Last night's show

3.32 (22 rating(s))

(3.32 / 5, 22 ratings)

Author Posts

02.05.2011, 00:07

Re: Last night's show

brokingbull wrote:But of course I take Lace as a friendly neighbour, colleague or whatever you want. But not for my dreams. And this is what etv should sell: Dreams! Not reality.
But in the end I don't have to take care about the etv-earnings.

Lace is not my dreamgirl (never ever).
But she make the most and best interaction (perhaps also Angelina) from all girls,and interaction is the pepper of the show.
So i don't want to miss out of Lace,without Lace ETV would still static

01.05.2011, 16:17

Re: Last night's show

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
brokingbull wrote:@tari-calbot

Those who like overweighted girls could be served in the morning or afternoon in an own show or no-show if you want. But not when adults want to see beautiness and hot stuff.

Just don't mix red hot pepper with choco-creme. Is it so difficult?


is it so difficult to accept others preferences and flavours?
many who like Lace or Lilian will e.g. say that Tia is too old, too redhaired, too thin or too what ever. you single person aren't the voice of adults in this world.
and if 10 models are in one night show for everyone should be a prefered type of woman on the screen. also you know that the camera will change every five seconds anyway. Tongue
and if you don't like what you see or Lace is in one of her two night shows the week it shouldn't be that difficult to switch off or change the channel, or?

Yes, it is difficult. At least when Lace shows her pussy.Sad
That's why I said, give Lace and Lilianus their own show and leave me alone with Tia (ok, Gia is accepted). Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

And, Talli-bot, look at my old Lacethread if you forgot what I've said about her: [hidden link - please register]
Nearly nobody likes her as erotic model.
Anybody here who has ever seen a Miss World contest with fat girls?
Why are they always slim? Like in PLAYBOY or movies?
Scientists say that watching perfect bodies are the unconscious desire for health. That's quite normal, isn't it?

But of course I take Lace as a friendly neighbour, colleague or whatever you want. But not for my dreams. And this is what etv should sell: Dreams! Not reality.
But in the end I don't have to take care about the etv-earnings.

01.05.2011, 15:40

Re: Last night's show

HvB wrote:
Watcher wrote:... Especially if your going for "some uhing and ahing" ... Big Grin

that's why it's called 'A burning desire' ...Blush

... that made my eyes water

I suppose we could use 'Scotch Bonnet' as a completely new euphemism ... Tongue Big Grin .

01.05.2011, 15:34

Re: Last night's show

Watcher wrote:... Especially if your going for "some uhing and ahing" ... Big Grin

that's why it's called 'A burning desire' ...Blush

01.05.2011, 15:24

Re: Last night's show

brokingbull wrote:
HvB wrote:
brokingbull wrote:Just don't mix red hot pepper with choco-creme. Is it so difficult?

Choco and chili mixes quite well. it's even commercially interesting.

That makes just some uhing in my tooth.CryBig Grin

Don't forget to wash your hands after eating it ...
... Especially if your going for "some uhing and ahing" ... Big Grin

01.05.2011, 15:21

Re: Last night's show

brokingbull wrote:@tari-calbot

Those who like overweighted girls could be served in the morning or afternoon in an own show or no-show if you want. But not when adults want to see beautiness and hot stuff.

Just don't mix red hot pepper with choco-creme. Is it so difficult?


is it so difficult to accept others preferences and flavours?
many who like Lace or Lilian will e.g. say that Tia is too old, too redhaired, too thin or too what ever. you single person aren't the voice of adults in this world.
and if 10 models are in one night show for everyone should be a prefered type of woman on the screen. also you know that the camera will change every five seconds anyway. Tongue
and if you don't like what you see or Lace is in one of her two night shows the week it shouldn't be that difficult to switch off or change the channel, or?

01.05.2011, 14:57

Re: Last night's show

HvB wrote:
brokingbull wrote:Just don't mix red hot pepper with choco-creme. Is it so difficult?

Choco and chili mixes quite well. it's even commercially interesting.

That makes just some uhing in my tooth.CryBig Grin

01.05.2011, 14:49

Re: Last night's show

brokingbull wrote:Just don't mix red hot pepper with choco-creme. Is it so difficult?

Choco and chili mixes quite well. it's even commercially interesting.
[hidden image - please register]

01.05.2011, 14:45

Re: Last night's show

Mauro wrote:No-shows can, as far as I know (and that's true for other channels as well), be a quite effective way to increase the number of calls, calls =money) they need to keep the programme on air. So either you accept the format or watch something else (like I do).

So why did they switch off the no-shows at daytime when they could earn money with that???

