Eurotic's website & webstream

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29.11.2015, 17:55

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

TazDevil wrote:I understand from the PMs I have had with some forum members that regular Exclusive Show watchers may boycott the paid for shows this week, not because of the poor show on Friday, but because of the way ETV handled the responses to their feedback and in some peoples minds misleading posts on the Wall. For anyone who likes a Sunday night Exclusive show Directed by Elie, it is the return of the "The Diary of X" this week.

The may part is wrong I will not watch WFF this Sat since I complain that it s the same girls all the time. They have not got enough models and therefore should suspend these shows for a few months.
Until these new models are ready like Grace Yoko Leona ..........
Elli can replace WFF with a two premium and not the usual Jasmine Kristina Lauren Saiqa and Kia

29.11.2015, 17:43

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

TazDevil wrote:I understand from the PMs I have had with some forum members that regular Exclusive Show watchers may boycott the paid for shows this week, not because of the poor show on Friday, but because of the way ETV handled the responses to their feedback and in some peoples minds misleading posts on the Wall. For anyone who likes a Sunday night Exclusive show Directed by Elie, it is the return of the "The Diary of X" this week.

I'll be giving tonight a miss, partly because I'm well p***ed off with ETV's attitude, and partly because it will be Elie, who f****ed up Fridays show.
I don't know about the rest of the week, but at this moment in time, I may well give ETV a miss until after the next FFW show, pending a decent response from ETV.

It doesn't take much for them to post a few words on the wall. something along the lines of that they acknowledge a lot of unhappy viewers at least.

29.11.2015, 17:13

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

I understand from the PMs I have had with some forum members that regular Exclusive Show watchers may boycott the paid for shows this week, not because of the poor show on Friday, but because of the way ETV handled the responses to their feedback and in some peoples minds misleading posts on the Wall. For anyone who likes a Sunday night Exclusive show Directed by Elie, it is the return of the "The Diary of X" this week.

29.11.2015, 15:32

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Their reaction will be only a great laugh,
Sorry guys don't feel offended, not my intention, but you are just toys in their hands, (as everyone of us in all sites we log-in) all that happens is planned.
Being an user of web-site give them a great advantage, they know everything about you, every single taste, behavior, how much you spend and in which way you do. So reading this numbers they can handle their strategy.
ETV needs your credits for every single show they produce, there is no statement in which you can read that Friday or Monday or whatever day they have their best show, this is just your deduction and this is exactly the opposite they want. The great part of their customers would buy only the best show saving some credit and this is not good for ETV.
Naturally there is always some risks but are part of the job.
Ask yourself, how many of you will not buy the next WFF?
If the answer is no one, or few, the strategy works well, in different cases they can modify some little points, but all is in their hands.

29.11.2015, 15:00

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Not watching, but sounds like Araven.
Likely you will see him during the show.

29.11.2015, 14:40

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

new style for morning and afternoon shows: semi darkness, or deep darkness (but the shower shows, good lighted), excessive using of two images on the screen (superimposed), and all steamy, as if there would be a tulle over the cam, and sometimes all together.Thumb down

29.11.2015, 14:19

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

HvB wrote:The likely result is, that they stop the show, because they're feed up with the response.

well I've always disliked the negative abusive messages, despite that on occasions, I can understand why they are made (not saying I agree they should be sent in though), messages can be sent that can be critical but in a positive way that suggest an improvement politely, that should be welcomed and taken on board during the show.
I would say there are two sets of messages and responses from Fridays show. There's the messages shown in the studio, that the models have to deal with despite that I suspect most of them should be answerable by the director. and then there's the messages after the show, those sent from user accounts and those sent to the wall (almost all ignored and not posted)
For myself, I sent two to the wall, both ignored, and I sent one from my account, which had a reply that was just dismissive and ignoring the points I had made. I believe that others have sent in messages without response
To be fair, if they make crap like Fridays show, then I wont be concerned if its the last show, because I wont want to watch that again, but it would be a shame in that up until Friday, they had been making good shows. Yes, they were getting a bit repetitive with the same girls and the same requests. some of the pieces of paper could have been laminated and used weekly Smile but it was still usually worth watching, but last Fridays was a joke.
Its this awful inconsistency that sometimes makes ETV so painful to watch. We'll get a good run of excellent shows and then we'll get a stinker. and what makes it worse is that when viewers complain, regardless of method, ETV just ignore it and don't reply or respond.
Its in stark contrast to Saturdays model showdown. Jasmine and Saiqa against Zoe and Leona. Jasmine and Saiqa are in my bad books after their comments at the end of the Friday show, they sjust either don't realise that all the complaints are at the director, or they don't realise how poor it was to watch, or they agree with the way it was done, which would be a shame. But the for showdown both Jasmine and Saiqa were much better and just as, if not more revealing than Friday.
But Zoe and Leona, OMG they were brilliant, no shyness, a great show in all three sections, some lovely brilliant views and they were just so up for doing a great show, and it showed. Zoe just seems to be on top form and Leona was taking notes and doing likewise, the pair were simply excellent and easily won it.

