Tunes You Are Listening To Now

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21.11.2012, 17:10

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

Sorry shaky but your versions gone SadSad by the way it was my ringtone for a while Blush

PSY Gangnam Style ( Official Video )

A classic so deserves to be active Cool

20.11.2012, 22:46

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

Mötley Crüe - Wild Side

19.11.2012, 23:53

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

shaky-schumi wrote:I don't understand what Laura is singing Confused because i don't understand the Italian language Confused Sad ....but her balade is always more than just " Thumb up " ...and this is another one !!!!

Kind Regards
here the translation italian to englishCoolBig Grin
Avrai gli occhi di tuo padre/ you shall have your father's eyes
e la sua malinconia/ and his melancholy
il silenzio senza tempo che pervade/ the timeless silence which pervades
al tramonto la marea/ the tide at sunset
Arriverai/ you'll come
con la luna di settembre/ with september's moon
che verserà/ which will pour
il suo latte dentro me/ its milk inside me
e ti amerò/ and i shall love you,
come accade nelle favole per sempre…,/ as it happens in fairytales, forever

ti aspetterò/ i will wait for you
senza andar via/ without leaving
come fanno già le rondini nell’aria/ as the swallows already do in the air
nella terra mia/ in my land
che invecchia ma/ which grows old but,
sulla scia di un'altra età ballando/ in the wake of another age, dancing
sogna/ it dreams
mentre la tenera luce dell'est/ as the tender east light
all'alba illumina speranze e ginestre/ illuminates hopes and brooms at dawn
e il cielo è così...celeste…celeste…/ and the sky is so celestial blue

Avrai libri, sandali e secchielli/ you shall have books, sandals, beach buckets
luminosi “amarcord”/ bright memories
saranno neri come i miei i tuoi capelli/ black like mine will be your hair
ma in un attimo lo so/ but in a second i know
volerai via/ you will fly away
verso l'isola lontana/ towards the distant island
di una città/ of a city
come ho fatto un giorno anch'io/ as i did once
amore mio/ my love
perché il sole può scordarsi della luna.../ because the sun can forget about the moon

ti aspetterò/ i will wait for you
e prima o poi/ and sooner or later
arriverai senza nemmeno far rumore/ you'll arrive silently
ti sentirò e resterai/ i will feel you and you will stay
mentre ormai le foglie cambiano colore/ as the leaves change colour
al mio paese che ancora non sai/ in my town that you don't know yet
dove l'autunno odora di caldarroste/ where autumn smells like roasted chestnuts
e il cielo è così...celeste!/ and the sky is so celestial blue

Come il soffio della vita/ as the breath of life
che spalanca anche le imposte/ which opens wide the windows
e a sorridere ti invita/ and invites you to smile
anche quando non lo vuoi/ even when you don't want to
questo vento innamorato/ this wind in love
che anche tu respirerai che respirerai…/ that you will breathe as well

e poi avrò il coraggio di aspettarti/ and then i will have the courage to await you
ancora un po’/ a little longer
e ti prometto che vedrai dalle finestre/ and i promise that from the windows you shall see
un cielo così...celeste…/ a sky so celestial blue

19.11.2012, 22:36

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

Tongue mmmmmmmmmmmm Candy .....for sure my favorit model " ... " was more than just a candy flavor ....or a candy looking model ....RRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrr with that energie that she had ....ah ...mmmmmm ...defenitly a candy ....Tongue Blush
No seriously ... i find that this song sticks around if you hear it ...wel atleashed by me Confused Blush

Robbie Williams : Candy

And the newest single of ( pregnant Thumb up ) Laura Smile Thumb up

I don't understand what Laura is singing Confused because i don't understand the Italian language Confused Sad ....but her balade is always more than just " Thumb up " ...and this is another one !!!!

Kind Regards

19.11.2012, 20:27

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

Alan Jackson - Chattahoochee

02.11.2012, 21:11

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

Even some F1 drivers do this dance than it mussed be some crazy shit Big Grin Thumb up
So let me give it a try's completely different than my shaky moves/dances ..but yeah let me see if it works Blush Big Grin .........are you ready also Cool? than ...let's goooooooo
PSY :Gangnam Style

Pheeeeewwwww Tongue ....i must be getting old Confused ....dammed my legs & bones Confused Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Now ....i have one former model in mind who could do this dance with soooooooooooooo much energy that she could even give meeeeeeeeee energy to finsih this dance with afterwards some left over energy for her Tongue Blush...her name ........Lia Cool Tongue Blush Thumb up

Kind Regards

19.10.2012, 19:28

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

TINA TURNER - i can't stand the rain

09.10.2012, 23:20

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

02.10.2012, 19:06

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

16.09.2012, 09:40

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

06.09.2012, 22:30

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

tina turner addicted to loveThumb up

04.09.2012, 22:54

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

31.08.2012, 23:16

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

31.08.2012, 23:11

Re: Tunes You Are Listening To Now

I was at work the other day and overheard this song, instantly loved it and bought the album. Video is great too.

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