magica from eros live

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05.03.2008, 18:49

magica from eros live

I've seen a show of a girl...her name is it possible to have the clip? Thanks

09.03.2008, 21:34

Re: magica from eros live

Please don't bump your own posts. If there's someone who has a video of Magia he will post them. But I personally doubt that anyone catched these clips.

09.03.2008, 19:39

Re: magica from eros live

I'm looking for some vids of it possible to have some clips of this girl?Thanks

06.03.2008, 01:11

Re: magica from eros live

Yes,she's the same model...I've seen her in Divafutura and Eros Live,too.The show of Magica was in the period of October 2007.

05.03.2008, 20:13

Re: magica from eros live

When did you see the clip? What does "Magica" look like? Or do you mean the Diva Futura Model "Magica", see [hidden link - please register]?

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