ETV Mastermind 2008

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01.12.2008, 00:36

ETV Mastermind 2008

Following the rip-roaring success of last year's quiz, here is another one.

Test your knowledge of the channel we all love (and hate in equal proportions). Same format as before. I will need a correct answer to the current question before moving on to the next one. Most, but not all, answers can be found within the pages of this site. The ultimate winner can request a clip which I may even be able to supply.

The first question is a real toughie and for that reason certain people are not allowed to answer (even if they can remember ). Visual proof to confirm can be supplied.

Three former ETV models have graced the centrefold of the Molvanian edition of the bunny mag. The first was Cleo. Followed by Alexa. You must now name the third one. The answer will surprise you.

10.12.2008, 22:48

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

So I missed an italian author, one of three italian tongue fathers (with Dante Alighieri and Francesco Petrarca).

My request in an apposite topic in video requests section.

10.12.2008, 20:36

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

I once sat through the entire Faust 1 and Faust 2 and although I initially thought there to be some link I did change my mind.

And a learned friend of mind also suggested that they had performed 'Werther' on the very first night in the retro studio when all the girls were naked or topless throughout.

But I had discovered another source and, as I said before, most of the answers to these questions can be found in these pages. The answer was in this topic :

[hidden link - please register]

Where I provided the clue :

"And, before my one good eye, the ticker ran to announce the new shows soon to be seen. So many questions to be answered. Will ‘Dream Screens to be the 7th book of The Decameron (in my mind the inspiration of the earlier ventures) ?"

So it was The Decameron by Bocaccio that I was looking for.

So I must now announce the winner of this year's quiz. And with 4 questions right (although he had 3 attempts to answer one of them) the crown of ETV Mastermind for 2008 goes to 'outside'

He can now claim his prize which is the request for a clip which I hope I can provide.

And I would like to thank everyone who entered into the spirit of the occasion and provided answers and other comments.

10.12.2008, 13:12

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

@sucker That's why I have thought it's Werther. The last scene was a metaphorical suicide. @bemelmans Mephisto wasn't dumb he has spoken to Faust.

10.12.2008, 08:57

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

Bad-Boy You are right. I also don't see Mephisto. But maybye they make some mistake. I saw Mr.Bean like a clown.Maybye this is a new version.

10.12.2008, 08:19

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

Mephisto is sitting in the director's room . He's responsible for ETV's trash...

10.12.2008, 07:16

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

It is Goethe but I think it was "The sorrows of young Werther". I'm sure it wasn't "Faust" because I haven't seen Mephisto.

09.12.2008, 21:55

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

Im also think that it is Faust, but in a very strange version. I think a remake from former girl Julia.

09.12.2008, 21:43

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

I imagine the "Faust", don't know which version, Goethe's or others.

09.12.2008, 21:00

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

Question 10 and the final question.

The Dream Screen shows, especially the first four hour epic, were based on a well known literary text.

What is the title of this text.

09.12.2008, 17:16

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

I think the best thing I can do is to put question 5 to bed - the original was practically impossible and the replacement seems too confusing as I am have one girl answers, three girl answers whereas I am just looking for two.

But I know that you will want an answer so that you can argue about that as well -))

For the models who as far as I can remember only appeared in thse saturday morning shows, I would have accepted one name from either Abelle, Emma and Jessica (all in the former pages). I can also recall Mishel (not Michele). Paradise also mentioned Suzzana who I do not personally remember but he also does have a good memory.

I could not accept Letitia as she was a night show girl and may even have left by then.

Helena was mentioned and a of course she was a regular model but I do not know if she featured in every single show.

But the name I was looking for and you really should know me better that I would put in a Melisa question somewhere.

So one more question to be asked if only I knew what it would be -((

09.12.2008, 01:17

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

Stella, Eleonora, Jessica.

09.12.2008, 01:05

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

Just one more on the original question 5;

This is the posted text :-

Question 5.

The autumn of 2006 saw what many (including me) thought were the first appearances of this model. However that was not the case as she actually first appeared during the 2005 'beach' set.

Now there can be many a debate of when summer ends and autumn starts. In the UK, it is often on the same day -)) but I think it is fair to say that the autumn season runs from September to November. I did not wish to actually state the month in the question as that would have made the archive search a little easier.

Now elmo has already stated that he has heard Jerry announce Desita as a returnee. That would probably have been in the night-show of a few days later. Unfortunately, I have most of that show on tape but not the very start of it.

Again, other than Udo, I have two sources of the earlier time in 2005, which again I did not see as I had many other distractions on satellite during those months. The first actually read Udo's comments on his site. The other source I simply cannot reveal. But what I have been told was that she only did a few shows at that time so it is quite possible that people here, myself included, missed them.

But come on folks. That question is history now. I still await a definite answer to the replacement one. Several have been close but not close enough.

And at the end of the day this is meant to be a little fun. A liitle participation from the members instead of the usual insults and other nasties which even I so often contribute to.

08.12.2008, 23:14

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

I have the utmost respect of sources and Udo, however, Desita arrived in the summer.

I do not want to be polemical, but the question n° 5 was put in incorrectly.

I have great respect for Elmo and DB

Talking pictures

08.12.2008, 22:33

Re: ETV Mastermind 2008

Re: Desita when she appeared in 2006 , was introduced by Jerry who called her a returnee.

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