Now on ETV - The current show

4.09 (32 rating(s))

(4.09 / 5, 32 ratings)

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29.03.2016, 19:01

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

imaginator55 wrote:...Besides that, nobody will rush to the video shop right now and tomorrow hardly anybody will remember which video to pick (if any) to see more of what he has seen on the screens. Even the girls have no clue which clip belongs to which show...
I only watched the first half hour wondering myself how they want to sell anything:
- Girls talking a lot into the camera, but no show on TV, you could watch a home shopping channel instead.
- The videos they offered were shown from a distance you could hardly see who was in the video nor if it may be worth to buy, just a glimpse on a most likely nude girl won't make me want to buy the video.
- Even if there had been something interesting among no way to identify which video you'll have to buy.

Triple Fail (not even considering the lack of reasonable payment options)


29.03.2016, 04:30

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Scottishbloke wrote:The irony of it all, Guns n Roses track Don't Cry is currently being played against a very grim backdrop Sad I dropped in on the show from time to time to see if a show was actually taking place, well it was, on the TV screens behind the models. Is this what you Europeans really call erotic TV........Hm Thumb down

" its only words and words are all they have to take our credits na nah na" oh their is no need to be negative about these shows since there is nothing to be negative about, I can say what shows, they have reruns all day its a marathon they are practicing for.
one night show in a week, a few premiums and they peddling boring shows like fish mongers, they have the bed worn out either that or the couch in a dark studio, its little wonder few are watching.

29.03.2016, 03:25

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

The irony of it all, Guns n Roses track Don't Cry is currently being played against a very grim backdrop Sad I dropped in on the show from time to time to see if a show was actually taking place, well it was, on the TV screens behind the models. Is this what you Europeans really call erotic TV........Hm Thumb down

29.03.2016, 02:06

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

What a madness! A lot of pussys on the screen, but not allowed in the studio. How mad must be the boss, that he had such ideas.

Sending wishes and messages to etv is today totally useless. The only think that makes this ok is that to use unused credits. I sent also a message to christine, That I will get no answer is clear.

I sent to etv vip "etv was total great in the past. Thank you for not doing a show and forgot the wish it was my last. From a now ex viewer. fjk" and etv sent to screen "It was total great. thank you from fjk"

No more calls, no more wishes no more money for etv.

To make a video promotion show (why they do this is clear) was a good idea from etv, but what they make horrible. Who should remember what exclusive (60) they showed.

They know that they need the tv to promote their products, but they destroy every tv show. They destroyed the next change to make a good promotion show.

29.03.2016, 00:23

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

So strange, the video screens in the background are full of naked girls, but the girls in the foreground are apparently not allowed to take their clothes off. This way, without any exclusives or parallel action, this night will not give them much income. Besides that, nobody will rush to the video shop right now and tomorrow hardly anybody will remember which video to pick (if any) to see more of what he has seen on the screens. Even the girls have no clue which clip belongs to which show. Quote Kristina: "here is me (screen) and here is me (live). Find the differences" Well, that was an easy question, the video Kristina had no clothes on.

28.03.2016, 21:39

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Amonna stunning Amonna set Amonna the best
I hope she stay for long time I love her shows In loveThumb upHeart

26.03.2016, 11:09

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

ilian62 wrote:The difference between today and yesterday's nightly show is as great as between beer and absinthe.
I wish you good night.Cool


But after viewing 10 years of E-TV (steadily getting unhotter and unspectacular in little stages), the last 5 thursday-shows were a poor alibi-rest which came back for - may be - a short time.

Obviously the E-TV- administration does not want to develop E-TV as a hot show without any clothes at nightshows any more. But that was one of the eye-catchers.

25.03.2016, 23:35

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

The difference between today and yesterday's nightly show is as great as between beer and absinthe.
I wish you good night.Cool

23.03.2016, 09:21

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Have not watched for ages now. Thought I would have a look at the morning show these days. How long have they been superimposing 'virtual models' onto the screen to make up the number of models on screen ? Seems I am missing nothing- nothing at all.

22.03.2016, 12:48

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Wilsonsand wrote:
tunturi wrote:Director elly is the same way as Alfred Hitchcock, appears to be in the studio for a few seconds,
like a Hitchcock films.Cool

and don't forget Elly's horror productions.

And Alfred Hitchcock looks much better then Elly. Confused

22.03.2016, 10:32

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

tunturi wrote:Director elly is the same way as Alfred Hitchcock, appears to be in the studio for a few seconds,
like a Hitchcock films.Cool

and don't forget Elly's horror productions.

22.03.2016, 07:43

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

please..can anybody tell me where is stella?
did she leave the show?

22.03.2016, 01:17

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Director elly is the same way as Alfred Hitchcock, appears to be in the studio for a few seconds,
like a Hitchcock films.Cool

22.03.2016, 00:19

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

It is too simple to speak of the "good old times" and the "bad current time" in ETV.
Not everything was good in the good old times. Since nearly 10 years I watch ETV, and in every time there were fantastic moments and also great disappointment.
Now it`s the same.
Monday evening I was disappointed, because Lauren performed a fantastic exclusive show, but I could not watch it because of frozen pictures. Envy
2 hours ago Lauren performed a Premium Show which was one of the best and most sexy I ever saw - in perfect picture quality, with best light Tongue
If there would be only disappointment in ETV: nobody would watch it or spend money for it - or would "dream on".

Yes, you are right, if you speak of the tv shows in 2016. They are really unwatchable and boring.
Noone doesn`t know why. External or self-censorship? Protecting shy models? Making money with exclusive and premium shows?
In the Thursday nightshows nudity is a bit (only a bit!) possible in tv. Why?

21.03.2016, 16:15

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

at least the ETV news has something to say that a lot on here will agree with

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Who Cares ?

God knows what this show will be.
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