Last night's show

3.32 (22 rating(s))

(3.32 / 5, 22 ratings)

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05.11.2011, 13:28

Re: Last night's show

I think the highlight of the night show was (for some viewers) their queen has spoken two times.Cool
The rest was silence.
And who the hell had the stupid idea with this shower cabin?the models have to bend so that their hair will not get wet, because the water comes from above. And how to functioning with two models?Thumb down

05.11.2011, 12:54

Re: Last night's show

If you bring the best players ever in the world and put them under the worst manager for sure the outcome will be horrible. And that's exactly what is applied on last night's show . A great cast and a horrible show .

For sure I am not a direction expert, but In terms of the qualities of the successful director …the ability to lead and to organize the cast ...the good imagination .. the ability to control the rhythm of your work .. Janine is far away from all of that

Depends on the same very boring and primitive style ..a very deep close up or a very wide and far angel ...with inability to to bring the models together , or even to make something interesting

It was pure fun to see just two models ( scarlet and Mashi ) while the rest of the models were just watching …. and it was more fun to see how did she neutralized ..Tia , Timi , Gia …even kia the one who never stop moving or performing ….nobody feels her existence yesterday .

It's not necessary to make a very hot show in order to be the best director ..but it's inevitable to be able to handle the show and models..Even Hans the most famous killer for every potential erotic scene.. But he still able to manage his cast very well , and he usually throws from time to time some spices in his shows.

In general , I would say that Janine tends to be a hot model …more than being a director or say a leader of a specific task …who certainly is not able to manage and direct the team around her correctly and to bring the best in them .

It's time for giving a chance for the other new directors in the night shift , sandra should be at the top of the list .

05.11.2011, 11:45

Re: Last night's show

not show again on the night and as needed.After tomorrow night,clothed, dancing,Lingerie Show only for chest.A total of 4 hours 5 minutes,pussy and pussy butt or 10-15 minutes hot şhow 4 hours to sit here income or any other channel's sleep.You draw a more difficult I find and watch.pussy show, or a hot show cut lilian and conie not shown I deceived you model spoils the pleasure of her body look are naked shower,everyone thinks it is the pleasure cruise.fullstrip or hot şhow To watch the night do not make the model one does not fit.NOTWITHSTANDING the show before,had decided the best flavors.No one will not settle for anything less.Who is getting on to FERARİ worse than the car ride.for example,lia instead lilian,inez instead penelope,calomira instead tessa,amy instead gia,kally instead joana,safo instead marayah,jaya instead conie, could go.directors, cameramen and still have the same head,select the correct image:very show respect:very the correct distance:very weak.EUROTİCTV We have seen many more beautiful ones, and watched the,We want to EUROTİCTV.Keep them want to love you very much.harsh criticism, but true.

04.11.2011, 14:54

Re: Last night's show

Yesterday's show was sufficient, in my opinion, always ruined by Hans' direction, of course.

Seems like he's more interested in showing messages from men advertising their numbers for sexual services than in Kia making a handbra for Connie...

Also, Connie, although I was glad to see her again in a nightshow (and also glad to see she didn't revert, like some other did, to being an extremely soft model), I still think she looks too little enthusiast about what she does. She is beautiful, in my opinion (although I think she looked better as a blonde), but she is too still. You see her standing up, clothed, or in handbra, or in her bra, that's it. She never tries some real dancing, some real sensual movements.
It is actually more interesting to watch Jane, at this point... and that is saying a lot.

Still, I hope she will be scheduled in more night shows, and also hope that she will be willing to do more, otherwise she risks being labeled as a SMS-attractor and nothing else, and SMSs might also get nastier later on (yesterday the most "upset" one was something like: "Why don't you show your body? I think it's great! I hope one day you will show it!", the next might become something like: "What are you doing in nightshows?!?").
Although that would be a tad hypocritical as there are models who do even less during nightshows and are nonetheless praised... go figure.

04.11.2011, 11:00

Re: Last night's show

Yestarday night show:
I didn't watch considering the models involved
Three old foxes one missing

03.11.2011, 15:30

Re: Last night's show

Good evening Vappiano68
I red your post abt yesterday night show
Generally I watch show till 00.30 hrs and after let my videorecorder working,
but for Yesterday night it worked for another channel (no name for avoiding advertisement)
so I think to be lucky.
Just a though cross my mind:
Have ever watched ETV staff other channel or at least watched a record of own show?
so to improve

03.11.2011, 11:39

Re: Last night's show

The main problem is the rhythm, in my opinion. Yesterday's cast, albeit not stellar, wasn't really awful.

I understand that they can't have all models stark naked by 23.05, but if after two hours of hot show (from 23.00 to 01.00) you still have more than one model that have done nothing or very little (it depends if you consider sliding down a dress strap a ""show""), it generates only yawns.

Add to that all the ... sloooooow.... moooooovemeeeeeents..... and you get yesterday's show.

03.11.2011, 11:34

Re: Last night's show

I agree that the bigger font and the black bar behind it sucks big time.