I'd be tempted to say that the model showdown could now be the flagship of the week, if it were not for the likes of Isadora doing a piss poor performance the previous week
so yet again, inconsistency lets ETV down.

If they have any sense, or any business sense at least, they will take all the criticism, ignore the abusive stuff that just uses the occasion to insult ETV generally, and they'll take on board what has been said, that was sensible and fair, and hopefully improve the show back to where it should be. I see next week is Jasmine , Lauren and Dacota, so I'm not sure I'll bother at the moment, and to be honest, I'm doubtful for most of this week. ETV's attitude, and lack of suitable response does not encourage me at the moment.

29.11.2015, 12:39

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

HvB wrote:The likely result is, that they stop the show, because they're feed up with the response.

I still believe the bad response is just from a handful of people, if not less. Sad to see that those very few narrow minded with their bad comments and their words of hate can influence what I believe a vast group of people like.

I hope that those notorious complainers are happy then.

29.11.2015, 12:33

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

The likely result is, that they stop the show, because they're feed up with the response.

29.11.2015, 11:26

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

guys, what I see is you are making a lot of words of what you disliked in the Friday night show being aired already 2 days ago. It is your good right to write as much as you can, but do you really believe that anybody cares ?

I see here maybe 2 or 3 people discussing the bad quality of the show. Am not even sure if all of those have actually seen the show but still feel called to give their 2 cents.

You copy / paste what you have written to ETV wall. Well, fair enough but still pretty repetitive.

It would be interesting to see what the return of the show in terms of moneys for ETV actually was, as I believe they cannot care less when loosing 3 complaining customers having given them 12, respectively 8.4, credits for the show, same as they cannot care less about pages of messages with a lot of words, but basically asking for more pussy.

You can say that with much less words.

Maybe, I should also write a message to the ETV wall that they do well, or could even improve on retaining and protecting the girls dignity and individual girls wish for less exploitation, not diminishing into a stupid pussy internet show with the cameras climbing into the girls vaginas.

Considering my expenditure they may even listen to that. I say .... may

29.11.2015, 10:30

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

My post to Etv

After the worst disaster for a show of Friday, how you are going to react.I do not know what to think.It's incomprehensible, inconceivable to intentionally destroy your work.Incomprehensible because you have girls who give the best of them and you destroy their job.Shows could always be great, the Friday and the other days.Inconceivable, because you spit on the source of your income.We, the customers who pay to see your shows, are rejected and neglected.Intentional, because these bad shows are not accidents.The shows are bad because you want to do bad shows.I do not know why, the reason escapes me.Since very long months the quality of shows declined, even eroticism disappeared.Just a few years ETV afforded pleasure, joy, excitement, but that was before.Now, disgust, boredom and complaints have replaced all the good times. I always have the same question which turns in my head: why?Will you react? I do not know.Friday the girls were certainly disappointed by the many negative messages, I regret it.How not to react? It's impossible.Show was disastrous.I see something, you accommodate wishes to your sauce.My initial wish was,Jasmin and Saiqa,hot lesbian games on the floor.It has been transformed to become,Jasmin and Kelly kiss show on the floor !!!What a change!I think that the most part of wishes are diverted from their direction.There is always the same stupid and without interest wishes.Your wishes! And not the demands of your customers.There is a lot of lies and cheating for your part. As always, there is a total lack of respect for your customers. It's incredible.Worse, you do not admit your mistakes, instead you post positive messages about your work.You really take us for retarded persons!!!Day after day, week after week we support your work, yet you despise us.Unquestionably many customers do not come back any more into your game, you are the only ones responsible for your come-down.Afterwards, two words: ACTION – REACTION.I hope it's not too late. My remarks concern all the shows you propose (exclusive dayshows,nightshows,exclusive energy mix...) ConfusedConfusedConfused

28.11.2015, 21:53

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

nmahauk wrote:I send this to the ETV Wall to day

Hello ETV
I've seen many of your Friday Exclusive shows. Lately I see you've got a lot of complaints. There are of course several things you can do with it. You can ignore and forget them, and continue as before. Then I think the complaints will continue to come. You can also change the show a bit in the direction many viewers want. You have many and talented models. Give them freedom to act naturally without hiding themselves behind the hands, feet. flowers and the like. Give the camera-men freedom to show the girls in a natural way not only from the side or from long distance and do not change camera every time it gets a little exciting. And please use light. We would like to see the girls, not just shadow. I can not guarantee that complaints will be gone because of this, but I think there will be fewer of them. Maybe it also will be more viewers?
I wish you luck, you make so much well.