Now we are two, who go away from these shows!


Those who like overweighted girls could be served in the morning or afternoon in an own show or no-show if you want. But not when adults want to see beautiness and hot stuff.

Just don't mix red hot pepper with choco-creme. Is it so difficult?

01.05.2011, 14:37

Re: Last night's show

Klemi and Mauro are right.
From my point of view, it's necessary to keep a balance between the show that attracts viewers (and possible callers) and the actual callers that bring in money.
From the show perspective, the regulars are a pain in the arse because the models have to concentrate on them as the discussion is much deeper, complicated and personal as some uhing and ahing for a wanker and they are therefore unavailable for shows. On the other hand this brings in quite some money and the models really like to talk to their regulars.
As the scales were definitely on the site of the callers in the last month, etv is now pushing the show part (depending on your personal taste more or less successful). Over time it will be more balanced again when the directors and models see clearly what is expected from them. The horrible camerawork and the vision mixers using the auto switch mode in excess have been noticed and they are addressing that topic (quite successful except last nights show).
Given the time and effort they put in the shows lately, it is quite understandable that the shows that get less treatment (for whatever reason that might be) fall off from the new show standard they try to set (and yes, I even liked 'The Little Prince'. Quite good for a Hans show, even though I would have prefered less talking and more acting, with the theme running through the whole show like they do it in the other shows).

01.05.2011, 14:23

Re: Last night's show

brokingbull wrote:...I'm also a lover of beauty, wellness and youth.
For example I buy Hugh Hefner's PLAYBOY and I get only pretty girls.
Never in 20 years or more you saw fat ladies, grandmas or ugly girls...

for the girls you don't like are many other mags available while on Astra are just 2 liveshow channel available which must cover all interest. so you get different styles on etv and SexySat and I think the difference to the unitype and often not natural beauties in your prefered mags is something most viewers like at etv.

and btw: beauty is in the eye of the beholder and many love other beauties than you and these models are everything except ugly for their fans.

and of course not everyone in this world can look as young, pretty & perfect as we two. Smile

01.05.2011, 14:05

Re: Last night's show

Sorry, in that case you get my sincere apologies...I guess I am still pissed of cause I cant get any good programm on tv although I have got all hardcore channels existing...but I hate all channels with pornstars...Mashiara last night is a programme I love...with a camera on her of course.

01.05.2011, 13:56

Re: Last night's show

No-shows can, as far as I know (and that's true for other channels as well), be a quite effective way to increase the number of calls, calls =money) they need to keep the programme on air. I remember a UK channel called BabeStar TV featuring plenty of nudity and hot action, but they rarely had calls. I also was in contact with the manager of the former tv channel of "Big Sister" and he told me the same: the more they show, the less calls they get. I do not wanna defend ETV and their way to deal with viewers, but seen from an economical point of view they are probably right. So either you accept the format or watch something else (like I do).

01.05.2011, 13:45

Re: Last night's show

@ klemi @nameth

I thought it was evident that I was jocking!

I've seen the show till 1a.m. , than I went to bed because unwatchable for all the reasons given here and not only.
There was no idea, but maybe this was the aim: to make a no show

01.05.2011, 13:33

Re: Last night's show

nemeth wrote:Hello everyone,
I'm new here, cameraman and photographer from Poland.
I agree with klemi and because I am a professional cameraman and editor (and a lover of beautiful women as those in Eurotic TV) I wonder, how someone who invests in such a large and well equipped studio, in such a beautiful, nice girls, professional make-up can employ such bad camera guys and video mixer. All images at random, no one thinks, what he shows, even though when the girls often try to draw attention to yourself.
Best regards

Well said! Well said. 100% agreement.

I'm also a lover of beauty, wellness and youth.
For example I buy Hugh Hefner's PLAYBOY and I get only pretty girls.
Never in 20 years or more you saw fat ladies, grandmas or ugly girls.

But in etv you have 2 shows in one! Always disturbs the nice pictures.

First there are pretty girls (most of time doing nothing) and secondly there is the rest. Overweighted, ugly or grandmas (always stripping without breaks).

What is the result of two shows in one? Erotic pure or circus for fetishists?
Too many models? Helicopter perspectives? Zig-zag movements all the time until your eyes begin to hurt?EnvyAngryAngryAngryAngry

I can only laugh at this and switch off. No sms from me.Envy

But what else can you expect from the greedy bosses?
They take the soft models for the director's job, they take them for the camerajob and if nobody calls into studio they take a hairy studio guy for the next strip (that happened as you know).

I fear, the channel is nearing its end.
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