Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

2.8 (5 rating(s))

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Author Posts

27.09.2011, 20:31

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

mine is fine ...........

And still no Please nor a Thankyou............????????

27.09.2011, 20:21

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

tony5599 wrote:
aprancoz wrote:Why does the sound taraftvSad

It would be nice if you were to add a PLEASE or THANKYOU to your comments mate

Thanks Tony

taravtv no sound ??????

27.09.2011, 20:07

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

aprancoz wrote:Why does the sound taraftvSad

It would be nice if you were to add a PLEASE or THANKYOU to your comments mate

Thanks Tony

27.09.2011, 19:54

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

aprancoz wrote:Why does the sound taraftvSad

No soundSad

27.09.2011, 18:59

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Why does the sound taraftvSad

27.09.2011, 11:07

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Finally after all this time of questioning Taraf TV .
There is a breakthrough
There was an advert on Taraf TV last night requesting those interested auditon as dancers for the show
to be held October 7th

Lets hope there are plenty of decent girls at the audition and that they can perform in place of Ana who has become boring

This is of course if they show different girls nightly

27.09.2011, 10:56

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

aprancoz wrote:TONY559=Just asked the same question on Taraf forum

Taraf forum link??

[hidden link - please register]

Use an online translator to whichever language you use

You will need to sign in to use comment service (nickname and e-mail addy) the most recent are in a box on right side click on one of those

Be sure that you get comments for Fata or they will end up in other folders

ie Those for Cornelia or other performers (if when you see comments you scroll upward you will find a parent folder)

At present as Fata has no actual group of its own so Show by Show has been hijacked as Madalina Balan is producer of Fata

Also be aware it must be in Romanian otherwise they will not accept it and it will take one to two days for your comment to be posted

27.09.2011, 10:13

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

TONY559=Just asked the same question on Taraf forum

Taraf forum link??

26.09.2011, 13:24

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Apoolamea wrote:Even in this video which they air at any given moment of the day Ana is showing more skin than during the show :

[hidden link - please register]

Just asked the same question on Taraf forum

In addition in the middle of the video Ana clearly says "What The Fuck"

And as she speaks good English I am sure she knows the meaning

It seems a rule for one is not a rule for all

I remember a full page on Fata complaining about bad language

But then perhaps it means something else in Romania

I doubt we will get an answer But it keeps the pressure up

24.09.2011, 17:34

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Even in this video which they air at any given moment of the day Ana is showing more skin than during the show :

[hidden link - please register]

18.09.2011, 16:14

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Try these on for size

[hidden link - please register]
[hidden link - please register]
[hidden link - please register]

17.09.2011, 11:35

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Hi Guys

Despite the hype and the Banner advert so far there is nothing new with Fata They are currently showing repeats some of which are as transmitted in original form some seem to be extra shoots of a previous show This could account for the strange times of scheduling

We have had many reports from varied sources none of which seem to be fact with a couple of exceptions

So please please if there are any Romanian members who visit this site can we please have some reliable information as to what is happening
you can either post on here or PM me

Any little piece of info would be greatly appreciated

Thanks Tony

09.09.2011, 23:41

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

Aramisss wrote:
aprancoz wrote:There's something new: at the beginning of the page
[hidden link - please register]

yes the show is coming back Smile

Do you have a program?????

04.09.2011, 02:24

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

aprancoz wrote:There's something new: at the beginning of the page
[hidden link - please register]

yes the show is coming back Smile

03.09.2011, 02:19

Re: Fata de la miezul noptii - General Discussion

tony5599 wrote:[hidden link - please register]

Found this on my travels Not quite what we want but a bit of fun none the less
Give it a try

This issue has nothing to do withEnvy