(Hope you understand what I mean, it's not so easy to explain in a language I do not speak)

i guess you know there are no cameramen anymore, i don´t know if they were fired like Leslie or just "invited to leave" to save their salaries. I agree with you completely about the lighting issue. Some days ago i sent a message to the wall about the poor lighting in the shows, but they ignored it. Now shows are made with one or two cams mounted on a stand with wheels (sorry, i don´t know the name) which they rarely move and are distant and high from the girls. The zooms are few and poor, and no bottom up shots anymore. so no chance, for example, for under skirt shows. So, the shows are mostly soft and poor everywhere, but at least in the in white room are good lighted, while the shows in the black room are very poor lighted. Low lights and distant cams have brought very high levels of censorship we thought they were a bit lowered last times,especially in the FFW show. The shows are worse, that´s the consequence of it all.

28.11.2015, 21:33

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

kennyboy2012 wrote:Ok, just posted my second comment to the ETV wall about last night, clearly my first has been binned because it was critical of the show (no surprise) but I've just read Richards praise and its almost laughable. I would urge everyone to politely post a few words of their thoughts after watching the show last night, on the ETV wall and then post them here so we can see which are ignored.

my post:

Was Richard watching a different show to everyone else?
Sorry Richard but I can’t disagree more. Compare this show to the shows over the last few months, and it was very very poor. Jasmine and Saiqa were noticeably tamer than ever, even more tame that regular exclusive shows! Kelly should not have been on the show at all. Lovely girl but she's done nude in exclusive shows and the FFW's show is the show that allows a bit more freedom, so she stays topless? oh please!
Destiny was sexy but I also watched her in the FTA show and she did the same there, so why did we pay for the show? She used to be my number one favourite girl, but last night was like a slap in the face from her
The FFW's show is the highlight of the week, the flagship of ETV to many of us, the one show we all enjoy, mainly because of the freedom the girls have to relax their levels, the camera work shows more, and it’s just a little bit more revealing and sexy than normal shows.
Last night was like watching it several months ago, when it went lame and tame, and everyone was in uproar about it. Last night was very very tame. There was even more p***y on show in the FTA show than there was in the FFW, seriously.
Sorry ETV, but you have to accept that last night was poor. Please don't try and defend it, you may try and fool yourself, but the viewers watched and clearly from the messages being hidden, it was met with a majority not impressed. It’s OK to have a bad night, but at least accept it and hold your hands up and say so, please don't do the usual self-denial. I'm a big fan of ETV and the Friday show and rarely miss them, and I praise ETV often both here and somewhere else, where I am often accused of working for ETV lol so as a big fan, I say please listen to your viewers, please review last night and learn the lesson. Personally, I am so frustrated about last night, it makes me wonder if ETV is changing so much that it’s no longer my choice. I hope not because ETV does so much so well, but when we have nights like last night, it’s truly bad.
Where to lay the blame, I don’t know, but I suspect the girls were directed so probably not their fault. Do we blame Eli, as the director, sorry but Eli needs to have a rethink, bring back the shows from a few weeks ago, add in some new girls at the same levels, even Destiny can do more and show more, she has before. Please fix the show, ad restore it to being great.
As a big ETV fan, I say all the above with regret, and I felt let down last night, please restore my faith in ETV.

I send this to the ETV Wall to day

Hello ETV
I've seen many of your Friday Exclusive shows. Lately I see you've got a lot of complaints. There are of course several things you can do with it. You can ignore and forget them, and continue as before. Then I think the complaints will continue to come. You can also change the show a bit in the direction many viewers want. You have many and talented models. Give them freedom to act naturally without hiding themselves behind the hands, feet. flowers and the like. Give the camera-men freedom to show the girls in a natural way not only from the side or from long distance and do not change camera every time it gets a little exciting. And please use light. We would like to see the girls, not just shadow. I can not guarantee that complaints will be gone because of this, but I think there will be fewer of them. Maybe it also will be more viewers?
I wish you luck, you make so much well.

(Hope you understand what I mean, it's not so easy to explain in a language I do not speak)

28.11.2015, 18:10

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

[hidden link - please register]

28.11.2015, 16:41

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

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yes, it was a Disney production, yesBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin
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