03.11.2011, 11:29

Re: Last night's show

Really a pitiful show last night (02.11.2011) !

I switched on ETV at 22:00 for some minutes to see what I could expect from the show and because of Kia and Michelle (2 of my favourite babes). It was not so difficult to understand it was going to be a boring night.
I switched on again at 23:00m and this time I could not resist for more than 20 minutes because of the atmosphere of the show. This morning I've checked my recordings and I noticed that the whole show has been a "nothing-show"
(except some minutes from Kia, Kristina and Michelle).

- Atmosphere: disaster Thumb down!
- Direction: disaster Thumb down ! (Ely was the director, but it seemed to me a show directed by Julia, with all her silly predefined movements and static poses). Every liveshow with "drama concept" is something against erotismThumb up.
- The Queens of the night (Marayah & C): disaster Thumb down!

Last but not least:
I apologize wih Marcel and his balloons.
when used in the right way:
[hidden link - please register]
they can create a show 1000x better than last night.

Anything more to add?
Yes, to the german mod.

At first I thought it was a "disregard" from him what happened in the past days, but now I understand he is an incompetent. Sorry, I have to quote myself again:

vappiano68 wrote:New graphics vs old graphics on Astra:

1) Y-offset at the bottom: from 176 to 178 ----- > more covering Thumb down
2) Messages on a background of grey --- > more covering Thumb down
3) Now: bigger fonts --- > more covering. Moreover, the first and the last line of the longest messages are cut Thumb down

I know that someone, reading here, can be better than a mail from mine,
in order to tell ETV that this " new style" hasn't a single positive aspect.

Many thanks.

Now this genius has solved problem n.3 and even the longest vipsmss are correctly dislayed.
Pity that, in order to do this, the y-offset at the bottom has been increased to 200 !!!
In few words:

576 vertical lines
y-offset at the top: 102
y-offset at the bottom: 200

[hidden link - please register] --- > [hidden link - please register]

Clear screen: only 274 vertical linees on a total of 576 Thumb down!!!

02.11.2011, 20:30

Re: Last night's show

[hidden link - please register]

and I think we got the first exception last night. Big Grin
The high five Big Grin
Oh have almost forgotten super modi Joanna. Sad
So the best Six Pack Big Grin

Thank You Ladies and
Best Regards

(don't forget tastes are different, but this is my not more)

01.11.2011, 17:00

Re: Last night's show

Hi !
Yesterday night there was the best chance for "Princess" Lilian to give us her perfect show. Now it would be a great surprise to see this model again on next year "Halloween" - but i know, all wishes come not true.

01.11.2011, 16:05

Re: Last night's show

If someone had asked me what I thought of last night´s show, I could well have asked “Which of them?” For I did not experience just one show, but two or three running in parallel, if “running” is an adequate expression.

No one has asked me, but only a few have given their own views, possibly due to the extensive sleeping that was premised. So I take the liberty to present my personal one.

Nr1 Two models Splendid (Sorry Klemi, but I must double your bet)
Nr2 Most of the rest Simply of not much interest to me, so I keep quiet.
Nr3? Perhaps 2 models there Aria: I was very negative yesterday. I found her much better now. She helped fill in the gaps and behaved well
Ju: Beautiful and well-performing so-called “softie”

Camera work at any rate much better than the preceding night.
So in summary?
Surely not one of the great shows. How could it? But my point is another: For the individual viewer the question of the quality of a certain show is not the same as asking oneself “was it worth sitting up for?”
Sometimes the highlights of one´s personal choice can be worth waiting through even long periods of, well, boredom then. This night that was the case for me.

01.11.2011, 13:52

Re: Last night's show

After Michelles balloon riding show near the end of the show I'm kinda " cumming" round to the idea of balloon riding now ha ha. Now thats how it should be ridden. I thought the girls produced a nice little show last night too.

01.11.2011, 11:42

Re: Last night's show

A disaster really. Cant comment any model separately cause they all screwed up. Except Kate, but not getting enough attention, still very nice...Michelle looks pretty annoying, so crucify me I dont care, but she almost all night holds her breasts like afraid they will fall down to her belly or simply kkeps her bra partly on just to keep them up...So poor...Night after night like same show full of crap...I will use Karrys sentence from days ago when she wanted to say how they try a lot to make this work by saying: We are hardly trying. Yes, hardly they do anything.

01.11.2011, 11:28

Re: Last night's show

the frustration;still does not show a warm night.EUROTİCTV the rating does not place in the night show JOANA-physics impaired LİLİAN-The fake sky on his waist, it is not physics...MARAYAH-lingerie chest to show to look and who show ATHİNA-TESSA-due for retirement ARİA-well as self-improvement MİCHELLE-and that is about to rise to the top KATE.Show cameraman and director, as needed, but does not show or show cuts the model is in vain.(note: all of them dressed as a shower a few people in the world is also very fortunate eurotictv.)s hard but it does not appeal to some of these comments, all real.EUROTİCTV love ..... I want the old EUROTİCTV.
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