Violet - Discussion & Chat

2.88 (8 rating(s))

(2.88 / 5, 8 ratings)

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09.03.2009, 18:27

violet with magic legs

violet now on etv have wonderfull legs wow i love her alot enjoy

09.02.2009, 19:27

Re: where is violet ?????????????

i think i saw Violet few days ago. That's everything what i know :|

09.02.2009, 19:22

where is violet ?????????????

i want to know where is violet? and why some modeles appear every day and others not appear just 1 or 2 days no system no apertiation to us ?????

06.11.2008, 15:41

Re: where is violet this week

@ bellerophon:

I wrote "UltraViolet".

First days she was simply Violet, after that episode she became our favourite Ultra. :))))

Anyway, yesterday scene was just replied some minutes ago.

And I think Sugar is a friend of her after all.

THX 4 video, nice to see Alora on the couch too.

06.11.2008, 13:46

Re: where is violet this week

The hottest spot UltraViolet has ever done.


06.11.2008, 07:51

Re: where is violet this week

Violet stockings with Madlen - changed soundtrack

[hidden link - please register]
2:28 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 31.8 MB
as @ bellerophon said and to misquote Pink Floyd

as in "careful with that ice Eugene" AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHH !!!!!!!!

Carmen Elsa and Mimosa in the background listening to something else.

@DB don‘t get too excited on my account, I to am sorry to hear that you have been having a few bad days, this won‘t improve your condition much .....

gute Besserung en spoedig beterschap from me

05.11.2008, 17:06

Re: where is violet this week

my friend did you record this shwo?

05.11.2008, 00:28

Re: please any one reply

oh my god she was very sexy and attractive please any one have another sciene to this shwo send it to me please

04.11.2008, 23:51

Re: please any one reply

thank you very much my friend elmo alaways you rich where others cant

04.11.2008, 20:33

Re: please any one reply

yes she was, and did this for the next few hours

[hidden link - please register]
6:01 min 640*480 H.264 mp4 34.5 MB

Violet with Jessy and Chary

04.11.2008, 20:05

please any one reply

how are you my friends please iwant to know if violet was in the shwo today or not and the time because iwas in my work outside i was so busy today for sorry iam veternerian

01.09.2008, 02:58

where is violet this week

iwant to know violet will come back next week or not thanks

08.05.2008, 20:44

Re: Violet - Discussion & Chat

Nice short dress for our favourite ultra, nice legs.

06.04.2008, 20:33

fuck violet foot

i love violet foot

18.03.2008, 23:03

Re: Violet - Discussion & Chat

Well, why didnt you stay in that pub and drink a few more? I also had a few and came home too early. Well even so I am gonna get some good sleep tonight because I cant stand some girls anymore presenting themselves tonight in late show. Especially this new one on etv 1. Why dont others who are new show some more skin, this one can show everything 200 times a day, what? I wouldnt notice her on a bus, like you said. On buses there are always about 50 girls who are sexier as she is. Violet when stripping is much more beautiful, but she doesnt do anything. What is the point of this? Because stupid people are still calling her to do something. I dont mean to apologize to anyone, because that is one simple fact. And all the guilt is on managers who allow this nonsense to continue. I am not attacking any viewer pesonally I am only furioous on this team, that cheats such big popularity of people, coming maybe home from work to relax in watching something nice, and what do they get??? A combination of doing nothing with some hot fat girls show and of course a lot of footshows from some nice girls. Thanks but no thanks. Jaya please come in rescue...Soon!!!