Ex Sexysat models on Neun Live

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22.08.2009, 03:30

Ex Sexysat models on Neun Live

Neun Live have some new clips (unfortunately they are quite short, they don't always show the longer versions)

But anyway, I saw that Daisy from 2006 Sexysat 1 is now on Neun Live.

So that now makes:

Diamond, Daisy, Tiffany, Linda and Salome who have made it onto Neun Live clips.

Wish some of these models were still on Sexysat.

25.08.2009, 13:35

Re: Ex Sexysat models on Neun Live

Check out the new video thread with 9live clips, there's more to come.

[hidden link - please register]

22.08.2009, 19:57

Re: Ex Sexysat models on Neun Live

Hi Guys.

Neun Live La Notte always starts at 2am CET. I don't watch it evry night - just once or twice on weekends - its even too late for me usually!

I have no idea how to make clips which is why I haven't posted any before but if they show more of Linda, Daisy etc in future then I will give it a try.

22.08.2009, 19:32

Re: Ex Sexysat models on Neun Live

They are pre-recorded clips with music in the background. I'll set my PVR and post some clips if Daisy and Linda appear.

22.08.2009, 17:50

Re: Ex Sexysat models on Neun Live

Hello linn2,

what kind of clips? Pre-recorded music clip like X-stream, for example?

When does Neun live broadcast them? (The time of your posts scares me a little bit :) )

Thanks for the info

22.08.2009, 10:28

Re: Ex Sexysat models on Neun Live

If you taped Linda's clip, please post it.

22.08.2009, 03:37

Re: Ex Sexysat models on Neun Live

Linda has just made an appearance but unfortunately a short clip.

Nice to see these girls again - the sort of girls that made Sexysat 1 a top class erotic channel 3 years ago.

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