreciated Thumb up