Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

4.18 (131 rating(s))

(4.18 / 5, 131 ratings)

Amateur models online
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31.01.2011, 23:21

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Scarlet seems to have changed her mind, which is nice Tongue

31.01.2011, 22:40

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

probably the best presenter @etv Smile

31.01.2011, 02:27

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

sucker wrote:Well brothers I right now see the former queen on the ETV morning show.
Yeah, I must say she looks very happy.
Maybe this is the right time (06:00-10:00) for her and us.Thumb up
No one seems to be overwhelmed.

Yes,Sucker,as you have unfortunately right.
Although there the greatest talent (since Jaya) stunted.
Pity Cry

30.01.2011, 22:21

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Frst lady scarlet. I love you. very very good stockings and miniskirt. In love

29.01.2011, 18:58

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

After the first SCARLET’S show we all were full of enthusiasm. That show was considered the start of a new trend, an injection of new ideas and energy (not only from Scarlet but for all the models too) I remember how many comments in these pages , suggestions, and remarks.
The following events have frozen the enthusiasm of all Scarlet fans. So I’m very surprised that she has got a new chance next Monday. I wonder how it will be. I’m expecting a very interesting show ( I do not mean she will be back to hot model: I do not think and I do not care).
A show very different from the other model shows: not worse nor better: just different. Because she is unique.
I just have to hope in a good connection to the web
And I just hope , the day after, to read here comments and critics on her performances, and nothing else. no further block of the thread.

29.01.2011, 14:38

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

sucker wrote:Well brothers I right now see the former queen on the ETV morning show.
Yeah, I must say she looks very happy.
Maybe this is the right time (06:00-10:00) for her and us.Thumb up
No one seems to be overwhelmed.

Yeap,it`s the right time for her status.

25.01.2011, 11:48

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Strange women. I mean Scarlet. We all remember her long path from a soft model to a warm and hot model. She did it! First we caught her oppses, we waited her night shift and were happy seeing her handbra. She became our Queen. The first place in the rate list proved it. What happened after her long break? She says that there are many her pictures 'places where they shouldn't be' and "it is not good". What a problem! In internet there are thousand thousands photos of world movie and show stars. Why it is not a problem of your friend Mashiara, young Lin, Lia, Gizelle, Amy and adult Athina and even Gia. We saw you enjoyed showing your perfect body. To watch you in black bra all night show among 6 naked models is sad and ridiculous. Return Our Scarlet. Make us happy.

24.01.2011, 22:22

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Welcome to the scarlet
I've missed you so much

21.01.2011, 13:44

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

gudiwie wrote:@ vogue

you serious ?

Scarlet soft has more charm, as some model naked in the night show
Nudity is not everything

but this is erotic tv, no fashion channel. if you wanna see beautiful charming dressed girls watch FTV.

21.01.2011, 13:41

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

@ vogue

you serious ?

Scarlet soft has more charm, as some model naked in the night show
Nudity is not everything

21.01.2011, 11:09

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
rialpka wrote:I hope that a part of this price is for SCARLET ...


ooops! ...
I thought 'rialpka' was agreeing with me --- I misread that as "I hope that price is for a part of SCARLET"
... 'all the right words but not necessarily in the right order' ... Big Grin

21.01.2011, 11:01

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

rialpka wrote:I hope that a part of this price is for SCARLET ...


21.01.2011, 10:43

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I hope that a part of this price is for SCARLET and in these conditions it is not too expensive to reward her talent and her beauty.

21.01.2011, 10:39

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I'd expect a minor body part for that sort of money ... Cool

21.01.2011, 09:32

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Beautiful photos of Scarlet may be worth a treasure
I wish you, the photos are of good quality